
  • Category = French
  • Le Pape et La Diplomatie by VEUILLOT, Louis.
    VEUILLOT, Louis.
    Le Pape et La Diplomatie

    Edition: First Edition

    Paris: Gaume Freres et J. Duprey, 1864. Original green paper covers, with owner's name to the top of the front cover. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cent. tax paid stamp to the title page. Overall in good condition. There is a little marking to the green covers, and rubbing to the paper spine, with a little loss. Internally clean and tidy throughout. Veuillot was a French Ultramontane (one who puts the authority of the Pope above all secular authority in all matters) and wrote much in support of the Papacy, and particularly criticising more Liberal Catholics of the time. Couvertures originales en papier vert, avec le nom du propriétaire en haut de la couverture avant. A la…


    Paris: Gaume Freres et J. Duprey, 1864. Original green paper covers, with owner's name to the top of the front cover. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cent. tax paid stamp to the title page. Overall in good condition. There is a little marking to the green covers, and rubbing to the paper spine, with a little loss. Internally clean and tidy throughout. Veuillot was a French Ultramontane (one who puts the authority of the Pope above all secular authority in all matters) and wrote much in support of the Papacy, and particularly criticising more Liberal Catholics of the time. Couvertures originales en papier vert, avec le nom du propriétaire en haut de la couverture avant. A la Seine Impériale Timbre et 5 cent. Timbre acquitté sur la page de titre. Globalement en bon état. Il y a une petite marque sur les couvertures vertes, et des frottements sur le dos du papier, avec un petit manque. Intérieurement propre et bien rangé. Veuillot était un ultramontain français (celui qui place l'autorité du pape au-dessus de toute autorité séculière dans tous les domaines) et a beaucoup écrit en faveur de la papauté, et en particulier en critiquant les catholiques libéraux de l'époque. 63 [ii] pp.

    Book ID: 1620
    View basket More details Price: £20.00
  • La Papaute by BUGET, P.
    BUGET, P.
    La Papaute Se vend au profit d'une bonne oeuvre

    Edition: First Edition

    Caen: Chenel, 1871. Original blue wraps, decorative titles and crest to the wraps - replicated to the title page. A couple of pages remain uncut. Overall in good condition, although there is staining and some (damp?) marking to the top edge of the covers. Very slight nicking to the edges of the wrapper. Inside generally clean and tidy throughout. Abbe Buguet was a Royalist, and traditionalist member of the church. He established a congregation to pray for the souls in Purgatory in Montligeon. He died in Rome in 1917. Enveloppements bleus originaux, titres décoratifs et écusson aux enveloppes - répliqués sur la page de titre. Quelques pages restent non coupées. Dans l'ensemble en bon état, bien qu'il y ait…


    Caen: Chenel, 1871. Original blue wraps, decorative titles and crest to the wraps - replicated to the title page. A couple of pages remain uncut. Overall in good condition, although there is staining and some (damp?) marking to the top edge of the covers. Very slight nicking to the edges of the wrapper. Inside generally clean and tidy throughout. Abbe Buguet was a Royalist, and traditionalist member of the church. He established a congregation to pray for the souls in Purgatory in Montligeon. He died in Rome in 1917. Enveloppements bleus originaux, titres décoratifs et écusson aux enveloppes - répliqués sur la page de titre. Quelques pages restent non coupées. Dans l'ensemble en bon état, bien qu'il y ait des taches et quelques marques (humidité ?) sur le bord supérieur des couvertures. Très légères entailles sur les bords de la cape. L'intérieur est généralement propre et bien rangé. L'abbé Buguet était un membre royaliste et traditionaliste de l'église. Il fonda une congrégation pour prier pour les âmes du purgatoire de Montligeon. Il mourut à Rome en 1917. 78, [ii]. pp

    Book ID: 1619
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • Les Rois et Le Pape by LAURENTIE, M.
    Les Rois et Le Pape

    Edition: First Edition

    Paris: Lagny Freres, 1860. Original olive green paper covered booklet. Owner's name to the head of the front cover. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cent. tax paid stamp to the verso of the half-title page. Also includes a 2 leaf folded advertisement for "Histoire de France" by the same author. A very nice copy. the green wrappers are clean and tidy, with just a touch of foxing. Inside, clean and tidy throughout. Laurentie was a French writer and educationalist. He was a staunch monarchist, and much of his work was produced in defence of religion. Livret original couvert de papier vert olive. Nom du propriétaire en tête de la couverture. A la Seine Impériale Timbre et 5…


