
  • Category = Manuscript
  • A manuscript letter warning of desertion from Napoleonic ships by REGGIO, Duc de [Nicolas Charles Oudinot]
    REGGIO, Duc de [Nicolas Charles Oudinot]
    A manuscript letter warning of desertion from Napoleonic ships

    Netherlands: 1810. A manuscript letter, from the look of it a secretarial copy, rather than the letter sent, with the signature of the Duc de Reggio. The letter outlines how an unknown sailor had made plans to escort French deserters from the Dutch villages of Noordwyk and Katwyk (just north of the Hague) to the English squadrons. One of the most important soldiers had been captured, and would stand trial, but the search continued for the sailor assisting the deserters. In the meantime, the villages had been placed under embargo, and no ships allowed to leave! The letter, in a neat hand, is written to "Monseigneur" (Giraud ?). It is dated 20 / 7th which is presumably 20th July without…


    Netherlands: 1810. A manuscript letter, from the look of it a secretarial copy, rather than the letter sent, with the signature of the Duc de Reggio. The letter outlines how an unknown sailor had made plans to escort French deserters from the Dutch villages of Noordwyk and Katwyk (just north of the Hague) to the English squadrons. One of the most important soldiers had been captured, and would stand trial, but the search continued for the sailor assisting the deserters. In the meantime, the villages had been placed under embargo, and no ships allowed to leave! The letter, in a neat hand, is written to "Monseigneur" (Giraud ?). It is dated 20 / 7th which is presumably 20th July without the year recorded. The year is probably 1810, as in April of this year, Oudinot was elevated to the rank of Duc de Reggio, and made responsible for the governance of Holland in replacement of Louis Napoleon (the Emperor's brother). Oudinot was the most injured soldier of the Napoleonic wars, having received 32 wounds, including two bullet wounds and nine sabre wounds. Despite these, Despite these, he lived until 1847 when he died at the age of 80. We believe this to be the signature of the duc, partly as a previous owner has written this provenance in pencil to the letter - but also in comparison with online copies of his autograph. These varied widely, but an example is shown in the pictures of this piece. 215 x 190mm (8½ x 7½ inches).

    . Une lettre manuscrite, qui semble être une copie de secrétariat plutôt que la lettre envoyée, avec la signature du duc de Reggio. La lettre explique comment un marin inconnu avait prévu d'escorter des déserteurs français des villages néerlandais de Noordwyk et Katwyk (juste au nord de La Haye) jusqu'aux squadrons anglais. L'un des soldats les plus importants a été capturé et sera jugé, mais les recherches se poursuivent pour retrouver le marin qui aide les déserteurs. Entre-temps, les villages ont été placés sous embargo et aucun navire n'est autorisé à en sortir ! La lettre, d'une écriture soignée, est adressée à "Monseigneur" (Giraud ?). Elle est datée du 20/7, c'est-à-dire vraisemblablement du 20 juillet, sans que l'année ne soit indiquée. L'année est probablement 1810, car en avril de cette année, Oudinot a été élevé au rang de duc de Reggio, et chargé de gouverner la Hollande en remplacement de Louis Napoléon (le frère de l'empereur). Oudinot est le soldat le plus blessé des guerres napoléoniennes, ayant reçu 32 blessures, dont deux par balle et neuf par sabre. Malgré cela, il vécut jusqu'en 1847, date à laquelle il mourut à l'âge de 80 ans. Nous pensons qu'il s'agit de la signature du duc, d'une part parce qu'un ancien propriétaire a écrit cette provenance au crayon sur la lettre, et d'autre part par comparaison avec des copies en ligne de son autographe. Celles-ci varient considérablement, mais un exemple est présenté dans les photos de cette pièce. 215 x 190mm.

    Book ID: 4682
    View basket More details Price: £250.00
  • French Album of Monograms and Coats of Arms by [ANON]
    French Album of Monograms and Coats of Arms

    Indre-Loire: N/A, 1865. A hardback album, covered in cloth / sewn on. The first leaf holds a printed invitation to a woodland ride in Blois (on the banks of the Loire). Then follow 57 pages of lovely water colours, onto which are pasted a large collection of monograms, crowns and small illustrations thus integrated into the drawings (fleur-de-lys, frames, vases, etc.). Some coats of arms. A couple of the pages are dated between 1865 and 1879. Most of the leaves are painted to one side only. The final few are painted to both sides. The water colours are executed beautifully, with a high degree of skill. The monograms are often labelled in a neat hand. They include a large…


    Indre-Loire: N/A, 1865. A hardback album, covered in cloth / sewn on. The first leaf holds a printed invitation to a woodland ride in Blois (on the banks of the Loire). Then follow 57 pages of lovely water colours, onto which are pasted a large collection of monograms, crowns and small illustrations thus integrated into the drawings (fleur-de-lys, frames, vases, etc.). Some coats of arms. A couple of the pages are dated between 1865 and 1879. Most of the leaves are painted to one side only. The final few are painted to both sides. The water colours are executed beautifully, with a high degree of skill. The monograms are often labelled in a neat hand. They include a large number of the nobility of France and the United Kingdom. Dukes, counts and other dignitaries. (Such as the Duke of Waterford, Viscount Grandville). There are also some monograms for Chateaux, schools and hospitals. Although anonymous, the album is obviously created by a Catholic Royalist and was created in that turbulent period of invasion, war, revolution and commune. Covers are clean, but somewhat darkened. The binding is a little shaken, but holding. The pages are mainly in good condition, with a few foxing spots. 8 of the pages have a small amount of edgewear (appears to be mouse eaten?). Overall though a beautiful object. 54 unpaginated leaves. A few look to have been bound in afterwards. All edges gilt. 220 by 310mm (8¾ by 12¼ inches).

    . Album cartonné, recouvert de toile / cousu. Le premier feuillet contient une invitation imprimée à une promenade en forêt à Blois (sur les bords de la Loire). Suivent 57 pages de belles aquarelles, sur lesquelles sont collés une grande collection de monogrammes, couronnes et petites illustrations ainsi intégrées aux dessins (fleurs de lys, cadres, vases, etc.). Quelques armoiries. Quelques pages sont datées entre 1865 et 1879. La plupart des feuilles sont peintes d'un seul côté. Les quelques dernières sont peintes des deux côtés. Les aquarelles sont magnifiquement exécutées, avec un haut degré d'habileté. Les monogrammes sont souvent étiquetés d'une main soignée. Ils comprennent un grand nombre de membres de la noblesse de France et du Royaume-Uni. Ducs, comtes et autres dignitaires. (Comme le duc de Waterford, vicomte de Grandville). Il y a aussi quelques monogrammes pour des châteaux, des écoles et des hôpitaux. Bien qu'anonyme, l'album a manifestement été créé par un royaliste catholique et a été réalisé pendant cette période turbulente d'invasions, de guerres, de révolutions et de communes. Les couvertures sont propres, mais quelque peu assombries. La reliure est un peu secouée, mais elle tient bon. Les pages sont pour la plupart en bon état, avec quelques rousseurs. 8 pages présentent une petite usure des bords (semble avoir été mangées par une souris ?). Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'un bel objet. 54 feuilles non paginées. Quelques-uns semblent avoir été reliés par la suite. Toutes les tranches sont dorées. 220 x 310 mm

    Book ID: 4594
    View basket More details Price: £580.00
  • A French Pressed Flower Collection by [ANON]
    A French Pressed Flower Collection

