European Travel & Exploration

  • Category = European Travel & Exploration
  • 8 lovely lithographs and a map of a long gone Swiss lakeside house and grounds
    8 Lithographs et carte for Fraid-Aigue, Saint Prex, Vaud by [ANON]
    8 Lithographs et carte for Fraid-Aigue, Saint Prex, Vaud

    Paris: Thierry Fréres, 1840. Pale blue boards, with buckram spine. Illustration of a Gothic chapel to the front board. The boards are a little marked and stained, particularly to the back board. Inside are 8 lithographs and an estate plan of Fraidaigue (or Fraid-augue). Fraidaigue (Route de Morges 21). This was a country house in the form of a neo-Gothic chapel built in 1831 for the Dutch-born general Hendryk van Oyen, who previously owned La Gordanne near Perroy. This building was replaced in 1904 by a wealthy villa designed by architects Alphonse Laverrière and Eugène Monod. The lithographs and map are in excellent condition. with a little foxing to the borders only. The plates are drawn from nature by…


    Paris: Thierry Fréres, 1840. Pale blue boards, with buckram spine. Illustration of a Gothic chapel to the front board. The boards are a little marked and stained, particularly to the back board. Inside are 8 lithographs and an estate plan of Fraidaigue (or Fraid-augue). Fraidaigue (Route de Morges 21). This was a country house in the form of a neo-Gothic chapel built in 1831 for the Dutch-born general Hendryk van Oyen, who previously owned La Gordanne near Perroy. This building was replaced in 1904 by a wealthy villa designed by architects Alphonse Laverrière and Eugène Monod. The lithographs and map are in excellent condition. with a little foxing to the borders only. The plates are drawn from nature by Zélie Vachon. They are deliniated by Jean-Jacques Champin (1796 - 1860), and lithographed by Thierry frères of Paris. Copies of the lithographs are held in the Musée d'art et d'histoire de la Ville de Genève. Here they are dated to the first half of the Nineteenth Century. The house/ chapel was located just outside St Prex, on the Geneva-Lausanne road (now Route de Morges). 9 leaves, printed to recto only. One folding. 350 x 290 mm (13¾ x 11½ inches).

    . Carton bleu pâle, dos en bougran. Illustration d'une chapelle gothique sur le premier plat. Les planches sont un peu marquées et tachées, en particulier au dos. A l'intérieur se trouvent 8 lithographies et un plan de succession de Fraidaigue (ou Fraid-augue). Fraidaigue (Route de Morges 21). Il s'agit d'une maison de campagne en forme de chapelle néogothique construite en 1831 pour le général d'origine hollandaise Hendryk van Oyen, qui possédait auparavant La Gordanne près de Perroy. Ce bâtiment a été remplacé en 1904 par une villa cossue conçue par les architectes Alphonse Laverrière et Eugène Monod. Les lithographies et la carte sont en excellent état, avec quelques rousseurs sur les bordures seulement. Les planches sont dessinées d'après nature par Zélie Vachon. Elles sont dessinées par Jean-Jacques Champin (1796 - 1860), et lithographiées par Thierry frères de Paris. Des copies des lithographies sont conservées au Musée d'art et d'histoire de la Ville de Genève. Elles y sont datées de la première moitié du XIXe siècle. La maison/chapelle était située juste à l'extérieur de St Prex, sur la route Genève-Lausanne (aujourd'hui route de Morges). 9 feuilles, imprimées au recto seulement. Un dépliant. 350 x 290 mm.

    Book ID: 4207
    View basket More details Price: £475.00
  • A los Toros. Album compuesto de 28 acuarelas orginales del reputado pintor de escenas taurinas by PEREA, Daniel
    PEREA, Daniel
    A los Toros. Album compuesto de 28 acuarelas orginales del reputado pintor de escenas taurinas

    Barcelona: Hermenegildo Miralles, 1894. A nice copy of the first edition of this bull fighting work. It has been restored at some point, with a new cloth spine. Rubbing to the edges of the covers with slight loss to the surface image. Several of the initial pages have had their edges repaired with archival tape, and some of the tissue guards to the front are creased. Leaves are a little handled, with some marking to them. This is one of the copies with a lithograph as a front board (pasted down to the hardback) rather than cloth. Every copy we can find online lists 27 lithographs. The 28th mentioned in the title seems to be the cover. This copy…


