
  • Category = Military
  • A Cross-Bow Man and his Paviser. by MEYRICK, Samuel
    MEYRICK, Samuel
    A Cross-Bow Man and his Paviser. A plate from A CRITICAL INQUIRY INTO ANCIENT ARMOUR, As it Existed in Europe, But Particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles II.

    London: 1830. A lovely hand coloured military plate from Meyrick's critical inquiry. This is plate 46 XLVI. We are unsure whether this is from the 1824 first edition or the 1842 second. Hence the approximate date of 1830. The hand coloured image is clean and bright, with a little foxing only. It is held under a hand made passe partout, showing the English Red Rose to each corner. Plate dimensions 30.5cm x 25cm to a sheet of 36.5cm x 26.5cm. Passe partout is slightly darkened but in a good state. 44.5cm x 38cm. An attractive example of this plate.

    . Une belle plaque militaire colorée à la main, tirée de l'enquête critique de Meyrick. Il s'agit de la planche…


    London: 1830. A lovely hand coloured military plate from Meyrick's critical inquiry. This is plate 46 XLVI. We are unsure whether this is from the 1824 first edition or the 1842 second. Hence the approximate date of 1830. The hand coloured image is clean and bright, with a little foxing only. It is held under a hand made passe partout, showing the English Red Rose to each corner. Plate dimensions 30.5cm x 25cm to a sheet of 36.5cm x 26.5cm. Passe partout is slightly darkened but in a good state. 44.5cm x 38cm. An attractive example of this plate.

    . Une belle plaque militaire colorée à la main, tirée de l'enquête critique de Meyrick. Il s'agit de la planche 46 XLVI. Nous ne savons pas si elle provient de la première édition de 1824 ou de la seconde de 1842. D'où la date approximative de 1830. L'image colorée à la main est propre et brillante, avec seulement quelques rousseurs. Elle est maintenue sous un passe partout fait à la main, montrant la rose rouge anglaise à chaque coin. Les dimensions de la plaque sont de 30,5 cm x 25 cm pour une feuille de 36,5 cm x 26,5 cm. Le passe partout est légèrement assombri mais en bon état. 44.5cm x 38cm. Un bel exemple de cette plaque.

    Book ID: 4456
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Signed and limited
    A Dictionary of The Battle of Britain by SIMPSON, Geoff
    SIMPSON, Geoff
    A Dictionary of The Battle of Britain

    Wellington: Halsgrove, 2009. First Edition copy of this very limited signed book (exact limitation is unknown). With the signatures of the author and ten surviving pilots who flew in The Battle of Britain. This book was originally created to raise funds for 'The Battle of Britain Memorial Trust'. Hardback.
    160 pp. 310 x 220mm (12¼ x 8¾ inches)'The Few' were 2,353 young men from Great Britain and 574 from overseas (pilots and other aircrew) who were officially recognised as having taken part in The Battle of Britain. 544 lost their lives during the battle. In a very good unclipped dust jacket; internally in an as new condition. Signed by the author, and the following ten pilots:


    Wellington: Halsgrove, 2009. First Edition copy of this very limited signed book (exact limitation is unknown). With the signatures of the author and ten surviving pilots who flew in The Battle of Britain. This book was originally created to raise funds for 'The Battle of Britain Memorial Trust'. Hardback.
    160 pp. 310 x 220mm (12¼ x 8¾ inches)'The Few' were 2,353 young men from Great Britain and 574 from overseas (pilots and other aircrew) who were officially recognised as having taken part in The Battle of Britain. 544 lost their lives during the battle. In a very good unclipped dust jacket; internally in an as new condition. Signed by the author, and the following ten pilots:
    Squadron Leader Michael J. Wainwright (Spitfires / 64 Sq)
    Flight Lieutenant Keith A. Lawrence (Spitfires / 234 & 603 Sq)
    Wing Commander Terrence Kane (Spitfires / 234 Sq)
    Squadron Leader Bob Foster (Hurricanes / 605 Sq)
    Flying Officer Kenneth A. Wilkinson (Spitfires / I 616 Sq)
    Flight Lieutenant Owen V. Burns (Blenheims / 235 Sq)
    Wing Commander Tom F. Neil (Hurricanes / I 249 Sq)
    Flight Sergeant John Keating (Blenheims / 219 Sq)
    Pilot Officer Nigel (S. N.) Rose (Spitfires / 602 Sq)
    Pilot Officer Walker (Spitfires / 616 Sq)

    Book ID: 2293
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • A manuscript letter warning of desertion from Napoleonic ships by REGGIO, Duc de [Nicolas Charles Oudinot]
    REGGIO, Duc de [Nicolas Charles Oudinot]
    A manuscript letter warning of desertion from Napoleonic ships