    France: 1880. A large folder of pressed flowers and leaves. This begins with wheat / grains, and includes vegetables and flowers. Each has been tipped onto large sheets of heavy paper, and held in place by a hand written label with the french type, and name. The sheets are loose in an original folder. 42cm x 26cm (so each sheet is 46 x 52cm folded). There are 35 pages with at least one plant tipped in. (plus a number of blank leaves). These hold 67 complete plant or flower specimens, and a further six fragments (where the plant is largely lost). Specimens are tipped onto the recto only. The pages are in reasonable condition, but several in the middle section…


    France: 1880. A large folder of pressed flowers and leaves. This begins with wheat / grains, and includes vegetables and flowers. Each has been tipped onto large sheets of heavy paper, and held in place by a hand written label with the french type, and name. The sheets are loose in an original folder. 42cm x 26cm (so each sheet is 46 x 52cm folded). There are 35 pages with at least one plant tipped in. (plus a number of blank leaves). These hold 67 complete plant or flower specimens, and a further six fragments (where the plant is largely lost). Specimens are tipped onto the recto only. The pages are in reasonable condition, but several in the middle section have been damp stained to the top third). (It would appear that some of the plants were pressed in situ and leaked water). Overal through and attractive and interesting collection.

    . Un grand dossier de fleurs et de feuilles pressées. Cela commence avec le blé / les céréales, et comprend des légumes et des fleurs. Chaque feuille a été collée sur de grandes feuilles de papier épais et maintenue en place par une étiquette écrite à la main avec le type et le nom français. Les feuilles sont rangées dans une chemise d'origine. 42cm x 26cm (chaque feuille fait donc 46 x 52cm pliée). Il y a 35 pages avec au moins une plante collée. (plus un certain nombre de feuilles blanches). Elles contiennent 67 spécimens complets de plantes ou de fleurs, et six autres fragments (où la plante est en grande partie perdue). Les spécimens sont collés sur le recto seulement. Les pages sont en bon état, mais plusieurs d'entre elles, dans la partie centrale, ont été tachées par l'humidité jusqu'au tiers supérieur.) (Il semblerait que certaines des plantes aient été pressées in situ et aient laissé échapper de l'eau). Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'une collection intéressante et attrayante

    Book ID: 4559
    View basket More details Price: £175.00
  • Precis des Anciennes et Nouvelles Ordonnances; by [BARRIGUE de Montvalon, Andre] & BORNIER, Philippe
    [BARRIGUE de Montvalon, Andre] & BORNIER, Philippe
    Precis des Anciennes et Nouvelles Ordonnances; Edits et déclarations les plus en usage avec quelques observations sur le commentaire de Bornier [Relié avec] une généalogie des rois de France

    N/A, 1730. A lovely manuscript copy of this selection of Royal ordinances, attributed to Andre Barrigue de Montvalon. This work existed only in copied manuscript form from 1724 to 1752 when it was finally published. Our copy is an early manuscript. Attractive manuscript title with a coat of arms beneath. (It appears to show the arms of a Marquis). The work contains the Royal Laws, along with the commentary of Philippe Bornier. The author is quite critical of Bornier's work, and corrects his errors and dating. As stated in the preface, content in red ink refers to Bornier's work. Dates of ordinances are indicated in side notes. There are also two tables. One shows them in chronological order. The…


    N/A, 1730. A lovely manuscript copy of this selection of Royal ordinances, attributed to Andre Barrigue de Montvalon. This work existed only in copied manuscript form from 1724 to 1752 when it was finally published. Our copy is an early manuscript. Attractive manuscript title with a coat of arms beneath. (It appears to show the arms of a Marquis). The work contains the Royal Laws, along with the commentary of Philippe Bornier. The author is quite critical of Bornier's work, and corrects his errors and dating. As stated in the preface, content in red ink refers to Bornier's work. Dates of ordinances are indicated in side notes. There are also two tables. One shows them in chronological order. The other in alphabetical. Text is throughout in a neat French secretarial hand. This work is almost identical to a 1728 version, found in the Bibliotheque de Droit Schuman in Aix-en-Provence, and a slightly earlier (1724) edition currently on sale in the USA. Our copy is slightly enlarged, as BOUND IN is a lovely genealogical tree of the French Royal family and 8 pages (4 leaves) of a red and black list of the kings and their significant dates.

    Condition. The full leather period binding is in good, strong, condition, with just a little rubbing and slight loss to the head of the spine. Attractive gilt decoration and titles to spine. Marbled end papers. Internally, the pages are in good, clean condition, with just a touch of movement to the binding. The final gathers (with the genealogical details) are slightly cracked to the binding and "sit proud" of the rest of the text block. Overall in excellent condition. Collation: 236, 7, 1, 8, 1 ff. / 472 (ordinances & indexes), 14 (blank), 2 (ruled only), 16 (genealogies), 1 (1 blank) pages. 170 by 110mm (6¾ by 4¼ inches). Conforms to Worldcat OCLC Number: 18455885.

    Barrigue de Montvalon was a legal advisor to the Parlement of Provence. He was sent to defend the King physically when a disputed broke out between the parlement and the court at Aixes. He was a great supporter of the Jesuits. Barrigue lived to the age of 101. P. Girard, noting his devotion, said of him that he "knew only the Palace and retirement. A long life is the reward of good morals". Bornier was an Advisor to the King, serving as a counselor to the king and lieutenant principal at the présidial court of the city.

    . Belle copie manuscrite de cette sélection d'ordonnances royales, attribuée à André Barrigue de Montvalon. Cet ouvrage n'a existé que sous forme de manuscrit copié de 1724 à 1752, date à laquelle il fut finalement publié. Notre exemplaire est un manuscrit ancien. Titre manuscrit attrayant avec des armoiries en dessous. (Il semble qu'il s'agisse des armoiries d'un marquis). L'ouvrage contient les lois royales, ainsi que le commentaire de Philippe Bornier. L'auteur est assez critique à l'égard du travail de Bornier, dont il corrige les erreurs et les datations. Comme indiqué dans la préface, le contenu à l'encre rouge se réfère à l'ouvrage de Bornier. Les dates des ordonnances sont indiquées dans les notes annexes. Il y a également deux tableaux. L'un les présente dans l'ordre chronologique. L'autre par ordre alphabétique. Le texte est rédigé d'une main soignée de secrétaire français. Cet ouvrage est presque identique à une version de 1728, trouvée à la Bibliothèque de Droit Schuman à Aix-en-Provence, et à une édition légèrement antérieure (1724) actuellement en vente aux Etats-Unis. Notre exemplaire est légèrement plus grand, car il contient un bel arbre généalogique de la famille royale française et 8 pages (4 feuilles) d'une liste rouge et noire des rois et de leurs dates significatives.

    Condition. La reliure d'époque en plein cuir est en bon état, solide, avec juste un peu de frottement et une légère perte à la tête de la colonne vertébrale. La décoration et les titres dorés au dos sont attrayants. Papiers de fin marbrés. L'intérieur des pages est en bon état, propre, avec juste un peu de mouvement à la reliure. Les derniers feuillets (avec les détails généalogiques) sont légèrement fendus à la reliure et se détachent du reste du bloc de texte. Dans l'ensemble, l'ouvrage est en excellent état. Collation : 236, 7, 1, 8, 1 ff. / 472 (ordonnances et index), 14 (vierges), 2 (réglées seulement), 16 (généalogies), 1 (1 vierge) pages. 170 par 110mm (6¾ par 4¼ pouces). Conforme au numéro Worldcat OCLC : 18455885.

