
  • Category = Military
  • Ink & Blood: A Book of Drawings. by SZYK, Arthur
    SZYK, Arthur
    Ink & Blood: A Book of Drawings.

    New York: The Heritage Press, 1946. First Edition. Limited to 1000 copies. Signed dedication by Szyk to the colophon. This copy was inscribed for Mrs Wiltz W. Wagner. In dark green library binding, with gilt title to spine. Inside stamps and ID from New Orleans Public Library. Illustrated sepia plates and several colour mounted. No slipcase. Some finger marks to index at front, otherwise in very ggod condition for an ex-library copy. 7 preliminary leaves, 3-18, [1] pages, 1 leaf colour frontispiece, LXXIV plates (some colour). 315 x 225 mm (12½ x 8¾ inches).

    It's assumed that the Mrs Wiltz W. Wagner is Helen Bell Wagner, wife of Wiltz Walker Wagner Snr, a New Orleans native. At the end…


    New York: The Heritage Press, 1946. First Edition. Limited to 1000 copies. Signed dedication by Szyk to the colophon. This copy was inscribed for Mrs Wiltz W. Wagner. In dark green library binding, with gilt title to spine. Inside stamps and ID from New Orleans Public Library. Illustrated sepia plates and several colour mounted. No slipcase. Some finger marks to index at front, otherwise in very ggod condition for an ex-library copy. 7 preliminary leaves, 3-18, [1] pages, 1 leaf colour frontispiece, LXXIV plates (some colour). 315 x 225 mm (12½ x 8¾ inches).

    It's assumed that the Mrs Wiltz W. Wagner is Helen Bell Wagner, wife of Wiltz Walker Wagner Snr, a New Orleans native. At the end of World War II, Mr. Wagner served as New Orleans chairman of the 'Food for Famine Drive' for war-torn countries. Wiltz Walker Wagner Jr. Ph.D. (one of their sons) is Professor Emeritus
    USA Department of Pharmacology, University of South Alabama.

    Book ID: 3925
    View basket More details Price: £500.00
  • Khwab O Khayal or "Visions of the Past". by PHILLOTT, Lieut.-Colonel D. C.
    PHILLOTT, Lieut.-Colonel D. C.
    Khwab O Khayal or "Visions of the Past". Official Text-Book for the Examination of Civil and Military Officers by the Higher Standard Hindustani

    Calcutta: The Baptist Mission Press, 1911. First Edition. Hardback. Colonial British officers and civil servants who lived in India during this period were expected to learn to speak the Indian languages in order to communicate directly with their staff and men. Hindustani was the considered 'lingua franca', spoken as it was over much of the area which, at that time, constituted British India. Higher Standard Hindustani examinations remained, virtually unchanged, until 1947.

    Binding is tight and square. The paper covering the spine is split at the bottom. Boards are soiled but somewhat stained. The book has definitely been used as there are small / light pencil annotations to some pages. 220 x 135 mm (8¾ x 5¼ inches).

    Book ID: 2337
    View basket More details Price: £80.00
  • La bataille de l'Yser, 16-30 octobre 1914. by (HUYGENS, LÉON) Nothomb, Pierre.
    (HUYGENS, LÉON) Nothomb, Pierre.
    La bataille de l'Yser, 16-30 octobre 1914. Les Grandes Batailles 1914-1916.

    Paris: Librairie Schwarz, 1917. First Edition. Softback portfolio. The covers are a little darkened, with nicking / splitting to the spine and small closed tears to the open edge. Frontis illustration after Steinlen is a portrait of Leon Huygens at work sketching a scene. Title page with vignette of a canon. 16 pages of text with a vignette to each page, written by Pierre Nothomb. 28 tipped in plates, including 5 original etchings (one on the cover) and 4 original lithographs by Léon Huygens (as well as 12 tipped-in heliogravures after Huygens and 5 tipped-in colour pochoir facsimiles after Charles Fouqueray, and frontispiece by Steinlen). 25 woodcuts after Huygens in text, cut by Louis Jou. One of the engravings…


    Paris: Librairie Schwarz, 1917. First Edition. Softback portfolio. The covers are a little darkened, with nicking / splitting to the spine and small closed tears to the open edge. Frontis illustration after Steinlen is a portrait of Leon Huygens at work sketching a scene. Title page with vignette of a canon. 16 pages of text with a vignette to each page, written by Pierre Nothomb. 28 tipped in plates, including 5 original etchings (one on the cover) and 4 original lithographs by Léon Huygens (as well as 12 tipped-in heliogravures after Huygens and 5 tipped-in colour pochoir facsimiles after Charles Fouqueray, and frontispiece by Steinlen). 25 woodcuts after Huygens in text, cut by Louis Jou. One of the engravings is a folded double page landscape of the battle scene, with key below. Contents loose, as issued. Internally in very good condition, with a touch of darkening only. An uncommon portfolio. The battle of l'Yser was one of the earliest battles of the First World War. It was largely between the French, Belgians and Germans, near to the Belgian coast. At a great cost, the Belgians held the line, and flooded the area around the river Yser. This became the front line in this part until the end of the war. Keeping a small portion of Belgium was of great propaganda importance to the Belgians. Conforms to WorldCat / OCLC Number: 25645892.