    Netherlands: 1810. A manuscript letter, from the look of it a secretarial copy, rather than the letter sent, with the signature of the Duc de Reggio. The letter outlines how an unknown sailor had made plans to escort French deserters from the Dutch villages of Noordwyk and Katwyk (just north of the Hague) to the English squadrons. One of the most important soldiers had been captured, and would stand trial, but the search continued for the sailor assisting the deserters. In the meantime, the villages had been placed under embargo, and no ships allowed to leave! The letter, in a neat hand, is written to "Monseigneur" (Giraud ?). It is dated 20 / 7th which is presumably 20th July without…


    Netherlands: 1810. A manuscript letter, from the look of it a secretarial copy, rather than the letter sent, with the signature of the Duc de Reggio. The letter outlines how an unknown sailor had made plans to escort French deserters from the Dutch villages of Noordwyk and Katwyk (just north of the Hague) to the English squadrons. One of the most important soldiers had been captured, and would stand trial, but the search continued for the sailor assisting the deserters. In the meantime, the villages had been placed under embargo, and no ships allowed to leave! The letter, in a neat hand, is written to "Monseigneur" (Giraud ?). It is dated 20 / 7th which is presumably 20th July without the year recorded. The year is probably 1810, as in April of this year, Oudinot was elevated to the rank of Duc de Reggio, and made responsible for the governance of Holland in replacement of Louis Napoleon (the Emperor's brother). Oudinot was the most injured soldier of the Napoleonic wars, having received 32 wounds, including two bullet wounds and nine sabre wounds. Despite these, Despite these, he lived until 1847 when he died at the age of 80. We believe this to be the signature of the duc, partly as a previous owner has written this provenance in pencil to the letter - but also in comparison with online copies of his autograph. These varied widely, but an example is shown in the pictures of this piece. 215 x 190mm (8½ x 7½ inches).

    . Une lettre manuscrite, qui semble être une copie de secrétariat plutôt que la lettre envoyée, avec la signature du duc de Reggio. La lettre explique comment un marin inconnu avait prévu d'escorter des déserteurs français des villages néerlandais de Noordwyk et Katwyk (juste au nord de La Haye) jusqu'aux squadrons anglais. L'un des soldats les plus importants a été capturé et sera jugé, mais les recherches se poursuivent pour retrouver le marin qui aide les déserteurs. Entre-temps, les villages ont été placés sous embargo et aucun navire n'est autorisé à en sortir ! La lettre, d'une écriture soignée, est adressée à "Monseigneur" (Giraud ?). Elle est datée du 20/7, c'est-à-dire vraisemblablement du 20 juillet, sans que l'année ne soit indiquée. L'année est probablement 1810, car en avril de cette année, Oudinot a été élevé au rang de duc de Reggio, et chargé de gouverner la Hollande en remplacement de Louis Napoléon (le frère de l'empereur). Oudinot est le soldat le plus blessé des guerres napoléoniennes, ayant reçu 32 blessures, dont deux par balle et neuf par sabre. Malgré cela, il vécut jusqu'en 1847, date à laquelle il mourut à l'âge de 80 ans. Nous pensons qu'il s'agit de la signature du duc, d'une part parce qu'un ancien propriétaire a écrit cette provenance au crayon sur la lettre, et d'autre part par comparaison avec des copies en ligne de son autographe. Celles-ci varient considérablement, mais un exemple est présenté dans les photos de cette pièce. 215 x 190mm.

    Book ID: 4682
    View basket More details Price: £250.00
  • A smoking bandsman holding his Tuba by CIG
    A smoking bandsman holding his Tuba

    France: NA, 1880. A nice original caricature of a standing bandsman, holding his tuba (or his euphonium) under his arm. He is smoking and looking to one side. He appears to be in military uniform, but also has an earring, so probably just a late nineteenth century band uniform. Drawn in pencil. The image is in very good condition, but does have a couple of small ink stains to it. Sheet is 20cm x 11.5cm. Signed in pencil "Cig" to the bottom right of the sheet. A nice piece.

    . Belle caricature originale d'un musicien debout, tenant son tuba (ou son euphonium) sous le bras. Il fume et regarde de côté. Il semble porter un uniforme militaire, mais…


    France: NA, 1880. A nice original caricature of a standing bandsman, holding his tuba (or his euphonium) under his arm. He is smoking and looking to one side. He appears to be in military uniform, but also has an earring, so probably just a late nineteenth century band uniform. Drawn in pencil. The image is in very good condition, but does have a couple of small ink stains to it. Sheet is 20cm x 11.5cm. Signed in pencil "Cig" to the bottom right of the sheet. A nice piece.

