Coloured plates to accompany Edith the Captive and Edith Heron.
London: John Dicks, 1870. A nice collection of coloured, sepia and black and white illustrations to accompany two works. "Edith the Captive; or, the Robbers of Epping Forest" and "Edith Heron." These works were issued as Penny Dreadfuls in weekly parts. We think that part one is possible complete. It begins with "Edith carried off to a forced marriage" This was offered in 104 weekly parts and the text to the foot of the first plate states "Presented Gratis with No. 3 of the New Edition of Edith the Captive.... Each week is presented Gratis a coloured engraving." It is possible the there were also colour plates issued for parts one and two, but not certain (part works often began with a double issue). We then have plates 3-89. Mostly in full colour, but some in a single colour. This then changes, and there are plates for issues 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101103 & 104. We believe that this is a complete set, as for plate 91, the wording at the foot changes from "each week is presented gratis" to simply "presented gratis." We have here a total of 97 plates. The only other copy online with plates has a total of 60, and apparently the British Museum copy has 94 plates. The plates begin in full colour, but after several issues, the money seemed to be running out, so they alternated between colour (61) and sepia (36) plates.
The second part of our volume is the plates to accompany "Edith Heron. the Sequel to Edith the captive." This was also supplied to the public in 104 weekly parts. Here we open with a large folding plate (33cm x 49cm) showing the reunion of Edith and Captain Heron. This states that it is issued with parts one and two. Then follow plates 3-104. As with the first volume, the footnote states that it is "presented gratis each week." Plate eight is quite damaged, with tears and loss, Plate nine has a chunk of plate 8 stuck to it!. The rest are in very good condition. There is a stain to the corner of some pages. Sadly, we lack plate 31 from this collection. The publishers started with good intentions, and the first parts alternated between colour, sepia and black and white illustrations in this set. As with volume one, it would seem that the money soon ran out, as they soon turned solely to black and white. In "Edith Heron" are 7 colour, 16 sepia and 76 black and white plates. (99 total). The book as a whole contains 196 plates.
A curious ensemble. The famous Jack Shepherd makes an appearance in the first volume, Jonathan Wild (famous as both a thief taker and head of a criminal enterprise) is a regular foe of the Heron's, as does Tom Ripon the highwayman. A fabulous collection of coloured illustrations of outlaws, brigands, and the highwayman of Epping Forest. 24cm x 32 cm. leather spine with marbled boards. Somewhat rubbed and worn, but still holding well. Please note - this is a collection of the illustrations for the weekly parts. It does not contain the text of the stories.