    Barcelona: Hermenegildo Miralles, 1894. A nice copy of the first edition of this bull fighting work. It has been restored at some point, with a new cloth spine. Rubbing to the edges of the covers with slight loss to the surface image. Several of the initial pages have had their edges repaired with archival tape, and some of the tissue guards to the front are creased. Leaves are a little handled, with some marking to them. This is one of the copies with a lithograph as a front board (pasted down to the hardback) rather than cloth. Every copy we can find online lists 27 lithographs. The 28th mentioned in the title seems to be the cover. This copy is complete with the 4 pages with scores with coloured illustrations and borders. The artworks are by Daniel Perea (1836-1909), illustrator and the artistic director of the famous bullfighting magazine "La Lidia." Each lithograph is accompanied by a sheet with explanatory texts in Spanish, English and French. 270 by 360mm (10¾ by 14¼ inches).

    , Un bel exemplaire de la première édition de cet ouvrage sur la tauromachie. Il a été restauré à un moment donné, avec un nouveau dos en tissu. Les bords des couvertures sont frottés et la surface de l'image est légèrement abîmée. Les bords de plusieurs pages initiales ont été réparés avec du ruban adhésif d'archivage, et certaines des protections en tissu au recto sont plissées. Les feuilles sont un peu manipulées et portent quelques marques. Il s'agit d'un des exemplaires avec une lithographie en guise de couverture (collée à la couverture cartonnée) plutôt qu'en tissu. Tous les exemplaires que nous avons pu trouver en ligne mentionnent 27 lithographies. La 28e mentionnée dans le titre semble être la couverture. Cet exemplaire est complet des 4 pages de partitions avec des illustrations en couleur et des bordures. Les œuvres sont de Daniel Perea (1836-1909), illustrateur et directeur artistique de la célèbre revue taurine "La Lidia". Chaque lithographie est accompagnée d'un feuillet avec des textes explicatifs en espagnol, anglais et français. 270 x 360 mm.

    Book ID: 4601
    View basket More details Price: £350.00
  • A Water colour of a forest scene by [ANON]
    A Water colour of a forest scene

    France: N/A, 1850. A beautifully executed water colour of a forest scene, with two women gathering herbs in the middle ground. Signed indistinctly, we have been unable to identify the signature (but have attached a photograph of this in close up). The painting is in excellent condition. Clean and tidy, without any marks, Under a slightly darkened and slightly marked card Passepartout. The hidden edges of the painting show the workings of the artist nicely. Blank and clean to the verso. Although it has not been identified, the painting is French and dates from the mid-19th century. The painting is 21cm x 34cm. The card surround is 35cm x 47.5cm.

    . Une aquarelle magnifiquement exécutée d'une scène de…


    France: N/A, 1850. A beautifully executed water colour of a forest scene, with two women gathering herbs in the middle ground. Signed indistinctly, we have been unable to identify the signature (but have attached a photograph of this in close up). The painting is in excellent condition. Clean and tidy, without any marks, Under a slightly darkened and slightly marked card Passepartout. The hidden edges of the painting show the workings of the artist nicely. Blank and clean to the verso. Although it has not been identified, the painting is French and dates from the mid-19th century. The painting is 21cm x 34cm. The card surround is 35cm x 47.5cm.

    . Une aquarelle magnifiquement exécutée d'une scène de forêt, avec deux femmes cueillant des herbes au centre. Signée de façon indistincte, nous n'avons pas été en mesure d'identifier la signature (mais vous trouverez ci-joint une photographie de celle-ci en gros plan). Le tableau est en excellent état. Propre et net, sans aucune marque, sous une carte Passepartout légèrement assombrie et légèrement marquée. Les bords cachés du tableau montrent bien le travail de l'artiste. Le verso est vierge et propre. Bien qu'elle ne soit pas identifiée, la peinture est française et date du milieu du XIXe siècle. Le tableau mesure 21 cm x 34 cm. L'entourage de la carte mesure 35 cm x 47,5 cm.