    Barrigue de Montvalon était conseiller juridique au Parlement de Provence. Il fut envoyé pour défendre physiquement le roi lorsqu'un différend éclata entre le parlement et la cour d'Aixes. Il était un grand partisan des Jésuites. Barrigue vécut jusqu'à l'âge de 101 ans. P. Girard, notant son dévouement, dit de lui qu'il "ne connaissait que le Palais et la retraite. Une longue vie est la récompense des bonnes mœurs". Bornier était conseiller du roi, servant comme conseiller du roi et lieutenant principal à la cour présidiale de la ville.

    Book ID: 4557
    View basket More details Price: £1,150.00
  • Essais Poétiques d'un Vieillard by Ménard, Augustin
    Ménard, Augustin
    Essais Poétiques d'un Vieillard

    Poitiers: Typographie de A. Dupré, 1877. A lovely copy of this scarce first edition, with a tipped in manuscript letter by the author. half leather binding with marbled boards. gilt titles to the spine. In excellent, clean condition. Tipped in, after the title page, is a single page manuscript letter from Ménard to Gustave Saurin in a neat hand, dated 1856. The pages of the book are clean and neat throughout. 283 pages. 230 by 150mm (9 by 6 inches).

    . Un bel exemplaire de cette première édition rare, avec une lettre manuscrite de l'auteur. Reliure en demi-cuir avec des planches marbrées, titres dorés au dos. En excellent état. Une lettre manuscrite d'une page de Ménard à Gustave Saurin,…


    Poitiers: Typographie de A. Dupré, 1877. A lovely copy of this scarce first edition, with a tipped in manuscript letter by the author. half leather binding with marbled boards. gilt titles to the spine. In excellent, clean condition. Tipped in, after the title page, is a single page manuscript letter from Ménard to Gustave Saurin in a neat hand, dated 1856. The pages of the book are clean and neat throughout. 283 pages. 230 by 150mm (9 by 6 inches).

    . Un bel exemplaire de cette première édition rare, avec une lettre manuscrite de l'auteur. Reliure en demi-cuir avec des planches marbrées, titres dorés au dos. En excellent état. Une lettre manuscrite d'une page de Ménard à Gustave Saurin, datée de 1856 et écrite d'une main soignée, est jointe à l'ouvrage après la page de titre. Les pages du livre sont propres et nettes. 283 pages. 230 x 150 mm (9 x 6 pouces).

    Book ID: 4452
    View basket More details Price: £125.00
  • An exquisite illuminated Book of Hours
    Petit Livre Heures by S.D. [Anon]
    S.D. [Anon]
    Petit Livre Heures

    France: N/A, 1880. A beautiful example of a hand crafted illuminated manuscript book of hours. Although undated, likely circa 1880. There is no artist or binder named, but the fabric front end paper bears the Monogram SD or DS. Full blind stamped leather with five raised bands and attractive gilt decoration and tiny leather label to the spine. A touch of handling to the binding only. Inside front and rear boards have filleting and blind stamped fillet, as well as an inlaid fabric doublure. All edges gilt. Silk end papers. Title page is a beautifully painted title "Petit Livre Heures." The work contains 32 leaves, with 63 finely painted manuscript pages of ornate text, borders and historiated initials. The…


    France: N/A, 1880. A beautiful example of a hand crafted illuminated manuscript book of hours. Although undated, likely circa 1880. There is no artist or binder named, but the fabric front end paper bears the Monogram SD or DS. Full blind stamped leather with five raised bands and attractive gilt decoration and tiny leather label to the spine. A touch of handling to the binding only. Inside front and rear boards have filleting and blind stamped fillet, as well as an inlaid fabric doublure. All edges gilt. Silk end papers. Title page is a beautifully painted title "Petit Livre Heures." The work contains 32 leaves, with 63 finely painted manuscript pages of ornate text, borders and historiated initials. The repeated borders, include floral patterns, the host and chalice, and beautiful dragons! The contents comprise Prayers before Mass; The Confession; Prayers during Mass; The Commencement of the Mass; Prayers during the Mass; The Creed; The Offertory; the Preface; the Sanctus; The Canon; the Elevation of the Host; the Pater Noster; ; the Agnus Dei; the Benediction; etc. etc. The is one of the best executed illuminated manuscript Book of Hours that we have had the pleasure to encounter. Text in French. 100 by 70mm (4 by 2¾ inches).

    . Un bel exemple de livre d'heures manuscrit enluminé fait à la main. Il n'est pas daté, mais il est probable qu'il date de 1880. Il n'y a pas de nom d'artiste ou de relieur, mais le papier de garde du tissu porte le monogramme SD ou DS. Plein cuir estampé à l'aveugle avec cinq bandes surélevées, une décoration dorée attrayante et une petite étiquette en cuir au dos. La reliure n'a subi qu'une légère manipulation. L'intérieur des plats avant et arrière est orné de filets et de filets estampés à l'aveugle, ainsi que d'une doublure en tissu incrustée. Toutes les tranches sont dorées. Papiers de fin en soie. La page de titre est un titre magnifiquement peint "Petit Livre Heures". L'ouvrage contient 32 feuillets, avec 63 pages manuscrites finement peintes de texte orné, de bordures et d'initiales historiées. Les bordures répétées comprennent des motifs floraux, l'hostie et le calice, ainsi que de magnifiques dragons ! Le contenu comprend les prières avant la messe, la confession, les prières pendant la messe, le début de la messe, les prières pendant la messe, le Credo, l'offertoire, la préface, le Sanctus, le Canon, l'élévation de l'hostie, le Pater Noster, l'Agnus Dei, la bénédiction, etc. etc. Il s'agit de l'un des livres d'heures manuscrits enluminés les mieux exécutés que nous ayons eu le plaisir de rencontrer. Texte en français. 100 x 70 mm

    Book ID: 4409
    View basket More details Price: £1,750.00
  • 4 original illustrations and an extensive sketch book
    Original sketch book of this renowned portraitist with four colour original portraits by NOLHAC, Henri de; NOLHAC, Pierre
    NOLHAC, Henri de; NOLHAC, Pierre
    Original sketch book of this renowned portraitist with four colour original portraits

    Versaille: 1900. A fascinating sketchbook and four drawings by the artist and portraitist Henri de Nolhac (1884-1948). He was the son of Pierre de Nolhac, the curator of the Palace of Versailles Museum during his youth. From a young age, he was a painter, and particularly skilled in pencil portraits, which he used to make his living. The four portraits, each on stiff card are approximately 34 x 22 cm. Three of the four are signed by Nolhac. Two are gentlemen, (Raymond Laurent* and another anonymous man). Two are portraits of anonymous young women. Each are skillfully executed and in excellent condition. The sketchbook, with a cloth spine and plain blue boards, seems to have begun life as an itinerary…