    Paris: Lagny Freres, 1860. Original olive green paper covered booklet. Owner's name to the head of the front cover. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cent. tax paid stamp to the verso of the half-title page. Also includes a 2 leaf folded advertisement for "Histoire de France" by the same author. A very nice copy. the green wrappers are clean and tidy, with just a touch of foxing. Inside, clean and tidy throughout. Laurentie was a French writer and educationalist. He was a staunch monarchist, and much of his work was produced in defence of religion. Livret original couvert de papier vert olive. Nom du propriétaire en tête de la couverture. A la Seine Impériale Timbre et 5 cent. timbre fiscal au verso de la page de faux-titre. Comprend également une publicité pliée à 2 feuillets pour « Histoire de France » du même auteur. Un très bel exemplaire. les emballages verts sont propres et bien rangés, avec juste une touche de rousseur. A l'intérieur, propre et bien rangé partout. Laurentie était une écrivaine et pédagogue française. Il était un monarchiste convaincu, et une grande partie de son travail a été réalisée pour la défense de la religion. 32pp (+iv pp).

    Book ID: 1618
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • Rome by LAURENTIE, M.

    Edition: First Edition

    Paris: Lagny Freres, 1864. Original mustard paper covered booklet. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cent. tax paid stamp to the verso of the title page. Owner's signature (Mr J Williamson) to the top of the front cover. Overall in good clean condition - there is a little rubbing with some loss to the top edge of the covers, but otherwise clean and tidy. Laurentie was a French writer and educationalist. He was a staunch monarchist, and much of his work was produced in defence of religion. Livret original couvert de papier moutarde. A la Seine Impériale Timbre et 5 cent. timbre fiscal au verso de la page de titre. Signature du propriétaire (M. J Williamson) en haut…


    Paris: Lagny Freres, 1864. Original mustard paper covered booklet. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cent. tax paid stamp to the verso of the title page. Owner's signature (Mr J Williamson) to the top of the front cover. Overall in good clean condition - there is a little rubbing with some loss to the top edge of the covers, but otherwise clean and tidy. Laurentie was a French writer and educationalist. He was a staunch monarchist, and much of his work was produced in defence of religion. Livret original couvert de papier moutarde. A la Seine Impériale Timbre et 5 cent. timbre fiscal au verso de la page de titre. Signature du propriétaire (M. J Williamson) en haut du premier plat. Dans l'ensemble en bon état de propreté - il y a un peu de frottement avec quelques manques sur le bord supérieur des couvertures, mais sinon propre et bien rangé. Laurentie était une écrivaine et pédagogue française. Il était un monarchiste convaincu, et une grande partie de son travail a été réalisée pour la défense de la religion. 34pp

    Book ID: 1611
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • Rome et Le Pape by LAURENTIE, M.
    Rome et Le Pape

    Paris: E Dentu, Libraire-Editeur, 1860. Original pale green paper covered booklet. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cent. tax paid stamp to the verso of the title page. A clean and tidy copy. There is almost no marking to the covers of the work, and only a touch of foxing to the inside of the book. Overall a very nice, tidy copy. Laurentie was a French writer and educationalist. He was a staunch monarchist, and much of his work was produced in defence of religion. Livret d'origine recouvert de papier vert pâle. A la Seine Impériale Timbre et 5 cent. timbre fiscal au verso de la page de titre. Un exemplaire propre et bien rangé. Il n'y a…


    Paris: E Dentu, Libraire-Editeur, 1860. Original pale green paper covered booklet. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cent. tax paid stamp to the verso of the title page. A clean and tidy copy. There is almost no marking to the covers of the work, and only a touch of foxing to the inside of the book. Overall a very nice, tidy copy. Laurentie was a French writer and educationalist. He was a staunch monarchist, and much of his work was produced in defence of religion. Livret d'origine recouvert de papier vert pâle. A la Seine Impériale Timbre et 5 cent. timbre fiscal au verso de la page de titre. Un exemplaire propre et bien rangé. Il n'y a presque aucune trace sur les couvertures de l'ouvrage, et seulement une touche de rousseur à l'intérieur du livre. Dans l'ensemble, un très bel exemplaire bien rangé. Laurentie était une écrivaine et pédagogue française. Il était un monarchiste convaincu, et une grande partie de son travail a été réalisée pour la défense de la religion. 32pp.