    Book ID: 4829
    View basket More details Price: £150.00
  • Amsterdam met d'uytlegging van 't yaer 1613 by COMMELIN, Casparus
    COMMELIN, Casparus
    Amsterdam met d'uytlegging van 't yaer 1613

    Commelin, 1693. [Amsterdam and surroundings]. "Amsterdam met d'uytlegging van 't Jaer 1613". Engraved bird's eye plan, coat of arms of Amsterdam and the city seal, many ships in the foreground. Contemporary hand colouring. 275 x 365 mm. From DAPPER (1663), VON ZESEN (1664) or COMMELIN (1693). See Hameleers 62; D'Ailly 129. The map is somewhat darkened, and has creasing to the middle. A couple of pinholes to the crease. Overall an attractive item. Under a passepartout. (This a little marked and dirty). 435 x 520 mm.

    . [Amsterdam et ses environs]. "Amsterdam met d'uytlegging van 't Jaer 1613". Plan à vol d'oiseau gravé, armoiries d'Amsterdam et sceau de la ville, nombreux navires au premier plan, coloriage à la…


    Commelin, 1693. [Amsterdam and surroundings]. "Amsterdam met d'uytlegging van 't Jaer 1613". Engraved bird's eye plan, coat of arms of Amsterdam and the city seal, many ships in the foreground. Contemporary hand colouring. 275 x 365 mm. From DAPPER (1663), VON ZESEN (1664) or COMMELIN (1693). See Hameleers 62; D'Ailly 129. The map is somewhat darkened, and has creasing to the middle. A couple of pinholes to the crease. Overall an attractive item. Under a passepartout. (This a little marked and dirty). 435 x 520 mm.

    . [Amsterdam et ses environs]. "Amsterdam met d'uytlegging van 't Jaer 1613". Plan à vol d'oiseau gravé, armoiries d'Amsterdam et sceau de la ville, nombreux navires au premier plan, coloriage à la main contemporain. 275 x 365 mm. De DAPPER (1663), VON ZESEN (1664) ou COMMELIN (1693). Voir Hameleers 62 ; D'Ailly 129. La carte est quelque peu assombrie et présente des plis au milieu. Quelques trous d'épingle au niveau de la pliure. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'un bel objet. Sous un passepartout. (Celui-ci est un peu marqué et sale). 435 x 520 mm.

    Book ID: 4522
    View basket More details Price: £375.00
  • An Inaugural Lecture on the Utility of Anglo-Saxon Literature. by INGRAM, Rev. James
    INGRAM, Rev. James
    An Inaugural Lecture on the Utility of Anglo-Saxon Literature. To which is added the Geography of Europe by King Alfred, including his Account of the Discovery of the North Cape in the Ninth Century.

    Oxford University Press, 1807. First edition. Original stiff card boards. Ex-library copy with label to front paste down and a couple of discrete library stamps. viii, 1-112 pp. With engraved map of two voyages to the Baltic. Some copies include an additional folding map, but Copac states that this is dated 1808 and suggests that this was in subsequent editions. The boards are a little darkened. Rubbing and chipping to the spine with a little loss. Binding holding well. Internally clean and tidy, Slight darkening to title page edges. No marks other than library stamps. Overall a very good example. 290 x 230 mm (11½ x 9 inches). Copac ref. 19331769
    "The geography of Europe; extracted from King Alfred's…


    Oxford University Press, 1807. First edition. Original stiff card boards. Ex-library copy with label to front paste down and a couple of discrete library stamps. viii, 1-112 pp. With engraved map of two voyages to the Baltic. Some copies include an additional folding map, but Copac states that this is dated 1808 and suggests that this was in subsequent editions. The boards are a little darkened. Rubbing and chipping to the spine with a little loss. Binding holding well. Internally clean and tidy, Slight darkening to title page edges. No marks other than library stamps. Overall a very good example. 290 x 230 mm (11½ x 9 inches). Copac ref. 19331769
    "The geography of Europe; extracted from King Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius" (p. [57]-90). "Notes on the first chapter of the first book of Ælfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius. By Mr. J. R. Forster" (p. [91]-112)

    Book ID: 2206
    View basket More details Price: £150.00
  • Analyses of New Voyages and Travels, lately published in London. by CARR, John.
    CARR, John.
    Analyses of New Voyages and Travels, lately published in London. Two abstracts from "A Northern Summer" and "A Tour through Holland."