    Versaille: 1900. A fascinating sketchbook and four drawings by the artist and portraitist Henri de Nolhac (1884-1948). He was the son of Pierre de Nolhac, the curator of the Palace of Versailles Museum during his youth. From a young age, he was a painter, and particularly skilled in pencil portraits, which he used to make his living. The four portraits, each on stiff card are approximately 34 x 22 cm. Three of the four are signed by Nolhac. Two are gentlemen, (Raymond Laurent* and another anonymous man). Two are portraits of anonymous young women. Each are skillfully executed and in excellent condition. The sketchbook, with a cloth spine and plain blue boards, seems to have begun life as an itinerary book / plan for his father. A note on the front end paper "2e Division 1er Brigade" and to the final page "Cours special d'instruction 3e Brigade (1890-91)" is followed by seven pages in ink, dated 1890-1891 in an adult hand. This seems to be largely assigning projects (or elements of the instruction course). As the text ends, the pencil sketches immediately begin. It is unlikely that Henri took up this book immediately, as in 1890 he was only 7 years old and these are mature sketches. Most of the entries are of 19th century scenes, and some portraits of eminent men from the time. There are also American civil war notables and a couple of cowboys. (Nolhac travelled to the United States in the 1930s so perhaps he drew these after that visit). Studies include sketches after Daumier, characters in Chinese dress, fashionable ladies, a lovely ink and pencil sketch of Lamartine, military uniforms, a full page colour sketch of a couple promenading, Generals Grant and Lee from the USA, horses running, Gladstone, Thackeray and two of Disraeli. There are 55 pages, each drawn to the recto only, and mostly holding 4-6 sketches. Curiously these are all dated 1863-1871 but this is before Henri was born (and his father was only born in 1859). It seems far more likely that these were pencil studies and practice pieces. Nolhac was known for improving his skills throughout his life. There are then a number of blank leaves. The sketch book is obviously picked up again towards the end of Nolhac's life. It is begun afresh from the rear page (upside down to the front) and there are nine pages of sketches. There is a pencil title "1e anniversaire a XXXX" (illegible, but from the contents this is clearly the liberation). The nine pages are full of studies of American troops and vehicles. There is also a full page, colour highlighted sketch entitled "Le libération á Sens 25.8.44 la grande rue." Sens was liberated by American troops on the 20th August 1944. In total, this sketch book contains 64 pages of sketches, including three in colour and one in ink. A total of 238 studies. Nolhac died in 1948. 305 x 200 mm (12 x 7¾ inches). A very similar sketch book (209 studies but with the subject entirely focused on World War I) was sold at auction in 2014 for 2875 euros (including fees). * The Politician Raymond Laurent was one of the founders of the People's Democratic Movement (a Christian Democratic Pary). This portrait was taken just after the party was founded. He was later a deputy in the French parliament and member of the Resistance during the Second World War.

    . Un fascinant carnet de croquis et quatre dessins de l'artiste et portraitiste Henri de Nolhac (1884-1948). Il est le fils de Pierre de Nolhac, conservateur du musée du château de Versailles dans sa jeunesse. Peintre dès son plus jeune âge, il est particulièrement doué pour les portraits au crayon, qui lui permettent de gagner sa vie. Les quatre portraits, chacun sur carton rigide, mesurent environ 34 x 22 cm. Trois d'entre eux sont signés par Nolhac. Deux sont des messieurs (Raymond Laurent* et un autre homme anonyme). Deux sont des portraits de jeunes femmes anonymes. Tous sont habilement exécutés et en excellent état. Le carnet de croquis, avec un dos en tissu et des planches bleues unies, semble avoir commencé sa vie comme un carnet d'itinéraire / plan pour son père. Une note sur la page de garde "2e Division 1ère Brigade" et sur la dernière page "Cours spécial d'instruction 3e Brigade (1890-91)" est suivie de sept pages à l'encre, datées de 1890-1891 de la main d'un adulte. Il semble qu'il s'agisse en grande partie de l'attribution de projets (ou d'éléments du cours d'instruction). À la fin du texte, les esquisses au crayon commencent immédiatement. Il est peu probable qu'Henri ait pris ce livre immédiatement, car en 1890 il n'avait que 7 ans et il s'agit d'esquisses de maturité. La plupart des dessins représentent des scènes du XIXe siècle et quelques portraits d'hommes éminents de l'époque. Il y a également des notables de la guerre civile américaine et quelques cow-boys (Nolhac s'est rendu aux États-Unis dans les années 1930 et a peut-être dessiné ces croquis après cette visite). Les études comprennent des croquis d'après Daumier, des personnages en costume chinois, des dames à la mode, une belle esquisse à l'encre et au crayon de Lamartine, des uniformes militaires, une esquisse en couleur pleine page d'un couple en train de se promener, les généraux Grant et Lee des États-Unis, des chevaux en train de courir, Gladstone, Thackeray et deux portraits de Disraeli. Il y a 55 pages, chacune dessinée au recto seulement, et contenant pour la plupart 4 à 6 esquisses. Curieusement, elles sont toutes datées de 1863-1871, mais c'est avant la naissance d'Henri (et son père n'est né qu'en 1859). Il semble beaucoup plus probable qu'il s'agisse d'études au crayon et d'exercices. Nolhac était connu pour se perfectionner tout au long de sa vie. Il y a ensuite un certain nombre de feuilles blanches. Le carnet de croquis est manifestement repris vers la fin de la vie de Nolhac. Il est recommencé à partir de la dernière page (à l'envers par rapport au recto) et comporte neuf pages d'esquisses. Le titre est écrit au crayon "1e anniversaire a XXXX" (illisible, mais d'après le contenu, il s'agit clairement de la libération). Les neuf pages sont remplies d'études de troupes et de véhicules américains. Il y a également un croquis pleine page en couleur intitulé "Le libération á Sens 25.8.44 la grande rue". Sens a été libéré par les troupes américaines le 20 août 1944. Au total, ce carnet de croquis contient 64 pages de croquis, dont trois en couleur et une à l'encre. Soit un total de 238 études. Nolhac est décédé en 1948. 305 x 200 mm (12 x 7¾ inches). Un carnet de croquis très similaire (209 études mais dont le sujet est entièrement centré sur la Première Guerre mondiale) a été vendu aux enchères en 2014 pour 2875 euros (frais compris). * L'homme politique Raymond Laurent a été l'un des fondateurs du Mouvement démocratique populaire (parti démocrate-chrétien). Ce portrait a été réalisé juste après la création du parti. Il a ensuite été député et résistant pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

    Book ID: 4384
    View basket More details Price: £1,350.00
  • Rois de France by FORT, Paul
    FORT, Paul
    Rois de France

    Paris: Typographie Armand Jules Klein, 1931. A beautiful copy of this limited signed edition of Fort's poetic tribute to the greatest kings of France. Three quarter dark red leather binding, with red marbled boards. gilt titles and rules. gilt fleuron device to the spine. There is a tiny amount of rubbing to the binding, but still very attractive. Marbled end papers match the boards with a red and gold wash. The front end paper is filled with a lengthy gift inscription to Mademoiselle Raymonde Comte and a poem "Mort des Chevaux Royaux." Signed and initialled by Fort to this page. There is a shadow to parts of this page where a ribbon has been left for a long time…


    Paris: Typographie Armand Jules Klein, 1931. A beautiful copy of this limited signed edition of Fort's poetic tribute to the greatest kings of France. Three quarter dark red leather binding, with red marbled boards. gilt titles and rules. gilt fleuron device to the spine. There is a tiny amount of rubbing to the binding, but still very attractive. Marbled end papers match the boards with a red and gold wash. The front end paper is filled with a lengthy gift inscription to Mademoiselle Raymonde Comte and a poem "Mort des Chevaux Royaux." Signed and initialled by Fort to this page. There is a shadow to parts of this page where a ribbon has been left for a long time (see photographs). The colophon shows that this is one of 200 copies on Arches, which are for named recipients, and with an inscription and, it seems, the same manuscript poem. The colophon is signed and numbered by Fort. Frontis and culs-de-lampe are by Gino Severini. Unpaginated. 285 by 190mm (11¼ by 7½ inches). A lovely copy. First edition.