    . Belle caricature originale d'un musicien debout, tenant son tuba (ou son euphonium) sous le bras. Il fume et regarde de côté. Il semble porter un uniforme militaire, mais il a aussi une boucle d'oreille. Il s'agit donc probablement d'un uniforme d'orchestre de la fin du XIXe siècle. Dessiné au crayon. L'image est en très bon état, mais présente quelques petites taches d'encre. La feuille mesure 20 cm x 11,5 cm. Signée au crayon "Cig" en bas à droite de la feuille. Une belle pièce.

    Book ID: 4483
    View basket More details Price: £50.00
  • Army and Navy Drolleries. by SECCOMBE, Captain T.S.
    SECCOMBE, Captain T.S.
    Army and Navy Drolleries.

    London: Frederick Warne and Co. and New York: Scribner, Welford, and Armstrong, 1876. First edition. Hardback. Seccombe is referred to as Captain (in later editions he becomes Major or Lieutenant Colonel) on the front of the red cloth boards. With alphabetical descriptions and illustrations from designs by the author. Printed in colours by Kronheim. Complete with 25 full-page colour plates, including frontis. Boards are darkened, and rubbed at edges. The gilt design and lettering has been slightly rubbed away. Internally, one or two of the blank pages in between illustrations has a small closed tear, not affecting any text or illustration pages. Text 27pp + 2pp adverts. 270 x 230 mm (10¾ x 9 inches).

    Book ID: 3826
    View basket More details Price: £250.00
  • Atlas van LXIII platen behoorende bij de handleiding tot de kennis der Burgerlijke en Militaire Bouwkunst. by [GRAVESANDE, Storm van]
    [GRAVESANDE, Storm van]
    Atlas van LXIII platen behoorende bij de handleiding tot de kennis der Burgerlijke en Militaire Bouwkunst. Bouwkundige Leercursus, ten gebruike der Koninklijke Mlitaire Akademie. 3de herziene druk.

    Breda: Broese & Comp, 1863. Hardback marbled boards with buckram spine. [2] + 13 text pp. 63 double page lithographed plates - with more than 852 illustrations by Franciscus Josephus Ensinck (1806 - 1883). This is the plate volume only, showing military and civil architecture. Library stamp of Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs (KIVI) to title page, and location label to spine. Overall in very good condition. Heavy book. Small folio: 390 x 270 mm (15¼ x10¾ inches).

    Book ID: 3848
    View basket More details Price: £260.00
  • Carrousel de L'Ecole de Cavalerie 1908 by [ANON]
    Carrousel de L'Ecole de Cavalerie 1908

    Saumur: E. Roland. First Edition. An attractive programme for the 1908 Carrousel. The front and rear covers show designs by Grasser, The programme inside, show the name, rank etc of each cavalry officer taking part, and what they are doing during the Carrousel. 4 pages. 320 by 250mm (12½ by 9¾ inches). The covers are a little darkened and marked. small pinhole to one edge. Repaired split to the bottom 3-4 cm of the spine. Internally clean but slightly darkened. A nice piece of ephemeral military / equine history. The Cavalry school at Saumur was established in 1763 to train riders in the military. Legend has it that the Bishop of made the school move to Saumur to bring…


    Saumur: E. Roland. First Edition. An attractive programme for the 1908 Carrousel. The front and rear covers show designs by Grasser, The programme inside, show the name, rank etc of each cavalry officer taking part, and what they are doing during the Carrousel. 4 pages. 320 by 250mm (12½ by 9¾ inches). The covers are a little darkened and marked. small pinhole to one edge. Repaired split to the bottom 3-4 cm of the spine. Internally clean but slightly darkened. A nice piece of ephemeral military / equine history. The Cavalry school at Saumur was established in 1763 to train riders in the military. Legend has it that the Bishop of made the school move to Saumur to bring pain to the Protestant town (after the officers had been too friendly with the local ladies). The regular Carousel is one of the highlights of French Horse riding. The school still exists today, training officers of the tank regiments, and supporting the nearby Cadre Noir, France's elite horse riders.

    . Un programme attrayant pour le Carrousel de 1908. Les couvertures avant et arrière présentent des dessins de Grasser. Le programme à l'intérieur indique le nom, le grade, etc. de chaque officier de cavalerie participant, et ce qu'ils font pendant le Carrousel. 4 pages. 320 x 250 mm (12½ x 9¾ pouces). Les couvertures sont un peu assombries et marquées. Petit trou d'épingle sur un bord. Fente réparée sur les 3-4 cm inférieurs du dos. L'intérieur est propre mais légèrement assombri. Une belle pièce d'histoire militaire / équine éphémère. L'école de cavalerie de Saumur a été créée en 1763 pour former les cavaliers à l'armée. La légende veut que l'évêque de Saumur ait fait déménager l'école à Saumur pour faire souffrir la ville protestante (après que les officiers aient été trop amicaux avec les dames locales). Le carrousel régulier est l'un des points forts de l'équitation française. L'école existe toujours aujourd'hui, formant les officiers des régiments de chars et soutenant le Cadre Noir, l'élite des cavaliers français.