    Book ID: 1610
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • Rome et Le Pape by LAURENTIE, M.
    Rome et Le Pape

    Paris: E Dentu, Libraire-Editeur, 1860. Original pale green paper covered booklet. Owner's name to the head of the front cover. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cen. tax paid stamp to the verso of the title page. A clean and tidy copy. There is a little marking to the covers of the work, and a touch of foxing to the inside of the book. Overall a nice, tidy copy. Laurentie was a French writer and educationalist. He was a staunch monarchist, and much of his work was produced in defence of religion. Livret d'origine recouvert de papier vert pâle. Nom du propriétaire en tête de la couverture avant. A le « Timbre Impérial Seine » et 5 cen.…


    Paris: E Dentu, Libraire-Editeur, 1860. Original pale green paper covered booklet. Owner's name to the head of the front cover. Has the "Timbre Imperial Seine" and 5 cen. tax paid stamp to the verso of the title page. A clean and tidy copy. There is a little marking to the covers of the work, and a touch of foxing to the inside of the book. Overall a nice, tidy copy. Laurentie was a French writer and educationalist. He was a staunch monarchist, and much of his work was produced in defence of religion. Livret d'origine recouvert de papier vert pâle. Nom du propriétaire en tête de la couverture avant. A le « Timbre Impérial Seine » et 5 cen. Cachet TTC au verso de la page de titre. Un exemplaire propre et bien rangé. Il y a une petite marque sur les couvertures de l'ouvrage, et une touche de rousseur à l'intérieur du livre. Dans l'ensemble bel exemplaire bien rangé. Laurentie était un écrivain et pédagogue français. Il était un monarchiste convaincu et une grande partie de son travail a été produit pour la défense de la religion. 32pp.

    Book ID: 1609
    View basket More details Price: £25.00
  • Dissertation Préliminaire ou Prolégomènes sur la Bible. by DU-PIN, Mre Louis Ellies.
    DU-PIN, Mre Louis Ellies.
    Dissertation Préliminaire ou Prolégomènes sur la Bible.

    Edition: First Edition

    Amsterdam: George Gallet, 1701. Original brown full leather binding. Frontis plate. Title vignettes & section headers. Two volumes in one. An essay on the Bible. The first volume deals with the Old Testament. The second with the New Testament. Attractive full page frontis plate showing the Library of Ecclesiastical Authors. The boards are a little rubbed, but overall in very nice condition. The gilt to the spine is faded, and the title is almost illegible. Internally clean and tidy throughout. A touch of darkening only. A very nice copy. Reliure pleine cuir marron d'origine. Plaque frontale. Vignettes de titre et en-têtes de section. Deux tomes en un. Un essai sur la Bible. Le premier volume traite de l'Ancien Testament.…


    Amsterdam: George Gallet, 1701. Original brown full leather binding. Frontis plate. Title vignettes & section headers. Two volumes in one. An essay on the Bible. The first volume deals with the Old Testament. The second with the New Testament. Attractive full page frontis plate showing the Library of Ecclesiastical Authors. The boards are a little rubbed, but overall in very nice condition. The gilt to the spine is faded, and the title is almost illegible. Internally clean and tidy throughout. A touch of darkening only. A very nice copy. Reliure pleine cuir marron d'origine. Plaque frontale. Vignettes de titre et en-têtes de section. Deux tomes en un. Un essai sur la Bible. Le premier volume traite de l'Ancien Testament. La seconde avec le Nouveau Testament. Jolie plaque frontale pleine page montrant la Bibliothèque des auteurs ecclésiastiques. Les planches sont un peu frottées, mais dans l'ensemble en très bon état. La dorure du dos est passée et le titre est presque illisible. Intérieurement propre et bien rangé. Une touche d'assombrissement seulement. Un très bel exemplaire.