    . Un bel exemplaire de cette édition limitée et signée de l'hommage poétique de Fort aux plus grands rois de France. Reliure à trois quarts en cuir rouge foncé, plats marbrés rouges, titres et règles dorés, fleuron doré au dos. La reliure est légèrement frottée, mais reste très attrayante. Les gardes marbrées sont assorties aux planches avec un lavis rouge et or. La première page de garde contient une longue inscription de cadeau à Mademoiselle Raymonde Comte et un poème intitulé "Mort des Chevaux Royaux". Signé et paraphé par Fort sur cette page. Il y a une ombre sur certaines parties de cette page où un ruban a été laissé pendant longtemps (voir les photographies). Le colophon indique qu'il s'agit de l'un des 200 exemplaires sur Arches, destinés à des destinataires nommés, avec une inscription et, semble-t-il, le même poème manuscrit. Le colophon est signé et numéroté par Fort. Le frontispice et les culs-de-lampe sont de Gino Severini. Non paginé. 285 par 190mm (11¼ par 7½ pouces). Un bel exemplaire. Première édition.

    Book ID: 4366
    View basket More details Price: £300.00
  • Das Waldlied by [ANON]
    Das Waldlied Ein Gedicht in 11 Versionen mit 6 Scherenschnitten für kleine und große Kinder.
    Meiner lieben Mutti am Osterfest 1982

    Germany: NA, 1982. An original manuscript. Text in German. Half pink silk Hardback with black leaves. Home made label to the front board. In addition to the blank end paper and illustrated title page, there are 8 further leaves, inked to one side only. The foreword explains how this is a tale picked up from Elves dancing in the round in the forest. There are then six leaves which contain verses in manuscript, and a silhouette drawing to each leaf. Finally, there is a naive end paper with the moon and sheep. The boards are in sound but slightly rubbed and bumped condition. Internally, the pages are in good, clean condition with no significant marks. An attractive piece of…


    Germany: NA, 1982. An original manuscript. Text in German. Half pink silk Hardback with black leaves. Home made label to the front board. In addition to the blank end paper and illustrated title page, there are 8 further leaves, inked to one side only. The foreword explains how this is a tale picked up from Elves dancing in the round in the forest. There are then six leaves which contain verses in manuscript, and a silhouette drawing to each leaf. Finally, there is a naive end paper with the moon and sheep. The boards are in sound but slightly rubbed and bumped condition. Internally, the pages are in good, clean condition with no significant marks. An attractive piece of home production. First Edition. 23cm x 31cm

    . Manuscrit original. Texte en allemand. Demi-reliure en soie rose avec des feuilles noires. Une étiquette maison est apposée sur la première planche. En plus de la page de garde blanche et de la page de titre illustrée, il y a 8 feuilles supplémentaires, encrées d'un seul côté. L'avant-propos explique qu'il s'agit d'un conte recueilli auprès d'elfes qui dansent en rond dans la forêt. Six feuillets contiennent des vers manuscrits et chaque feuillet est orné d'un dessin de silhouette. Enfin, un papier de fin naïf représente la lune et les moutons. Les planches sont en bon état, mais légèrement frottées et bosselées. A l'intérieur, les pages sont en bon état, propres et sans marques significatives. Il s'agit d'une production domestique attrayante. Première édition. 23cm x 31cm

    Book ID: 4341
    View basket More details Price: £48.00
  • Gemaehlde [Gemälde] des Polygnotos in der Lesche zu Delphi. by RIEPENHAUSEN, Franz & Johannes
    RIEPENHAUSEN, Franz & Johannes
    Gemaehlde [Gemälde] des Polygnotos in der Lesche zu Delphi. Nach der Beschreibung des Pausanias gezeichnet von F. u. I. Riepenhausen

    Göttingen: Bei H. Dieterich, 1805. A collection of 15 prints numbered 1 to 15, etched in outline style by Franz and Johannes Riepenhausen after Pausanias's descriptions of the paintings by Polygnotos in the Lesche at Delphi. Scarce, with library holdings. First Edition. This home made collection has some unusual features. The plates are bound in a soft card cover. A hand written label to the front cover states "Tableau Perdu, de Polygnote" and further information about the work. To the inside cover is a manuscript leaf tipped in, with notes in French on each of the plates. Engraved title page, a plate with all 15 engraved plates shown in order in miniature (plate 1). (Unfortunately numbered 1-15 in early…


    Göttingen: Bei H. Dieterich, 1805. A collection of 15 prints numbered 1 to 15, etched in outline style by Franz and Johannes Riepenhausen after Pausanias's descriptions of the paintings by Polygnotos in the Lesche at Delphi. Scarce, with library holdings. First Edition. This home made collection has some unusual features. The plates are bound in a soft card cover. A hand written label to the front cover states "Tableau Perdu, de Polygnote" and further information about the work. To the inside cover is a manuscript leaf tipped in, with notes in French on each of the plates. Engraved title page, a plate with all 15 engraved plates shown in order in miniature (plate 1). (Unfortunately numbered 1-15 in early red ink). The plates have been bound back to front, and each has 2 numbers - the printed number (here 15 down to 1) and a manuscript number in black (here 1-15). Slight weakness to the top edge of the binding and very slight darkening to the pages. 16 pages. See British Museum 1875,0814.677-692 size: 330 x 490 mm (13 x 19¼ inches). Une collection de 15 estampes numérotées de 1 à 15, gravées à l'eau-forte par Franz et Johannes Riepenhausen d'après les descriptions de Pausanias des peintures de Polygnotos dans la Lesche de Delphes. Rare, avec des fonds de bibliothèque. Première édition. Cette collection artisanale présente des caractéristiques inhabituelles. Les planches sont reliées dans une couverture en carton souple. Une étiquette manuscrite sur la couverture indique "Tableau Perdu, de Polygnote" et d'autres informations sur l'œuvre. À l'intérieur de la couverture, une feuille manuscrite est collée, avec des notes en français sur chacune des planches. Page de titre gravée, une planche avec les 15 planches gravées montrées dans l'ordre en miniature (planche 1). (Malheureusement numérotées de 1 à 15 à l'encre rouge). Les planches ont été reliées dos à dos, et chacune porte deux numéros - le numéro imprimé (ici 15 jusqu'à 1) et un numéro manuscrit en noir (ici 1-15). Légère faiblesse au bord supérieur de la reliure et très léger noircissement des pages. 16 pages. Voir British Museum 1875,0814.677-692 taille : 330 x 490 mm

    Book ID: 3480
    View basket More details Price: £280.00
  • Original sketch showing the first use of the Gatling Gun by the Royal Navy in the Anglo-Egyptian War.
    Naval Brigade clearing streets of Alexandria with the Gatling by Yellow Grub
    Yellow Grub
    Naval Brigade clearing streets of Alexandria with the Gatling

    Alexandria: 1882. An original, hand drawn sketch depicting a naval brigade clearing the streets of Alexandria. Ink on white paper. This would seem to have been an initial sketch, as the foreground (the brigade with the gun) is well worked, whilst the background is less defined. There are a couple of notes on the sheet. A couple of the figures in the sketch are also labelled Royal Marine and Officer. This would appear to be the first draft of a news report - similar to that which appeared as the front page of the Illustrated London News for July 29th 1882. Sketch is 240 x 160 mm. Good clean condition. It is pasted onto a larger sheet of pale brown…


    Alexandria: 1882. An original, hand drawn sketch depicting a naval brigade clearing the streets of Alexandria. Ink on white paper. This would seem to have been an initial sketch, as the foreground (the brigade with the gun) is well worked, whilst the background is less defined. There are a couple of notes on the sheet. A couple of the figures in the sketch are also labelled Royal Marine and Officer. This would appear to be the first draft of a news report - similar to that which appeared as the front page of the Illustrated London News for July 29th 1882. Sketch is 240 x 160 mm. Good clean condition. It is pasted onto a larger sheet of pale brown card. This is 500 x 320 mm and is creased and darkened, and with a few closed tears. A very nice piece of historical visual documentation. Following the cutting of the Suez canal, British interests in Egypt deepened, and in May 1882 there was an uprising by Urabi Pasha. After an initial heavy naval bombardment, Naval Brigades and Marines were sent ashore to restore order. The revolt was quashed, and Egypt came under partial British control until the Second World War. The drawing clearly shows the use of a hopper fed Gatling gun. This weapon, developed in 1865, was used by the British Army from 1873. This conflict was the first use of the Gatling by the Royal Navy.