    London: 1806. Two works bound as one. Both first editions. The first is an abstract of "A Northern Summer; Or, Travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and part of Germany in the year 1804" 80, [ii]. pp. Includes index, Sepia aquatint of Cronberg Castle (Kronborg Castle), and a lovely large folding sepia Aquatint of St. Petersburg.
    The second work is "A Tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the South of Germany in the Summer and Autumn of 1806." 167 [ii]. pp including index. Includes 6 folding sepia aquatint illustrations, or Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam (x2) Utrecht, and Koblenz.
    Each work has a paragraph of introduction, and then an…


    London: 1806. Two works bound as one. Both first editions. The first is an abstract of "A Northern Summer; Or, Travels round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and part of Germany in the year 1804" 80, [ii]. pp. Includes index, Sepia aquatint of Cronberg Castle (Kronborg Castle), and a lovely large folding sepia Aquatint of St. Petersburg.
    The second work is "A Tour through Holland, along the right and left banks of the Rhine, to the South of Germany in the Summer and Autumn of 1806." 167 [ii]. pp including index. Includes 6 folding sepia aquatint illustrations, or Rotterdam, The Hague, Amsterdam (x2) Utrecht, and Koblenz.
    Each work has a paragraph of introduction, and then an abstract or digest of the work itself. Recent half calf binding, with hardcover boards. burgundy label to spine. New end papers. The text itself is clean and tidy, in excellent condition. 240 x 150 mm (9½ x 6 inches).

    Book ID: 2196
    View basket More details Price: £350.00
  • Belgien 1915. Ein Skizzenbuch von Luigi Kasimir. by KASIMIR, Luigi
    KASIMIR, Luigi
    Belgien 1915. Ein Skizzenbuch von Luigi Kasimir. Text von Fedor von Zobeltitz.

    München: Franz Hanfstaengl, 1915. First edition in publisher's original hardback. Fascinating images of Belgium's early 20th century architecture - from sketches by Luigi Kasimir; often referred to as The Master European Printmaker. Illustrated with frontispiece, 29 full-page plates, and some in-text illustrations. German text by Fedor von Zobeltitz. All full-page plates have captioned tissue guards. Cities: Brussels, Antwerp, Bruges, Ghent, Louvain and Mechelen. Pictorial boards are somewhat age toned and bumped at the edges. The ribbon ties are still attached, but front ones are broken. Lacks slipcase. Inside excellent. 39, [1] + 29 plates. 340 x 260 mm (13½ x 10¼ inches).

    Book ID: 3639
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Bishop Burnet's Travels Through France, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland: by BURNET, Bishop Gilbert
    BURNET, Bishop Gilbert
    Bishop Burnet's Travels Through France, Italy, Germany, and Switzerland: describing their Religion, Learning, Government, Customs, Natural History, Trade &c.

    London: T. Payne at Horace's Head, 1750. First Thus. In contemporary full calf binding. With red title label to spine. Binding is rubbed to corners and label partially rubbed away. Includes called for short account of the character of the Bishop, table of contents, and ends with with an advertising leaf. Written by the Bishop to the Honourable Robert Boyle. Title page in red and black text, age toned to edges. Neat ink. Overall good. xxiv, 310 [2] pp. 160 x 110 mm (6¼ x 4¼ inches).

    Book ID: 4688
    View basket More details Price: £100.00
  • Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau by An Old Man [HEAD, Francis Bond].
    An Old Man [HEAD, Francis Bond].
    Bubbles from the Brunnens of Nassau

    Edition: First Edition

    London: John Murray: 1834. First edition. Bound in recent half morocco with gilt titles to the spine and marbled boards. Half title. Engraved frontis. Title, preface, 10 plates (including frontis). A guide to the author's travels through the "bathing resorts and fountains in the Duchy of Nassau" and his trip to Mainz. 376 pages. The binding is recent, and is in good, clean condition without flaws. There is darkening to the title page and a little staining to the verso of the frontis. Otherwise in good, if slightly darkened condition. 190 x 120 mm (7½ x 4¾ inches). 376 pp

    Book ID: 2009
    View basket More details Price: £95.00
  • Christian Researches in the Mediterranean. by JOWETT, Rev. William
    JOWETT, Rev. William
    Christian Researches in the Mediterranean. From MDCCCVXV to MDCCCXX. In furtherance of the objects of the Church Missionary Society.

