Address on the Production and Trade of Australia by FORREST,…

Address on the Production and Trade of Australia by FORREST, Sir John. < >
  • Another image of Address on the Production and Trade of Australia by FORREST, Sir John.
  • Another image of Address on the Production and Trade of Australia by FORREST, Sir John.
  • Another image of Address on the Production and Trade of Australia by FORREST, Sir John.
  • Another image of Address on the Production and Trade of Australia by FORREST, Sir John.

Address on the Production and Trade of Australia Delivered at a Meeting of the Australasian Chamber of Commerce in London....

London: Not Identified, 1906. A reprint of an address by Sir John Forrest. Reprinted from the Australian Trading World. Soft brown covers. These are quite chipped with significant loss to the edges (but all text is present). Internally clean and tidy throughout, if fractionally darkened. 210 by 140mm (8¼ by 5½ inches). Conforms to FirstSearch / OCLC: 216601857. Sir John Forrest (1847–1918) was an Australian explorer and politician. He was the first premier of Western Australia (1890–1901) and a long-serving cabinet minister in federal politics. At the time of this address, he was the Treasurer of the federal government.

. Réimpression d'un discours de Sir John Forrest. Réimpression de l'Australian Trading World. Couvertures souples de couleur marron. Celles-ci sont assez ébréchées avec une perte significative sur les bords (mais tout le texte est présent). L'intérieur est propre et bien rangé, même s'il est légèrement assombri. 210 x 140 mm (8¼ x 5½ pouces). Conforme à FirstSearch / OCLC : 216601857. Sir John Forrest (1847-1918) était un explorateur et un homme politique australien. Il fut le premier premier ministre de l'Australie occidentale (1890-1901) et un ministre de longue date dans la politique fédérale. Au moment de cette allocution, il était trésorier du gouvernement fédéral.

Book ID: 4434
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