    . Première édition. Portefeuille souple. Les couvertures sont un peu assombries, avec des entailles au dos et de petites déchirures fermées sur le bord ouvert. L'illustration en frontis d'après Steinlen est un portrait de Léon Huygens en train d'esquisser une scène. Page de titre avec vignette d'un canon. 16 pages de texte avec une vignette à chaque page, écrites par Pierre Nothomb. 28 planches dépliantes, dont 5 eaux-fortes originales (une sur la couverture) et 4 lithographies originales de Léon Huygens (ainsi que 12 héliogravures dépliantes d'après Huygens et 5 fac-similés de pochoir en couleurs dépliants d'après Charles Fouqueray, et un frontispice de Steinlen). 25 gravures sur bois d'après Huygens dans le texte, découpées par Louis Jou. L'une des gravures est un paysage à double page pliée de la scène de la bataille, avec la clé en dessous. Le contenu est détaché, tel qu'il a été publié. L'intérieur est en très bon état, avec une touche de noircissement seulement. Un portfolio peu commun. La bataille de l'Yser fut l'une des premières batailles de la Première Guerre mondiale. Elle opposa principalement les Français, les Belges et les Allemands, près de la côte belge. Au prix de grands sacrifices, les Belges ont tenu la ligne et inondé la zone autour de la rivière Yser. Cette zone est devenue la ligne de front jusqu'à la fin de la guerre. Le fait de conserver une petite partie de la Belgique revêtait une grande importance pour la propagande belge. Conforme à WorldCat / Numéro OCLC : 25645892.

    Book ID: 4862
    View basket More details Price: £150.00
  • Les Cuirassiers de Lyon en 1914. by MICHOUD, Jean
    MICHOUD, Jean
    Les Cuirassiers de Lyon en 1914.

    Lyon: Librairie H. Lardanchet, 1926. First edition. Soft covers. Some pages uncut. Book covers and contents clean. 370 pages - 7 b/w plates. 200 x 150 mm (7¾ x 6 inches). Première édition. Couvertures souples. Certaines pages non coupées. Couvertures et contenu du livre propres. 370 pages - 7 planches. 200 x 150 mm

    Book ID: 3692
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • A complete set (including the supplementary volumes) of this classic memoir of Napoleon
    Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène ou Journal, avec Suite au Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène. by LAS CASES, Comte de
    LAS CASES, Comte de
    Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène ou Journal, avec Suite au Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène.

    Paris: H. Remy, 1821. 8 volumes of the Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène and 2 volumes of the Suite au Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène. Complete. First Thus - H. Remy of Bruxelles edition. The ten volumes are in uniform red cloth, with blind stamped design to the boards and gilt decoration and titles to the spine. Unfortunately the final volume (V2. of the suite) has lost its spine. Each volume is 17cm x 10 cm. Generally, there is some cracking to the hinges, a little nicking to the head and tail of the spine. Moderate foxing to each volume. There are a few other flaws, itemised in the collation below. (1). Memorial Tome premier. 1822. Frontis engraving: floor plan of Longwood. 350…