    Book ID: 4100
    View basket More details Price: £35.00
  • Croquis de guerre by DELAYE, Théophile-Jean
    DELAYE, Théophile-Jean
    Croquis de guerre

    Paris: Les Grandes Éditions Francaises. First edition. No Date but FirstSearch states 1945. A nice copy of this portfolio of sketches from the war. Complete, with a title, a poem and 24 black and white plates. The portfolio is stained, with a water mark to the inside and out. Cloth ties still present. One of the three card folds inside is detached but present. The design is replicated on the paper covers inside. These are clean, but has a little loss to the spine edge. Plates are clean but with a little darkening and edgewear to the page edges. An uncommon item. Only two library holdings (BnF and the Netherlands Holocaust museum). Conforms to BnF FRBNF40360138. 325 by 250mm…


    Paris: Les Grandes Éditions Francaises. First edition. No Date but FirstSearch states 1945. A nice copy of this portfolio of sketches from the war. Complete, with a title, a poem and 24 black and white plates. The portfolio is stained, with a water mark to the inside and out. Cloth ties still present. One of the three card folds inside is detached but present. The design is replicated on the paper covers inside. These are clean, but has a little loss to the spine edge. Plates are clean but with a little darkening and edgewear to the page edges. An uncommon item. Only two library holdings (BnF and the Netherlands Holocaust museum). Conforms to BnF FRBNF40360138. 325 by 250mm (12¾ by 9¾ inches).

    . Première édition. Pas de date mais FirstSearch indique 1945. Bel exemplaire de ce portfolio de croquis de guerre. Complet, avec un titre, un poème et 24 planches en noir et blanc. Le portfolio est taché, avec une marque d'eau à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur. Les attaches en tissu sont toujours présentes. L'un des trois plis de la carte à l'intérieur est détaché mais présent. Le dessin est reproduit sur les couvertures en papier à l'intérieur. Celles-ci sont propres, mais le bord du dos est un peu abîmé. Les planches sont propres, mais les bords des pages sont légèrement assombris et usés. Un ouvrage peu courant. Il n'existe que deux bibliothèques (la BnF et le musée néerlandais de l'Holocauste). Conforme à la BnF FRBNF40360138. 325 by 250mm.

    Book ID: 4494
    View basket More details Price: £60.00
  • Croquis de guerre faits à Bruxelles by HAGEMANS, Paul
    HAGEMANS, Paul
    Croquis de guerre faits à Bruxelles

    J Goffin, 1917. "Tirées à 150 Exemplaires, sur les Presses de J. Goffin, Fils, Bruxelles, avec les Encres Dambremé". A collection of title plus 29 lithographed illustrations of the First World War by Hagemans. First Edition. Complete. There seem to also be copies issued with 20 and 25 plates. The only other copy available for sale has 20 sheets. Card covers with red printing to the front cover. Title sheet in red and black. The 29 sheets each have a tissue guard to them. The guards are a little tatty but the plates, on stiff card, are in very good condition. The final plate has a little foxing to it. 30 pages. 30 x 24 cm. Paul Hagemans was…


    J Goffin, 1917. "Tirées à 150 Exemplaires, sur les Presses de J. Goffin, Fils, Bruxelles, avec les Encres Dambremé". A collection of title plus 29 lithographed illustrations of the First World War by Hagemans. First Edition. Complete. There seem to also be copies issued with 20 and 25 plates. The only other copy available for sale has 20 sheets. Card covers with red printing to the front cover. Title sheet in red and black. The 29 sheets each have a tissue guard to them. The guards are a little tatty but the plates, on stiff card, are in very good condition. The final plate has a little foxing to it. 30 pages. 30 x 24 cm. Paul Hagemans was the Son of the painter Maurice Hagemans and brother of Germaine, P. Hagemans (Antwerp 1884-1959) was a post-impressionist luminist painter, lithographer and engraver. 340 by 240 mm (13½ by 9½ inches).

    . "Tirées à 150 exemplaires, sur les Presses de J. Goffin, Fils, Bruxelles, avec les Encres Dambremé". Une collection de titres et 29 illustrations lithographiées de la Première Guerre mondiale par Hagemans. Première édition. Complète. Il semble qu'il y ait également eu des exemplaires avec 20 et 25 planches. Le seul autre exemplaire disponible à la vente comporte 20 planches. Couvertures cartonnées avec impression rouge sur la couverture. Feuille de titre en rouge et noir. Les 29 feuilles ont chacune une protection en tissu. Les gardes sont un peu abîmées mais les planches, sur carte rigide, sont en très bon état. La dernière planche présente une petite rousseur. 30 pages. 30cm x 24cm. Paul Hagemans était le fils du peintre Maurice Hagemans et le frère de Germaine. P. Hagemans (Anvers 1884-1959) était un peintre, lithographe et graveur luministe post-impressionniste. 340 x 240 mm4