    Book ID: 4130
    View basket More details Price: £200.00
  • ponts et chaussées Commune de Ports, Département d' Indre Loire Service Hydraulique by [ANON]
    ponts et chaussées Commune de Ports, Département d' Indre Loire Service Hydraulique

    Indre-Loire: Service Hydraulique, 1853. A folding manuscript map / cadastral plan of the commune of Ports and the surrounding area. 8 pages folded and pasted together, drawn to one side only. The first pate is the text / permissions and authorisations signed and dated (with official stamp) by individuals involved with the project. ( 4 different individuals have written comments and signed the plan). This seems to have been drawn up to accompany a cleaning / repair project for the roads and bridges of the area. Attractive hand coloured plan of the area, with extra section added on paper (see photos) showing the whole of the commune of Ports, including sections of the river Vienne. The plan is drawn…


    Indre-Loire: Service Hydraulique, 1853. A folding manuscript map / cadastral plan of the commune of Ports and the surrounding area. 8 pages folded and pasted together, drawn to one side only. The first pate is the text / permissions and authorisations signed and dated (with official stamp) by individuals involved with the project. ( 4 different individuals have written comments and signed the plan). This seems to have been drawn up to accompany a cleaning / repair project for the roads and bridges of the area. Attractive hand coloured plan of the area, with extra section added on paper (see photos) showing the whole of the commune of Ports, including sections of the river Vienne. The plan is drawn on tracing paper / glassine, pasted to stiff card. This is a little darkened, but without significant flaws. Nice detailing and quality of work. Despite the title, there are no bridges in this commune. 290 by 1820mm (11½ by 71¾ inches).

    . Plan manuscrit dépliant de la commune de Ports et de ses environs. 8 pages pliées et collées, dessinées d'un seul côté. La première page est le texte / permissions et autorisations signées et datées (avec cachet officiel) par les personnes impliquées dans le projet. (4 personnes différentes ont écrit des commentaires et signé le plan). Ce plan semble avoir été établi pour accompagner un projet de nettoyage / réparation des routes et des ponts de la région. Joli plan de la région, colorié à la main, avec une section supplémentaire ajoutée sur papier (voir photos) montrant l'ensemble de la commune de Ports, y compris des sections de la rivière Vienne. Le plan est dessiné sur du papier calque / glassine, collé sur une carte rigide. Ce dernier est un peu assombri, mais sans défauts significatifs. Les détails et la qualité du travail sont agréables. Malgré le titre, il n'y a pas de pont dans cette commune. 290 par 1820mm

    Book ID: 4056
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • A hand coloured school atlas with 5 additional manuscript charts.
    Atlas Géographique - Dressé sous la Direction du Conseil Royal de l'Instruction publique. Pour l'usage des Colléges. by SELVES Henry Antoine Auguste / ROMAIN, Belize.
    SELVES Henry Antoine Auguste / ROMAIN, Belize.
    Atlas Géographique - Dressé sous la Direction du Conseil Royal de l'Instruction publique. Pour l'usage des Colléges. 1ère partie Géographiqe ancienne.

    Paris: Imprimerie de Selves fils, 1834. A fascinating collection of papers. A geographic atlas, used as it should be, with a number of student manuscript documents bound in. Contents comprise: The atlas Géographique, complete with the 16 double page hand coloured maps (as called for). These are all in good, clean and bright condition. There are a few ink annotations to the blank reverse of the maps - but the maps themselves are lovely. These are all of the ancient world, and state that they were produced by Libraire Hachette in 1833 or 1834. In addition to these maps, bound into the front of the atlas (between the title and the first map) are several large folding manuscript charts.…


    Paris: Imprimerie de Selves fils, 1834. A fascinating collection of papers. A geographic atlas, used as it should be, with a number of student manuscript documents bound in. Contents comprise: The atlas Géographique, complete with the 16 double page hand coloured maps (as called for). These are all in good, clean and bright condition. There are a few ink annotations to the blank reverse of the maps - but the maps themselves are lovely. These are all of the ancient world, and state that they were produced by Libraire Hachette in 1833 or 1834. In addition to these maps, bound into the front of the atlas (between the title and the first map) are several large folding manuscript charts. Several of these have been signed Belize Romain - as this name is also doodled several times to the inside of the boards, we assume this is the student who made them. The manuscript charts are: (1) "Mesures de solidite" comparing ancient and modern measures. To the front facing leaf of this is a further manuscript text, with measurements and text; (2) "Tableau des mesures decimales" (3) "Mesures de superificie" (surface area). (4) "mesures de longueuer" (5) "mesures de contenouce." The front and rear inside boards show the evidence of a bored student, with doodles and scribbles. The outside boards are cheaply bound in stained paper, with a darkened paper label to the front board. The boards are scruffy and show signs of use. Overall a lovely students manuscript collection from the 1830's. [i], [V], 16 pp. 200 x 135 mm (7¾ x 5¼ inches).

    . Une collection fascinante de documents. Un atlas géographique, utilisé comme il se doit, avec un certain nombre de documents manuscrits d'étudiants reliés. Le contenu comprend : L'atlas géographique, complet avec les 16 cartes double page colorées à la main (comme demandé). Elles sont toutes en bon état, propres et brillantes. Il y a quelques annotations à l'encre au verso des cartes, mais les cartes elles-mêmes sont magnifiques. Elles représentent toutes le monde antique et indiquent qu'elles ont été produites par Libraire Hachette en 1833 ou 1834. En plus de ces cartes, plusieurs grandes cartes manuscrites dépliantes sont reliées au début de l'atlas (entre le titre et la première carte). Plusieurs d'entre elles sont signées Belize Romain - comme ce nom est également griffonné plusieurs fois à l'intérieur des planches, nous supposons qu'il s'agit de l'étudiant qui les a réalisées. Les tableaux manuscrits sont les suivants (1) "Mesures de solidité" comparant les mesures anciennes et modernes. Sur le premier feuillet de ce tableau figure un autre texte manuscrit, avec des mesures et du texte ; (2) "Tableau des mesures decimales" (3) "Mesures de superificie" (surface). (4) "mesures de longuer" (5) "mesures de contenouce". Les planches intérieures avant et arrière portent les traces d'un étudiant qui s'ennuyait, avec des gribouillis et des griffonnages. Les planches extérieures sont reliées de manière bon marché dans un papier taché, avec une étiquette en papier noirci sur la première planche. Les planches sont défraîchies et présentent des signes d'utilisation. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'une belle collection de manuscrits d'étudiants des années 1830. [i], [V], 16 pp. 200 x 135 mm.