    Book ID: 1597
    View basket More details Price: £150.00
  • A two volume work from the library of Compton Mackenzie
    L'Hermite de Londres ou Observations sur les Moeurs et Usages des Anglais au Commencement du IXIe Siecle, by JOUY, De M. De
    JOUY, De M. De
    L'Hermite de Londres ou Observations sur les Moeurs et Usages des Anglais au Commencement du IXIe Siecle, Fasiant Suite a la Collection des Moeurs Francaises De M. De Jouy, membre de L'Acadamie Francais

    Paris: Chez Pillet Aine, 1822. A two volume work. Each is half leather, with marbled boards and burgundy labels to the spines. Mixed editions. Volume one is the fourth edition from 1822. Volume two is the second edition of 1821. Each volume has the bookplate of Compton Mackenzie to the inside front board. Owner's inscription to the front end paper of each volume (B. Lumley). Each volume has an engraved frontis and there is a fold out map to volume one. Numerous vignettes throughout the works. Overall, the condition of these works is good. There is a little rubbing to the edges of the boards and leather - but no splitting or breaking. Two (of four) labels have come…


    Paris: Chez Pillet Aine, 1822. A two volume work. Each is half leather, with marbled boards and burgundy labels to the spines. Mixed editions. Volume one is the fourth edition from 1822. Volume two is the second edition of 1821. Each volume has the bookplate of Compton Mackenzie to the inside front board. Owner's inscription to the front end paper of each volume (B. Lumley). Each volume has an engraved frontis and there is a fold out map to volume one. Numerous vignettes throughout the works. Overall, the condition of these works is good. There is a little rubbing to the edges of the boards and leather - but no splitting or breaking. Two (of four) labels have come away from the spines. Internally, the books are clean and tidy with a touch of darkening to the page edges. A note with the books states that they were acquired from the library that Mackenzie left on Jethou, a small island in the Channel Islands, occupied by one tenant - which was Mackenzie from 1920-23 when he moved to Barra in the Hebrides. Ouvrage en deux tomes. Chacun est à moitié en cuir, avec des planches marbrées et des étiquettes bordeaux au dos. Éditions mixtes. Le premier volume est la quatrième édition de 1822. Le deuxième volume est la deuxième édition de 1821. Chaque volume a l'ex-libris de Compton Mackenzie sur le plat avant intérieur. Inscription du propriétaire sur le premier papier de chaque volume (B. Lumley). Chaque volume a un frontis gravé et il y a une carte dépliante pour le premier volume. Nombreuses vignettes tout au long des œuvres. Dans l'ensemble, l'état de ces œuvres est bon. Il y a un peu de frottement sur les bords des planches et du cuir - mais pas de fente ni de rupture. Deux (sur quatre) étiquettes se sont détachées des dos. À l'intérieur, les livres sont propres et bien rangés avec une touche d'assombrissement sur les bords de la page. Une note avec les livres indique qu'ils ont été acquis de la bibliothèque que Mackenzie a laissée sur Jethou, une petite île des Îles de la Manche, occupée par un locataire - qui était Compton Mackenzie de 1920 à 23 lorsqu'il a déménagé à Barra dans les Hébrides.

    Book ID: 1537
    View basket More details Price: £80.00
  • A little backtracking from the Emperor.
    DECRET Porte Par le Conseil de Namur fur Requete du Conseiller Procureur General d'icelui tendante a lassupression de l'imprime aiant pout titre, by JOSEPH II, Emperor.
    JOSEPH II, Emperor.
    DECRET Porte Par le Conseil de Namur fur Requete du Conseiller Procureur General d'icelui tendante a lassupression de l'imprime aiant pout titre, Damnation & Probibitio libri germanico idiomate editi, cui titulus, Was ist der Pabst, (Qu'est - ce que le Pape?)

    Edition: First Edition

    Namur: Chez Lafontaine, 1787. Two broadsheets / decrees from the Emperor Joseph II. Both are single sheets, printed to one side. Each has a woodcut vignette to the top edge. The first, is a decree, condemning the Papal Bull Damnatio & Prohibitio libri Germanic idiomate editi, cui titulus, Was ist der Pabst. The second proclamation from Emperor Joseph II, published 5 months later, making it clear that despite his earlier decree, there is no disagreement with the Bull's content. His decrees "Concerns only the form and the distribution on the said Bull". Both of the decrees are a little darkened, with a touch of nicking to the edges. Overall in sound condition. Produced in the Austrian Netherlands. Belgium (as…