    Book ID: 4400
    View basket More details Price: £400.00
  • Das Dritte Reich im Spiegel der Weltpresse: Historische Documente über Den Kampf des Nationalsozialismus Gegen die Ausländische Lügenhetze by Bömer, Karl
    Bömer, Karl
    Das Dritte Reich im Spiegel der Weltpresse: Historische Documente über Den Kampf des Nationalsozialismus Gegen die Ausländische Lügenhetze

    Leipzig: Armanen, 1934. 1st Editions. Soft covers (No dust wrapper). The wrapper looks as if it was once integral but has been removed - presumably to make anonymous an undesirable publication. This act is perhaps as interesting as the books itself. Details in pencil to the front cover. A little foxing to the paper edges. Library discard stamp to the title page - otherwise clean and tidy glossy pages throughout. An analysis of foreign press reports about the Nazi Party, its policies and its leaders. Numerous political cartoons. Published on behalf of the NSDAP. Bomer was the head of the Press department of the Foreign policy department of the Nazi party. 173, [i] pp. 230 by 160mm (9 by 6¼ inches).

    Book ID: 3641
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • De la Marne au Rhin. Dessoms des Années de Guerre 1914-1919. by FORAIN
    De la Marne au Rhin. Dessoms des Années de Guerre 1914-1919. Complet en deux volumes

    Paris: Editions Pierre Lafitte, 1920. First Edition. A decent copy of this two volume set of caricatures. Original soft covers. Clean but slightly darkened covers. The binding has weakened and been reinforced with archival tape to the inside cover of each volume. Unpaginated but over 100 caricatures per volume. This is one of the unsigned sets, not the signed edition. 20.5cm x 15.5cm. Jean-Louis Forain (1852-1931) was a French Impressionist painter and printmaker. He was also a prominent caricaturist. During the first World War, Forain's illustrations honoured the patriotism of his contemporaries, and he enlisted in the Section de Camouflage under Lucien-Victor Guirand de Scévola.

    , Première édition. Un bon exemplaire de cette série de caricatures en deux volumes.…


    Paris: Editions Pierre Lafitte, 1920. First Edition. A decent copy of this two volume set of caricatures. Original soft covers. Clean but slightly darkened covers. The binding has weakened and been reinforced with archival tape to the inside cover of each volume. Unpaginated but over 100 caricatures per volume. This is one of the unsigned sets, not the signed edition. 20.5cm x 15.5cm. Jean-Louis Forain (1852-1931) was a French Impressionist painter and printmaker. He was also a prominent caricaturist. During the first World War, Forain's illustrations honoured the patriotism of his contemporaries, and he enlisted in the Section de Camouflage under Lucien-Victor Guirand de Scévola.

    , Première édition. Un bon exemplaire de cette série de caricatures en deux volumes. Couvertures souples d'origine. Couvertures propres mais légèrement assombries. La reliure s'est affaiblie et a été renforcée avec du ruban adhésif d'archivage à l'intérieur de la couverture de chaque volume. Non paginé mais plus de 100 caricatures par volume. Il s'agit de l'une des séries non signées et non de l'édition signée. 20,5 cm x 15,5 cm. Jean-Louis Forain (1852-1931) était un peintre et graveur impressionniste français. Il était également un important caricaturiste. Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, les illustrations de Forain honorent le patriotisme de ses contemporains et il s'engage dans la Section de camouflage sous la direction de Lucien-Victor Guirand de Scévola.

    Book ID: 4872
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Der alte Schlendrian muß raus!; by RODEWALD, P.
    Der alte Schlendrian muß raus!; Ein besonderer Beitrag zur Leistungssteigerung; Herausgeber: Im Auftrag des Reichsministers für Bewaffnung und Munition

    Berlin: Wilhelm Greve, 1942. First Edition. Humorous booklet about irresponsibility in the war economy. A scarce item, with a foreword by the Nazi minister of Munitions, Fritz Todt. 48 pages. The majority are text and caricatures by P. Rodewald. Original illustrated stapled card covers with illustrated title to the front cover. Although the majority of the book is cartoons, the final seven pages as an article and photographs of workers and factories. Including one of Hitler and Todt addressing troops. Excellent clean condition throughout. 15 x 21 cm. Première édition. Brochure humoristique sur l'irresponsabilité dans l'économie de guerre. Pièce rare, avec un avant-propos du ministre nazi des Munitions, Fritz Todt. 48 pages. La plupart des textes et des caricatures…