    Book ID: 4054
    View basket More details Price: £250.00
  • Candidatus rhetoricae seu Aphthonii Progymnasmata in meliorem formam redacta usumque redacta. by POMEY, P. Francisco
    POMEY, P. Francisco
    Candidatus rhetoricae seu Aphthonii Progymnasmata in meliorem formam redacta usumque redacta.

    Antverpiae: Iuxta Exemplar Lugdūnī editum, 1668. Scarce early Antwerp edition. Full vellum binding. Lack final leaf / leaves. No listing in WORLDCAT or elsewhere, so uncertain how many pages are missing. Boards are rubbed and worn. Contents tight, a few page corners folded in. Manuscript notes to inside and back in Latin - dated 1698. Latin text throughout. Overall good. 398 pages present. 155 x 85 mm (6 x 3¼ inches).

    Book ID: 3698
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • Plant and Animal Studies by WINTZER, Richard
    WINTZER, Richard
    Plant and Animal Studies

    Nauendorf: NA, 1887. Nine leaves with original plant and animal studies. White heightened charcoal and partly pen and ink drawings, mostly dated 1887. The leaves are approximately 32.8 x 26 cm. The subjects are skilfully executed and include apricot blossom (white), cherry blossom (white), meadow ane mone white. - Fragrant Narcissus (white) & Portrait of a Young Girl. - Vine leaves, verso leaves of oak, linden, rose and pipe leaf. - 2 different plants. - Apple Blossom (White), White Daffodil, Flying Hearts (Red), Cockchafer. - Yellow daffodil, daisy. - Violet lilac, white lilac, lilac (light purple), forget-me-not (blue). - Violets and Cowslips. - There is a fascinating page entitled "Zoological Garden Leipzig" which includes sketches of goat, deer, stork,…


    Nauendorf: NA, 1887. Nine leaves with original plant and animal studies. White heightened charcoal and partly pen and ink drawings, mostly dated 1887. The leaves are approximately 32.8 x 26 cm. The subjects are skilfully executed and include apricot blossom (white), cherry blossom (white), meadow ane mone white. - Fragrant Narcissus (white) & Portrait of a Young Girl. - Vine leaves, verso leaves of oak, linden, rose and pipe leaf. - 2 different plants. - Apple Blossom (White), White Daffodil, Flying Hearts (Red), Cockchafer. - Yellow daffodil, daisy. - Violet lilac, white lilac, lilac (light purple), forget-me-not (blue). - Violets and Cowslips. - There is a fascinating page entitled "Zoological Garden Leipzig" which includes sketches of goat, deer, stork, ostrich, ducks & two foot studies. A skilled and unusual collection of original sketches. A little darkening to the pages and slight edgewear, but still attractive. Richard Wintzer (1866 Nauendorf near Halle - Berlin 1952) was a skilled artist, dealing mainly in pencil / charcoal and who specialized in portaits.

    Book ID: 3690
    View basket More details Price: £200.00
  • ALS by twice British prime minister The Duke of Wellington
    Autograph Letter Signed by The Duke of Wellington regarding his hearing problem. by WELLINGTON, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of
    WELLINGTON, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of
    Autograph Letter Signed by The Duke of Wellington regarding his hearing problem.

    London: 1837. Addressed to an unidentified recipient, this signed letter concerns the appointment of an officer with hearing loss, which the Duke relates to his own experience of deafness. Like many exposed to the sound of artillery fire, the Duke of Wellington suffered from noise-related hearing loss. Subsequently he underwent a botched treatment which resulted in permanent deafness in one ear. This ALS is dated London, 16 April 1837. This was the year that Queen Victoria ascended the throne, and was written when the Duke was in his late 60s. Expected fold marks. Whole written in brown ink. 2pp. with integral blank leaf. 185 x 118 mm (7¼ by 4¾ inches)

    Book ID: 3589
    View basket More details Price: £500.00
  • Twelve Manuscript Maps of the Ancient World. by TATHAM, Sherman Ralph
    TATHAM, Sherman Ralph
    Twelve Manuscript Maps of the Ancient World.

    1865. Twelve manuscript maps with dated inscription: "A.M. Tatham from her afft. Bro Sherman Dec. 1865". Rebound from a broken binding as a folding leporello series of maps in cloth covered boards "Bible Atlas S.R.T." on original label to the front. Binding is new and without flaws. Slight scratch to blank (back) of first map, otherwise the maps are in excellent condition.

    The maps comprise: The Nations of the Ancient World, Assyria and the Adjacent Lands, Canaan in Patriarchal Ages, Canaan as Divided among The Tribes, Dominions of David and Solomon, Armenia, Egypt and Sinai Peninsula Illustrating the Journey of the Israelites to the Promised Land, Jerusalem and its Environs, The Kingdoms of Judah & Israel, Palestine in the…


    1865. Twelve manuscript maps with dated inscription: "A.M. Tatham from her afft. Bro Sherman Dec. 1865". Rebound from a broken binding as a folding leporello series of maps in cloth covered boards "Bible Atlas S.R.T." on original label to the front. Binding is new and without flaws. Slight scratch to blank (back) of first map, otherwise the maps are in excellent condition.

    The maps comprise: The Nations of the Ancient World, Assyria and the Adjacent Lands, Canaan in Patriarchal Ages, Canaan as Divided among The Tribes, Dominions of David and Solomon, Armenia, Egypt and Sinai Peninsula Illustrating the Journey of the Israelites to the Promised Land, Jerusalem and its Environs, The Kingdoms of Judah & Israel, Palestine in the time of Our Saviour, Modern Palestine, and The Eastern Mediterranean Illustrating the Travels of St. Paul. Each map folds out to approx. 165 x 133 mm. The maps still retain their original bright colouring.

    Sherman Ralph Tatham was born in Hampstead in 1850. Educated at Winchester College 1862 - 1868, he became an architect. Tatham died in Hampstead in 1923 and is buried in Highgate Cemetery. The dedication here is to his younger sister Anna Maria Tatham.

    . Douze cartes manuscrites avec inscription datée : "A.M. Tatham from her afft. Sherman Dec. 1865". Relié à partir d'une reliure cassée sous la forme d'une série de cartes dépliantes en leporello dans des planches couvertes de tissu "Bible Atlas S.R.T." sur l'étiquette originale sur le devant. La reliure est neuve et sans défaut. Légère éraflure au dos de la première carte, sinon les cartes sont en excellent état.

    Les cartes comprennent : Les nations de l'ancien monde, l'Assyrie et les terres adjacentes, Canaan à l'époque des patriarches, Canaan divisé entre les tribus, les dominations de David et de Salomon, l'Arménie, l'Égypte et la péninsule du Sinaï illustrant le voyage des Israélites vers la Terre promise, Jérusalem et ses environs, les royaumes de Juda et d'Israël, la Palestine à l'époque de notre Sauveur, la Palestine moderne, et la Méditerranée orientale illustrant les voyages de saint Paul. Chaque carte est dépliante et mesure environ 165 x 133 mm. Les cartes ont conservé leurs couleurs vives d'origine.

    Sherman Ralph Tatham est né à Hampstead en 1850. Il a étudié au Winchester College de 1862 à 1868 et est devenu architecte. Tatham est décédé à Hampstead en 1923 et est enterré au cimetière de Highgate. La dédicace ici est destinée à sa jeune sœur Anna Maria Tatham.