    Edition: First Edition

    London: R. Watts, L.B. Seeley, and J. Hatchard, 1822. First edition. New half leather binding with marbled boards. Burgundy labels and gilt titles. Stamp for the library of the "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Lands." Hand coloured map of the Mediterranean as a frontis. A lovely copy of this work. The new binding is in an immaculate state. Clean and tidy without flaws. The frontis map is also in beautiful condition. The text itself is clean and tidy, without marks. Fractional darkening to the closed page edges. viii, [viii], 1-454 pp

    Book ID: 1506
    View basket More details Price: £250.00
  • Costumes Suisses. by LASSALLE, L.
    Costumes Suisses.

    Edition: First Edition

    Genève: S. Morel, 1850. First Edition. Concertina-type booklet (leporello) with 22 hand-coloured lithographs, depicting groups of people in their environment in the clothing of their cantons. Above and below the lithographs: the names of the cantons and their coats of arms. The lithographs are mounted on accordion-folded cardboard in a cover, inserted into a case with lithographed title vignette. Each vignette measures 9.5 x 5.5 cm. The whole (opened) is 9.5 x 123 cm. The case is scuffed and shows age wear. Loss of paper at top and bottom of the left-hand edge. The cover has paper loss at head and tail of spine. The leporello has a tiny hole in the top margin of the first print, not…


    Genève: S. Morel, 1850. First Edition. Concertina-type booklet (leporello) with 22 hand-coloured lithographs, depicting groups of people in their environment in the clothing of their cantons. Above and below the lithographs: the names of the cantons and their coats of arms. The lithographs are mounted on accordion-folded cardboard in a cover, inserted into a case with lithographed title vignette. Each vignette measures 9.5 x 5.5 cm. The whole (opened) is 9.5 x 123 cm. The case is scuffed and shows age wear. Loss of paper at top and bottom of the left-hand edge. The cover has paper loss at head and tail of spine. The leporello has a tiny hole in the top margin of the first print, not affecting the artwork. The last print has some paper loss at the top (not affecting the artwork). 95 x 55 mm (3¾ x 2¼ inches). Livret de type concertina (leporello) avec 22 lithographies coloriées à la main, représentant des groupes de personnes dans leur environnement dans les vêtements de leurs cantons. Au-dessus et au-dessous des lithographies : les noms des cantons et leurs armoiries. Les lithographies sont montées sur carton plié en accordéon dans une couverture, insérée dans un étui avec vignette de titre lithographiée. Chaque vignette mesure 9,5 x 5,5 cm. L'ensemble (ouvert) mesure 9,5 x 123 cm. Le boîtier est éraflé et montre une usure du temps. Perte de papier en haut et en bas du bord gauche. La couverture présente un manque de papier en tête et en queue du dos. Le leporello a un petit trou dans la marge supérieure de la première impression, n'affectant pas l'œuvre d'art. La dernière impression a une perte de papier en haut (n'affectant pas l'œuvre d'art). 95 x 55 mm (3¾ x 2¼ inches).

    Book ID: 1938
    View basket More details Price: £400.00
  • De opmaat tot de Opstand: Zeeland en het centraal gezag (1566-1572) by ROOZE-STOUTHAMER, C.
    De opmaat tot de Opstand: Zeeland en het centraal gezag (1566-1572)

    Hilversum: Verloren BV, 2009. Hardcover eerste druk. Auteur gesigneerde opdracht aan het lokaal historisch genootschap te Tholen, op de titelpagina. In prima staat. Er is een kleine inktstempel van de plaatselijke geschiedenisvereniging bij de opdracht van de auteur op de titelpagina. Verder smetteloos exemplaar. 266 pagina's. 245 x 165 mm (9¾ x 6½ inch).