    Namur: Chez Lafontaine, 1787. Two broadsheets / decrees from the Emperor Joseph II. Both are single sheets, printed to one side. Each has a woodcut vignette to the top edge. The first, is a decree, condemning the Papal Bull Damnatio & Prohibitio libri Germanic idiomate editi, cui titulus, Was ist der Pabst. The second proclamation from Emperor Joseph II, published 5 months later, making it clear that despite his earlier decree, there is no disagreement with the Bull's content. His decrees "Concerns only the form and the distribution on the said Bull". Both of the decrees are a little darkened, with a touch of nicking to the edges. Overall in sound condition. Produced in the Austrian Netherlands. Belgium (as it is now known) was ruled by the Habsburgs for most of the Eighteenth century, before being annexed by the French in 1795. A native of the Southern Netherlands, Josef Sebastian Valentine Eybel (1741-1805) was an enlightenment writer and political appointee. Originally intended as a Jesuit, he became a civil servant, and author of religious texts. He was the anonymous author of Was ist der Pabst / papst - in which he challenged the supremacy of the Pope. 320 x 200 mm (12½ x 7¾ inches).

    Book ID: 1412
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • An interesting account of the French Missions to convert the Native Americans and the Hindus.
    Asia et Amerique, ou Tableau Interessant by [ANON]
    Asia et Amerique, ou Tableau Interessant de la Religion, des Moeurs, usages et coutumes diverses des populations de ces deux parties du monde. Avec gravures

    Edition: First Edition

    Paris: Lehuby: 1842. quarter tan leather with brown boards. gilt titles and decorations to the spine. Now covered in removable archival film. All edges gilt. Yellow end papers. Contemporary gift inscription to the end paper. half title carries the approval of Cardinal Prince de Croy. Three engraved plates (frontis and two further) and an engraved title page. There is a little rubbing to the boards, but overall the spine and boards are in good bright shape. the front end paper has a nick to the top corner. The rest of this book is in good condition, slightly darkened to the page edges. The frontis plate is still holding well, but is in danger of becoming detached (slightly loose to the…


    Paris: Lehuby: 1842. quarter tan leather with brown boards. gilt titles and decorations to the spine. Now covered in removable archival film. All edges gilt. Yellow end papers. Contemporary gift inscription to the end paper. half title carries the approval of Cardinal Prince de Croy. Three engraved plates (frontis and two further) and an engraved title page. There is a little rubbing to the boards, but overall the spine and boards are in good bright shape. the front end paper has a nick to the top corner. The rest of this book is in good condition, slightly darkened to the page edges. The frontis plate is still holding well, but is in danger of becoming detached (slightly loose to the top half). Overall a sound copy. The book is telling the history of the missions to spread the Catholic faith. There are chapters on the Jesuit missions, missions to Constantinople and to Holland. Sections also on the religion of the Armenians, Ethiopians and the monastery at mount Sinai, the mission to Guyana etc: The Second half of the book is in two sections. The first dealing with the Mission to America to convert the Native Americans - (The "Savages" of Illinois and Louisiana). The second with the Mission to India (1701, 1709 etc.), and to Tibet. cuir quart de bronzage avec des conseils bruns. titres et décorations dorés au dos. Maintenant recouvert d'un film d'archives amovible. Tous les bords dorés. Feuilles de garde jaunes. Inscription cadeau contemporaine sur le papier de fin. le demi-titre porte l'approbation du Cardinal Prince de Croy. Trois planches gravées (frontis et deux autres) et une page de titre gravée. Il y a un peu de frottement sur les planches, mais dans l'ensemble le dos et les planches sont en bon état brillant. le papier frontal a une entaille dans le coin supérieur. Le reste de ce livre est en bon état, légèrement noirci sur les bords des pages. La plaque frontale tient toujours bien, mais risque de se détacher (légèrement lâche jusqu'à la moitié supérieure). Dans l'ensemble une copie sonore. Le livre raconte l'histoire des missions de diffusion de la foi catholique. Il y a des chapitres sur les missions jésuites, les missions à Constantinople et en Hollande. Sections également sur la religion des Arméniens, des Éthiopiens et du monastère du mont Sinaï, la mission en Guyane etc. : La seconde moitié du livre est en deux sections. Le premier traitant de la Mission en Amérique pour convertir les Amérindiens - (Les « Sauvages » de l'Illinois et de la Louisiane). La seconde avec la Mission en Inde (1701, 1709 etc.), et au Tibet. 288 pages.

    Book ID: 1336
    View basket More details Price: £20.00