    Berlin: Wilhelm Greve, 1942. First Edition. Humorous booklet about irresponsibility in the war economy. A scarce item, with a foreword by the Nazi minister of Munitions, Fritz Todt. 48 pages. The majority are text and caricatures by P. Rodewald. Original illustrated stapled card covers with illustrated title to the front cover. Although the majority of the book is cartoons, the final seven pages as an article and photographs of workers and factories. Including one of Hitler and Todt addressing troops. Excellent clean condition throughout. 15 x 21 cm. Première édition. Brochure humoristique sur l'irresponsabilité dans l'économie de guerre. Pièce rare, avec un avant-propos du ministre nazi des Munitions, Fritz Todt. 48 pages. La plupart des textes et des caricatures sont de P. Rodewald. Couverture originale en carton agrafé et illustré, avec titre illustré sur la couverture. Bien que la majeure partie du livre soit constituée de caricatures, les sept dernières pages contiennent un article et des photographies d'ouvriers et d'usines. L'une d'entre elles montre Hitler et Todt s'adressant aux troupes. Excellent état de propreté. 15 x 21 cm.

    Book ID: 4873
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • État militaire, naval, nobiliaire, ecclésiastique, civil et municipal de la Grande Bretagne by [ANON]
    État militaire, naval, nobiliaire, ecclésiastique, civil et municipal de la Grande Bretagne

    Paris: Chez Onfroy, 1780. Two volumes in one, first edition. A rare guide to the state of Great Britain from a French perspective. Volume one was for 1780, volume two for 1781. It would seem that there were plans for this to be an annual review, but if so, this doesn't appear to have happened, as Worldcat only records these two years. Full leather binding with gilt decoration to the spine. The label and one panel of the gilt to the spine has been pulled away, leaving some leather, but no surface (see photos). The rest of the boards are in good, slightly bumped condition. Inside there is an owner's signature to the end paper. The rest is clean…


    Paris: Chez Onfroy, 1780. Two volumes in one, first edition. A rare guide to the state of Great Britain from a French perspective. Volume one was for 1780, volume two for 1781. It would seem that there were plans for this to be an annual review, but if so, this doesn't appear to have happened, as Worldcat only records these two years. Full leather binding with gilt decoration to the spine. The label and one panel of the gilt to the spine has been pulled away, leaving some leather, but no surface (see photos). The rest of the boards are in good, slightly bumped condition. Inside there is an owner's signature to the end paper. The rest is clean and tidy. The half-title reads "Etat de l'Angleterre, pour l'année 1780." [viii], 178, [2] pages. The first volume conforms to OCLC: 40428559. This is followed by another half title for the year 1781, and a second volume of the book. [viii], 199, [3]. pages. This second volume conforms to OCLC: 630334412. Both volumes are full of the in depth information required by researchers. Including names, addresses, ranks etc. For example, there is a list of the names and addresses of all the London bankers, accounts of the King and court, names of ships and vessels in the navy etc. etc. Text in French. 170 by 100mm (6¾ by 4 inches). No other copies available to purchase at the time of cataloguing.

    . Deux volumes en un, première édition. Un guide de l'état de la Grande-Bretagne d'un point de vue français. Le premier volume porte sur l'année 1780, le second sur l'année 1781. Il semblerait qu'il était prévu que ce soit une revue annuelle, mais si c'est le cas, cela ne semble pas s'être produit, car Worldcat n'enregistre que ces deux années. Reliure en plein cuir avec décoration dorée au dos. L'étiquette et un panneau de la dorure au dos ont été arrachés, laissant un peu de cuir, mais pas de surface (voir les photos). Le reste des planches est en bon état, légèrement bosselé. A l'intérieur, la signature d'un propriétaire figure sur la page de garde. Le reste est propre et bien rangé. Le demi-titre indique "Etat de l'Angleterre, pour l'année 1780". [viii], 178, [2] pages. Le premier volume est conforme à OCLC : 40428559. Il est suivi d'un autre demi-titre pour l'année 1781, et d'un second volume du livre. [viii], 199, [3] pages. Ce deuxième volume est conforme à OCLC : 630334412. Les deux volumes contiennent les informations détaillées dont les chercheurs ont besoin. Y compris les noms, les adresses, les grades, etc. Par exemple, il y a une liste des noms et adresses de tous les banquiers de Londres, les comptes du roi et de la cour, les noms des navires et des vaisseaux de la marine, etc. etc. Texte en français. 170 x 100 mm. Aucun autre exemplaire disponible à l'achat au moment du catalogage.

    Book ID: 4558
    View basket More details Price: £175.00
  • England's Battles By Sea And Land by WILLIAMS,
    England's Battles By Sea And Land A complete record of the Naval and Military Conflicts of the British Nation with their Labours, Triumphs, and Disasters.