    Book ID: 2666
    View basket More details Price: £35.00
  • De twee groote Synagogen der Hoogduitsche Jooden by TIRION, Isaak
    TIRION, Isaak
    De twee groote Synagogen der Hoogduitsche Jooden en het Oude-Zyds-Huiszitten-Aalmoesseniers-Huis van agteren, in 't verschie

    1765. An attractive view of the synagogues in Amsterdam, by Isaak Tirion after Jan de Beijer. Published by Isaak Tirion as part of Jan de Wanenaar's "Amsterdam in its rise, growth, histories,..," ("Amsterdam in zyne opkomst, aanwas, geschiedenissen,.etc.,"). engraved area is 21cm x 38cm. Page is 43cm x 51cm. First edition. Also elsewhere attributed to the publisher Fouquet as part of his Atlas Van Fouquet. However, the dimensions of the plate and page make the Tirion edition correct.

    Book ID: 4306
    View basket More details Price: £200.00
  • De Vernieuwde Waag op Den Dam. New Weigh House on The Dam Square, Amsterdam. by CONRADI, Peter and PLAATS, V. v.d.
    CONRADI, Peter and PLAATS, V. v.d.
    De Vernieuwde Waag op Den Dam. New Weigh House on The Dam Square, Amsterdam.

    Amsterdam: Pierre Fouquet Jr, 1787. An attractive engraving of the Weigh House, but also the crowd in front, which shows merchants and pedestrians. Plate originates from: Nieuwe atlas, van de voornaamste gebouwen en gezigten der stad Amsterdam, met derzelver beknopte beschryvingen. Translation: New Atlas of the most important buildings and views of Amsterdam, including their short descriptions. Pierre Fouquet Jr. published in Amsterdam 1760-1805. Printed area 280 mm x 380 mm. Sheet is 390 mm x 460 mm. The sheet is sound, but has a crease down the centre where folded, and has some marking, darkening and staining to the edges. Still an attractive copy of an uncommon engraving. Published by artist and art dealer Pierre Fouquet Jr. (1729-1800).…


    Amsterdam: Pierre Fouquet Jr, 1787. An attractive engraving of the Weigh House, but also the crowd in front, which shows merchants and pedestrians. Plate originates from: Nieuwe atlas, van de voornaamste gebouwen en gezigten der stad Amsterdam, met derzelver beknopte beschryvingen. Translation: New Atlas of the most important buildings and views of Amsterdam, including their short descriptions. Pierre Fouquet Jr. published in Amsterdam 1760-1805. Printed area 280 mm x 380 mm. Sheet is 390 mm x 460 mm. The sheet is sound, but has a crease down the centre where folded, and has some marking, darkening and staining to the edges. Still an attractive copy of an uncommon engraving. Published by artist and art dealer Pierre Fouquet Jr. (1729-1800). The first series of 10 townscapes having been issued in 1760-61 engraved by Paul van Liender and Simon Fokke after the drawings by the well known engraver of town and landscapes Jan de Beyer, followed in 1764-68 by a series of 12 views by Caspar Philips Jacobsz, who also engraved the plates after J. de Vlaaming in 1768-69. 73 plates are undated, 59 of which are by H. Schoute who never dated his engravings and seldom signed them. Other artists who contributed to the Atlas are C. Bogerts after H. Keun., J. van der Schley after P.R. van Dijk and Coppier and Simon Fokke after six more drawings by Jan de Beyer.

    . Une belle gravure de la Balance, mais aussi de la foule qui se trouve devant, où l'on voit des marchands et des piétons. La plaque provient de : Nieuwe atlas, van de voornaamste gebouwen en gezigten der stad Amsterdam, met derzelver beknopte beschryvingen. Traduction : Nouvel atlas des bâtiments et des vues les plus importants d'Amsterdam, avec leur description succincte. Pierre Fouquet Jr. publié à Amsterdam 1760-1805. Surface imprimée 280 mm x 380 mm. La feuille mesure 390 mm x 460 mm. La feuille est saine, mais présente un pli au centre à l'endroit où elle a été pliée, ainsi que des marques, des assombrissements et des taches sur les bords. Il s'agit néanmoins d'un bel exemplaire d'une gravure peu commune. Publiée par l'artiste et marchand d'art Pierre Fouquet Jr (1729-1800). La première série de 10 paysages urbains a été publiée en 1760-61, gravée par Paul van Liender et Simon Fokke d'après les dessins du célèbre graveur de villes et de paysages Jan de Beyer, suivie en 1764-68 d'une série de 12 vues par Caspar Philips Jacobsz, qui a également gravé les planches d'après J. de Vlaaming en 1768-69. 73 planches ne sont pas datées, dont 59 par H. Schoute qui ne datait jamais ses gravures et les signait rarement. D'autres artistes ont contribué à l'Atlas : C. Bogerts d'après H. Keun, J. van der Schley d'après P.R. van Dijk et Coppier et Simon Fokke d'après six autres dessins de Jan de Beyer.