    Book ID: 3436
    View basket More details Price: £450.00
  • signed first edition with an unrecorded manuscript poem and author's corrections
    La Grande Ombre. by LEGRAND, Andre
    LEGRAND, Andre
    La Grande Ombre.

    Paris: Vaugirard, 1907. A lovely copy of this first edition, with lengthy gift inscription and unrecorded poem. Attractive red half leather binding with marbled boards. Attractive gilt decoration to the spine. There is cracking / splitting to the top edge of the front board, and it is in danger of becoming detached. Marbled endpapers and ex libris of Yves Refoule. Legrand has inscribed a 12 line poem and gift inscription to his friend Refoule. In addition, there are a few handwritten annotations and corrections to the text of the poems. It would appear that these were corrections made by Legrand. 30 pages. Music hall administrator, critic and historian, a specialist in circus and music-hall performances between the wars, Legrand…


    Paris: Vaugirard, 1907. A lovely copy of this first edition, with lengthy gift inscription and unrecorded poem. Attractive red half leather binding with marbled boards. Attractive gilt decoration to the spine. There is cracking / splitting to the top edge of the front board, and it is in danger of becoming detached. Marbled endpapers and ex libris of Yves Refoule. Legrand has inscribed a 12 line poem and gift inscription to his friend Refoule. In addition, there are a few handwritten annotations and corrections to the text of the poems. It would appear that these were corrections made by Legrand. 30 pages. Music hall administrator, critic and historian, a specialist in circus and music-hall performances between the wars, Legrand collaborated closely with Jean-Marcel Chabrier and they produced many works as Andre Legrand Chabrier. Bel exemplaire de cette première édition, avec une longue inscription de cadeau et un poème non enregistré. Jolie reliure demi-cuir rouge à plats marbrés. Jolie décoration dorée au dos. Il y a des fissures / fissures sur le bord supérieur du panneau avant, et il risque de se détacher. Gardes marbrées et ex libris d'Yves Refoulé. Legrand a inscrit un poème de 12 vers et une inscription cadeau à son ami Refoule. De plus, il y a quelques annotations et corrections manuscrites au texte des poèmes. Il semblerait qu'il s'agisse de corrections faites par Legrand. 30 pages. Administrateur de music-hall, critique et historien, spécialiste des spectacles de cirque et de music-hall de l'entre-deux-guerres, Legrand collabora étroitement avec Jean-Marcel Chabrier et ils produisirent de nombreuses œuvres comme André Legrand Chabrier.

    Book ID: 3300
    View basket More details Price: £250.00
  • 'Perspective'. Portfolio de manuscrits architecturaux français. by [ANON]
    'Perspective'. Portfolio de manuscrits architecturaux français.

    France: n/a, 1900. Wonderful French architectural manuscript portfolio on 'Perspective'. This appears to be a student's own manuscript and sketches from an architectural or art course. All of the contents are dealing with perspective in different forms. Some are purely mathematical (such as the design and sketches of cones and other shapes.) Others are examples of sketches drawn in proper perspective. The portfolio contains a large number of loose leaves. Each aspect (text in French) has one or more illustrations following. Many (but not all) of the pages have pencilled numbers to the top edge. In total there are 48 pages of text and 64 pages of illustrations / diagrams. In fact, there are a few more, but we…


    France: n/a, 1900. Wonderful French architectural manuscript portfolio on 'Perspective'. This appears to be a student's own manuscript and sketches from an architectural or art course. All of the contents are dealing with perspective in different forms. Some are purely mathematical (such as the design and sketches of cones and other shapes.) Others are examples of sketches drawn in proper perspective. The portfolio contains a large number of loose leaves. Each aspect (text in French) has one or more illustrations following. Many (but not all) of the pages have pencilled numbers to the top edge. In total there are 48 pages of text and 64 pages of illustrations / diagrams. In fact, there are a few more, but we have only counted "significant" pages. The paper is a little darkened, and there are a few very minor closed tears to the page edge. The folder has cracking to the spine edge, and is darkened, and at least one of the ties is still functioning. The front has a tipped on printed illustration with the title. An attractive and fascinating piece. 330 x 255 mm (13 x 10 inches). Magnifique portfolio de manuscrits architecturaux français sur 'Perspective'. Cela semble être le manuscrit d'un étudiant et des croquis d'un cours d'architecture ou d'art. Tous les contenus traitent de la perspective sous différentes formes. Certains sont purement mathématiques (comme la conception et les croquis de cônes et d'autres formes.) D'autres sont des exemples de croquis dessinés dans une perspective appropriée. Le portefeuille contient un grand nombre de feuilles volantes. Chaque aspect (texte en français) est suivi d'une ou plusieurs illustrations. De nombreuses pages (mais pas toutes) ont des numéros au crayon sur le bord supérieur. Au total il y a 48 pages de texte et 64 pages d'illustrations/schémas. En fait, il y en a quelques autres, mais nous n'avons compté que les pages "significatives". Le papier est un peu noirci et il y a quelques petites déchirures fermées sur le bord de la page. Le dossier présente des fissures sur le bord de la colonne vertébrale et est assombri, et au moins une des attaches fonctionne toujours. L'avant a une pointe sur l'illustration imprimée avec le titre. Une pièce attrayante et fascinante. 330 x 255 mm (13 x 10 pouces).

    Book ID: 3298
    View basket More details Price: £300.00
  • A sketchbook containing original pencil, ink and charcoal sketches by [ANON]
    A sketchbook containing original pencil, ink and charcoal sketches

    1884. A beautiful sketch book by an unknown French artist. This contains sketches of landscapes of Northern France. Also ships and parts of ships, and ink portraits of gentlemen. The landscapes is often around St. Malo. All skillfully executed in pencil, ink or charcoal. In total there are 13 pages of landscapes, 13 of portraits, 12 of ships and boats and 4 other sketches. There are also a few others not significant. All drawn between 1884 and 1900 - these are created by a skilled hand. There is a poem dedicated to 'Justine', with ends with the author / artist's name Louis de Crèvecoeur. 105 x 170 mm (4¼ x 6¾ inches). Un beau carnet de croquis d'un artiste français…


    1884. A beautiful sketch book by an unknown French artist. This contains sketches of landscapes of Northern France. Also ships and parts of ships, and ink portraits of gentlemen. The landscapes is often around St. Malo. All skillfully executed in pencil, ink or charcoal. In total there are 13 pages of landscapes, 13 of portraits, 12 of ships and boats and 4 other sketches. There are also a few others not significant. All drawn between 1884 and 1900 - these are created by a skilled hand. There is a poem dedicated to 'Justine', with ends with the author / artist's name Louis de Crèvecoeur. 105 x 170 mm (4¼ x 6¾ inches). Un beau carnet de croquis d'un artiste français inconnu. Celui-ci contient des croquis de paysages du Nord de la France. Aussi des navires et des parties de navires, et des portraits à l'encre de gentilshommes. Les paysages sont souvent autour de Saint-Malo. Tous habilement exécutés au crayon, à l'encre ou au fusain. Au total il y a 13 pages de paysages, 13 de portraits, 12 de navires et bateaux et 4 autres croquis. Il y en a aussi quelques autres non significatifs. Tous dessinés entre 1884 et 1900 - ceux-ci sont créés par une main habile. Il y a un poème dédié à "Justine", qui se termine par le nom de l'auteur/artiste Louis de Crèvecoeur. 105 x 170 mm.

    Book ID: 3289
    View basket More details Price: £200.00