    London, New York and Melbourne: Ward, Lock, and Co, 1888. First Edition. Two volumes. Red half leather with cloth boards; gilt stamped title to leather spine label. Boards are rubbed and worn to corners and somewhat split at spine on both volumes. Presentation bookplate to front of each volume dated 1895 from The Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. With a frontispiece in each volume and several b/w illustrations throughout. Inside the books are in a good condition with virtually no foxing. iv, 704, 698 pp. 255 x 180 mm (10 x 7 inches).

    Book ID: 3220
    View basket More details Price: £60.00
  • Formulier, door den Inspecteur-Generaal van den Geneeskundigen Dienst des Rijks, by [ANON]
    Formulier, door den Inspecteur-Generaal van den Geneeskundigen Dienst des Rijks, vastgesteld, ingevolge artikel 40 van het Reglement op den Geneeskundigen Dienst, gearresteerd door Zijne Excellentie den Heer Commissaris-Generaal van Oorlog de dato 1 Februarij 1821.

    1821. First Edition. Original document in the original blue paper covers. Not a reprint. Paper covers worn and soiled. Scarce. Clean inside. Regulations for the medical service of the netherlands, with restrictions of chemicals / medicines etc. 210 pages. 230 x 140 mm (9 x 5½ inches).

    Book ID: 4684
    View basket More details Price: £80.00
  • Guerres et Propagande, by Crédit communal de Belgique
    Crédit communal de Belgique
    Guerres et Propagande, ou comment armer les esprits.

    Le Crédit communal, 1983. Catalogue from an exhibition of the same name at Passage 44, Bruxelles, from 15 September to 30 October 1983. Large format, glossy soft back covers. In excellent condition, inside and out. 165 pages: illustrations; some in colour. Depicting propaganda posters etc. Text in French. Edited by André Miroir and Charles Picqué. 300 x 210 mm (11¾ x 8¼ inches).

    . Catalogue de l'exposition du même nom au Passage 44, Bruxelles, du 15 septembre au 30 octobre 1983. Grand format, couverture souple et brillante. En excellent état, tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur. 165 pages : illustrations, certaines en couleur. Représentation d'affiches de propagande, etc. Texte en français. Édité par André Miroir et Charles Picqué. 300 x 210 mm.

    Book ID: 4189
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • Hard To Believe Too Old At Sixteen. by HORSFALL, Peter
    HORSFALL, Peter
    Hard To Believe Too Old At Sixteen.

    Durham: The Memoir Club, 1999. Hardback in dust jacket. First Edition. Signed to the title page, and inscribed by the author to 'My Mentor Douglas' to the front endpaper. Fine cloth copy in an equally fine dust jacket.
    The author's own telling of his thirty four years in the Coldstream Guards, (retiring as Major Quartermaster). Later he became Staff Superintendent at the House of Lords. Full of anecdotes - including some involving Margaret Thatcher, and members of the British Royal Family. With b/w and colour photos, and cartoons by Bill Tidy. 240 pages. 240 x 160 mm (9½ x 6¼ inches).

    Book ID: 3296
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • Hello Camel. by BANGERT, Christoph
    BANGERT, Christoph
    Hello Camel.

    Berlin: Kehrer Verlag, 2016. First edition. Christoph Bangert, is a German photojournalist who documents crises for international publications. This photo book is a response to being embedded with the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is a documentary of human striving to create something approximating 'normality' in the face of violence and chaos. Decorated cloth. Signed and numbered to the title page. 225 of an unspecified limitation. Unpaginated. 320 by 245 mm (12½ by 9¾ inches). Comes wrapped in a proof page / printer's page from the production, with a camel printed upon it. Excellent condition.

    Book ID: 2481
    View basket More details Price: £50.00
  • Het Toppunt der Beschaving prenten naar teekeningen van Louis Raemaekers uit de jaren van den wereld by RAEMAEKERS Louis
    Het Toppunt der Beschaving prenten naar teekeningen van Louis Raemaekers uit de jaren van den wereld Portfolio met 7 uitgaven

    Amsterdam: Uitgevers Maatschappy "Elsevier", 1916. Original portfolio, with 7 volumes, each containing 12 monochrome illustrations on 6 leaves and an original lithograph wrapper by L. RAEMAEKERS.
    The portfolio is stained and the burgundy cloth to the spine is splitting. Foxing inside. The bottom flap is also splitting but holding. The seven volumes are of differing edition and the covers in differing condition. Captions in English, German and Dutch. Eerste serie = Negende druk. 1916 A little darkening to the covers, but internally sound. Tweede serie = Zesde druk. 1916 A little darkening to the covers, but internally sound. Vierde serie = vierde druk. 1916 A little darkening to the covers, some staining to the bottom edge, but internally sound.…