    Book ID: 4300
    View basket More details Price: £125.00
  • Douglas Gordon k.364. A journey by train. by Douglas Gordon 42662
    Douglas Gordon 42662
    Douglas Gordon k.364. A journey by train.

    London: Gagosian Gallery, 2011. Spiral-bound softcover in slipcase. This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition Douglas Gordon: k.364 at Gagosian, Britannia Street, London. Gordon`s film k.364 documents two Israeli musicians of Polish descent (Avri Levitan and Roi Shiloah) traveling from Berlin to Poland by train. Shown on two screens and with layered sound, the film follows the two men through a desolate landscape in a country whose tragic and violent history is barely resolved for them. Gordon films the musicians on this personal journey, isolating intimate moments at which their passionate love of music seems to move between them. The publication features stills from the film and installation photography from the gallery as well as reproductions…


    London: Gagosian Gallery, 2011. Spiral-bound softcover in slipcase. This book was published on the occasion of the exhibition Douglas Gordon: k.364 at Gagosian, Britannia Street, London. Gordon`s film k.364 documents two Israeli musicians of Polish descent (Avri Levitan and Roi Shiloah) traveling from Berlin to Poland by train. Shown on two screens and with layered sound, the film follows the two men through a desolate landscape in a country whose tragic and violent history is barely resolved for them. Gordon films the musicians on this personal journey, isolating intimate moments at which their passionate love of music seems to move between them. The publication features stills from the film and installation photography from the gallery as well as reproductions of ephemera from the journey" such as a rail map, filming authorization letter, and photographs of an intimate dinner"all bound with a metal spiral binding with stiff card photographic boards, and housed in a yellow card slipcase. It also includes an interview with Gordon by Michael Berkeley and an interview with Levitan and Shiloah by Gordon. The book itself is in excellent condition. The slipcase is in very good condition, with just a little bumping and marking to the bottom edge. 130pp. 300 by 240mm (11¾ by 9½ inches).

    Book ID: 3774
    View basket More details Price: £65.00
  • Erinnerung an England. Den Katholiken Deutschlands Gewidmet. by [ANON]
    Erinnerung an England. Den Katholiken Deutschlands Gewidmet. [Memories of England, dedicated to the Catholics of Germany]

    Edition: First Edition

    Munchen / Munich: 1840. Blue / grey paper covers. Sewn. Heavy rag paper. Printed in Gothic script. Woodcut illustration to the title page. Text in German throughout. An account of a tour of England. It seems mainly to have been visits to Catholics, and much of the text is commenting on religious matters. The book ends with a litany / prayer for England. 48 pp.

    Condition: The covers are clean and tidy, with just a touch of marking. Likewise, the text is clean throughout. An attractive copy.

    Book ID: 1310
    View basket More details Price: £12.00
  • Gezigt [Gezicht] op de Oude Kerk by BEIJER, Jan de.
    BEIJER, Jan de.
    Gezigt [Gezicht] op de Oude Kerk van buiten aan de Zuidzyde

    Paulus van Liender / Pierre Fouquet, 1760. First Edition. A very nice engraving of the old church in Amsterdam. Engraved by Paulus van Liender after an original by Jan de Beijer, this was originally printed in 1760. This was later re-printed by Pierre Fouquet in his "Atlas." He produced engravings from 1769, and eventually produced over 100 engravings, so that purchasers could select the prints they wanted and create their own personal collection. The attribution to Beijer / Leander is not shown on this engraving, but the image is identical to the Rijksmuseum holding: RP-P-AO-23-5 - Only the titles differ (including spelling of Gezigt / Gezigt/ This is a nice clean print, with just a couple of small marks…