    Amsterdam: Uitgevers Maatschappy "Elsevier", 1916. Original portfolio, with 7 volumes, each containing 12 monochrome illustrations on 6 leaves and an original lithograph wrapper by L. RAEMAEKERS.
    The portfolio is stained and the burgundy cloth to the spine is splitting. Foxing inside. The bottom flap is also splitting but holding. The seven volumes are of differing edition and the covers in differing condition. Captions in English, German and Dutch. Eerste serie = Negende druk. 1916 A little darkening to the covers, but internally sound. Tweede serie = Zesde druk. 1916 A little darkening to the covers, but internally sound. Vierde serie = vierde druk. 1916 A little darkening to the covers, some staining to the bottom edge, but internally sound. Viefde serie = derde druk. 1916 Significant darkening and foxing to the covers. chipping to the bottom edge. Inside, first leaf detached but present. Chipping to the edge of this. The other leaves are sound. Zesde serie = derde druk. 1916 A little darkening to the covers, but internally sound. Zevende serie = eerste druk. 1917 Orange covers. Nice clean covers, internally sound.
    Raemaekers (1869 – 1956) became widely known as a political cartoonist during the First World War, first with his prints in De Telegraaf, later for the publications he made for the British propaganda agency Wellington House. After his death in July 1956 an obituary appeared in The Times: "It has been said that Louis Raemaekers was the only private individual who exerted a real and great influence on the course of the First World War. There were a dozen people—emperors, kings, statesmen, and military leaders—who unquestionably shaped policy and were in charge. But outside that circle of greats, Louis Raemaekers was the only man who, without title or status – and without any doubt – determined the destiny of the nations."
    410 by 320mm (16¼ by 12½ inches).

    Book ID: 3940
    View basket More details Price: £60.00
  • Hintergrund: 17 Zeichnungen von George Grosz zur Auffuhrung des "Schwejk" in der Piscatorbuhre by GROSZ, George.
    GROSZ, George.
    Hintergrund: 17 Zeichnungen von George Grosz zur Auffuhrung des "Schwejk" in der Piscatorbuhre

    Berlin: Der Malik, 1928. A very nice copy of this set of political caricatures drawn by Grosz for the performance of "Schwejk" at the Piscator theatre, Berlin. First Edition. Original mustard cardboard folder. (In very good, clean condition, with a few archival repairs and strengthening to the edge folds). Inside are a title and 17 illustrations. The title has a couple of small foxing spots. The 17 plates, on high quality paper, are in excellent, clean condition. Our copy is the variant with the titles and number to each plate. Complete copy with the frequently missing sheets 2, 9 and 10, which were confiscated from many copies as a result of the charges of blasphemy brought against Grosz and…


    Berlin: Der Malik, 1928. A very nice copy of this set of political caricatures drawn by Grosz for the performance of "Schwejk" at the Piscator theatre, Berlin. First Edition. Original mustard cardboard folder. (In very good, clean condition, with a few archival repairs and strengthening to the edge folds). Inside are a title and 17 illustrations. The title has a couple of small foxing spots. The 17 plates, on high quality paper, are in excellent, clean condition. Our copy is the variant with the titles and number to each plate. Complete copy with the frequently missing sheets 2, 9 and 10, which were confiscated from many copies as a result of the charges of blasphemy brought against Grosz and Wieland Herzfelde and destroyed after the end of the trial and judgement. Each was fined 2000 marks. To the inside cover of the folder are an owner's bookplate, and a penciled annotation about the plates and fine detailed above. The portfolio is held in a later (hand made) stiff card marbled portfolio, with a copy of the original portfolio's cover placed on the front. This is in good, clean condition. This is a very nice copy, in better than usual condition. 18cm x 27cm.

    . Très bel exemplaire de cet ensemble de caricatures politiques dessinées par Grosz pour la représentation de "Schwejk" au théâtre Piscator de Berlin. Première édition. Chemise originale en carton moutarde. (En très bon état, propre, avec quelques réparations d'archives et un renforcement des plis du bord). A l'intérieur se trouvent un titre et 17 illustrations. Le titre comporte quelques petites rousseurs. Les 17 planches, sur papier de haute qualité, sont en excellent état. Notre exemplaire est la variante avec les titres et le numéro de chaque planche. Exemplaire complet avec les feuillets 2, 9 et 10, souvent manquants, qui ont été confisqués à de nombreux exemplaires à la suite des accusations de blasphème portées contre Grosz et Wieland Herzfelde et détruits après la fin du procès et du jugement. Chacun d'entre eux a été condamné à une amende de 2000 marks. Sur la couverture intérieure de la chemise se trouvent un ex-libris du propriétaire, ainsi qu'une annotation au crayon concernant les planches et l'amende décrites ci-dessus. Le portfolio est conservé dans un portfolio marbré en carte rigide (fait à la main), avec une copie de la couverture du portfolio original placée sur le devant. Celui-ci est en bon état, propre. Il s'agit d'un très bel exemplaire, en meilleur état que d'habitude. 18cm x 27cm.

    Book ID: 4863
    View basket More details Price: £375.00