    Paulus van Liender / Pierre Fouquet, 1760. First Edition. A very nice engraving of the old church in Amsterdam. Engraved by Paulus van Liender after an original by Jan de Beijer, this was originally printed in 1760. This was later re-printed by Pierre Fouquet in his "Atlas." He produced engravings from 1769, and eventually produced over 100 engravings, so that purchasers could select the prints they wanted and create their own personal collection. The attribution to Beijer / Leander is not shown on this engraving, but the image is identical to the Rijksmuseum holding: RP-P-AO-23-5 - Only the titles differ (including spelling of Gezigt / Gezigt/ This is a nice clean print, with just a couple of small marks to the sheet. good impression. The printed area is 28 cm x 38,5 cm. The sheet is 43cm by 51cm (17 by 20 inches). A touch of edgewear and darkening to the corners of the sheet only

    . Première édition. Une très belle gravure de la vieille église d'Amsterdam. Gravée par Paulus van Liender d'après un original de Jan de Beijer, elle a été imprimée à l'origine en 1760. Elle fut ensuite réimprimée par Pierre Fouquet dans son "Atlas". Il produisit des gravures à partir de 1769, et finalement plus de 100 gravures, afin que les acheteurs puissent sélectionner les gravures qu'ils souhaitaient et créer leur propre collection personnelle. L'attribution à Beijer / Leander n'est pas indiquée sur cette gravure, mais l'image est identique à celle du Rijksmuseum : RP-P-AO-23-5 - Seuls les titres diffèrent (y compris l'orthographe de Gezigt / Gezigt/ Il s'agit d'une belle gravure propre, avec seulement quelques petites marques sur la feuille. bonne impression. La surface imprimée est de 28 cm x 38,5 cm. La feuille mesure 43 cm sur 51 cm (17 sur 20 pouces). Un peu d'usure des bords et un assombrissement des coins de la feuille seulement.

    Book ID: 4291
    View basket More details Price: £125.00
  • Gezigt Langs Het Rokin, op de Nieuwe - Zyds - Kapel en Beurs by BEIJER, J. de.
    BEIJER, J. de.
    Gezigt Langs Het Rokin, op de Nieuwe - Zyds - Kapel en Beurs

    1765. Engraved by J. Folkema. An attractive view of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (built in 1611 by Hendrick de Keyser) the Nieuwezijds Kapel can be seen to the left. Engraving is 28cm x 37cm. Sheet is 43cm x 52cm. A nice clean copy, with just a touch of handling. Uncoloured.

    . Gravure de J. Folkema. Une belle vue de la Bourse d'Amsterdam (construite en 1611 par Hendrick de Keyser). On aperçoit la Nieuwezijds Kapel à gauche. La gravure mesure 28 cm x 37 cm. La feuille mesure 43 cm x 52 cm. Un bel exemplaire propre, avec juste un peu de manipulation. Non coloré.

    Book ID: 4301
    View basket More details Price: £125.00
  • Gezigt op het Stadhuis by LIENDER, Paulus van
    LIENDER, Paulus van
    Gezigt op het Stadhuis langs de noorzyde en van agteren, en op den onvolbouwden tooren der Nieuwe Kerke

    Amsterdam: Isaak Tirion, 1765. An attractive and uncommon view of the City Hall, by Liender after an anonymous artist. Published by Isaak Tirion as part of Jan de Wanenaar's "Amsterdam in its rise, growth, histories,..," ("Amsterdam in zyne opkomst, aanwas, geschiedenissen,.etc.,"). engraved area is 29cm x 37cm. Page is 43cm x 52cm. First edition. Good strong impression, and nice clean plate. A very good copy. Fractionally darkened to the edges.

    Book ID: 4307
    View basket More details Price: £125.00
  • Goldenes Mainz - Original-Radierungen by LIEBIG, Bernhard
    LIEBIG, Bernhard
    Goldenes Mainz - Original-Radierungen

    Frankfurt: M. Jacobs. First edition. Circa 1900. Twelve beautiful engravings of Mainz by Liebig. Bound in soft covers with white printed titles. Original cord ties. Handmade paper. Each of the engravings are protected by tissue guards. Good strong impressions, in excellent condition. Complete. 230 x 165 mm (9 x 6½ inches).

    Book ID: 3158
    View basket More details Price: £100.00