    Paris: H. Remy, 1821. 8 volumes of the Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène and 2 volumes of the Suite au Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène. Complete. First Thus - H. Remy of Bruxelles edition. The ten volumes are in uniform red cloth, with blind stamped design to the boards and gilt decoration and titles to the spine. Unfortunately the final volume (V2. of the suite) has lost its spine. Each volume is 17cm x 10 cm. Generally, there is some cracking to the hinges, a little nicking to the head and tail of the spine. Moderate foxing to each volume. There are a few other flaws, itemised in the collation below. (1). Memorial Tome premier. 1822. Frontis engraving: floor plan of Longwood. 350 pages. (2). Memorial Tome Second. 1822. 330 pages. (3). Memorial Tome Troisieme. 1823. 320 pages. folding engraved map of the Campagne d'Italie (moderate foxing to map.) (4). Memorial Tome Quatrieme. 1823. 324 pages. (5). Memorial Tome Cinquieme. 1823. 332 pages. (6). Memorial Tome Sixieme. 1823. 326 pages. Slight weakness to the front hinge. (7). Memorial Tome Septieme. 1823. 323 pages. Closed tear and creasing to the rear end paper. (8). Memorial Tome Huitieme. 1823. 400 pages. Frontis folding Carte de L'Ile St Helene by a former engineer of Napoleon (from information by Marchand). Light to moderate foxing to the engraving. (9). Suite au Memorial. 1824. 468 pages. Frontis engraving of the Comte de Las Cases. (10). Suite au Memorial Tome II. 1825. 472 pages. lacks spine. Front board is held in place by thick archival tape. Each volume has the bookplate of Henri de Greeve. He was a Roman Catholic Priest, radio speaker on KRO in the 1930's and charity worker in The Netherlands. During the Second World War, he was interned because of his opposition to National Socialism. He died in 1974. A journal-memoir of the beginning of Napoleon Bonaparte's exile on Saint Helena. The core of the work transcribes Las Cases' near-daily conversations with the former Emperor on his life, his career, his political philosophy, and the conditions of his exile. First published in 1823 after Napoleon's death, the work was an immediate and continuing literary success, receiving multiple translations and appearing in new editions throughout the 19th century and into the 20th. The work entered the popular imagination as something like Napoleon's own personal and political testament, and as such became a founding text in the development of the Napoleon cult and the ideology of Bonapartism. 8 tomes du Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène et 2 tomes de la Suite au Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène. Compléter. Premier Ainsi - édition H. Rémy de Bruxelles. Les dix volumes sont en toile rouge uniforme, avec un dessin estampé à froid sur les plats et un décor et des titres dorés au dos. Malheureusement le dernier tome (V2. de la suite) a perdu son dos. Chaque volume mesure 17 cm x 10 cm. Généralement, il y a des fissures aux charnières, une petite entaille à la tête et à la queue de la colonne vertébrale. Des rousseurs modérées à chaque volume. Il y a quelques autres défauts, détaillés dans la collation ci-dessous. (1). Premier Tome commémoratif. 1822. Gravure Frontis : plan d'étage de Longwood. 350 pages. (2). Tome commémoratif deuxième. 1822. 330 pages. (3). Mémorial Tome Troisieme. 1823. 320 pages. carte dépliante gravée de la Campagne d'Italie (rousseurs modérées à la carte.) (4). Mémorial Tome Quatrième. 1823. 324 pages. (5). Mémorial Tome Cinquième. 1823. 332 pages. (6). Mémorial Tome Sixième. 1823. 326 pages. Légère faiblesse à la charnière avant. (sept). Tome commémoratif septieme. 1823. 323 pages. Déchirure fermée et plis sur le papier de fin arrière. (8). Mémorial Tome Huitième. 1823. 400 pages. Carte pliante Frontis de L'Ile St Hélène par un ancien ingénieur de Napoléon (d'après les informations de Marchand). Des rousseurs légères à modérées à la gravure. (9). Suite au Mémorial. 1824. 468 pages. Gravure Frontis du Comte de Las Cases. (dix). Suite au Mémorial Tome II. 1825. 472 pages. manque de colonne vertébrale. Le panneau avant est maintenu en place par un ruban d'archivage épais. Chaque volume porte l'ex-libris d'Henri de Greeve. Il était prêtre catholique romain, conférencier radio sur KRO dans les années 1930 et travailleur caritatif aux Pays-Bas. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il est interné en raison de son opposition au national-socialisme. Il meurt en 1974. Journal-mémoire du début de l'exil de Napoléon Bonaparte à Sainte-Hélène. Le cœur de l'œuvre retranscrit les conversations quasi quotidiennes de Las Cases avec l'ancien empereur sur sa vie, sa carrière, sa philosophie politique et les conditions de son exil. Publié pour la première fois en 1823 après la mort de Napoléon, l'ouvrage connut un succès littéraire immédiat et continu, recevant de multiples traductions et apparaissant dans de nouvelles éditions tout au long du XIXe siècle et jusqu'au XXe. L'ouvrage est entré dans l'imaginaire populaire comme quelque chose comme le testament personnel et politique de Napoléon, et en tant que tel est devenu un texte fondateur dans le développement du culte napoléonien et de l'idéologie du bonapartisme.

    Book ID: 2729
    View basket More details Price: £280.00
  • Mobilizing Social Services in Wartime. A Symposium. by KUMARAPPA, J. M.
    Mobilizing Social Services in Wartime. A Symposium.

    Bombay: Tata Graduate School of Social Work, 1943. First Edition. A collection of essays on important issues for social care in wartime. Edited by Kumarappa. A scarce item in itself. There are no copies available online at the time of cataloguing. This copy has a gift inscription to Lady Mountbatten. Original dust wrapper. A little marking and edge wear, with a mark particularly to the front cover. A little darkening to the wrapper. The book itself is in a good, clean condition. Slight darkening of the wartime economy pages. Gift inscription is neatly written to the front end paper. (Nb. Inscription is from the Tata Institute of Social Science - not Kumarappa himself). Edwina Mountbatten, Countess of Burma, was…


    Bombay: Tata Graduate School of Social Work, 1943. First Edition. A collection of essays on important issues for social care in wartime. Edited by Kumarappa. A scarce item in itself. There are no copies available online at the time of cataloguing. This copy has a gift inscription to Lady Mountbatten. Original dust wrapper. A little marking and edge wear, with a mark particularly to the front cover. A little darkening to the wrapper. The book itself is in a good, clean condition. Slight darkening of the wartime economy pages. Gift inscription is neatly written to the front end paper. (Nb. Inscription is from the Tata Institute of Social Science - not Kumarappa himself). Edwina Mountbatten, Countess of Burma, was involved in Social Service and the St John's Ambulance during the Second World War, and remained very involved for the rest of her life. Her husband was the last Viceroy of India, and orchestrated the partition. This book was given to her about a month after partition. Jagdisan Mohandas Kumarappa (1886–1957) was an erudite scholar and a passionate social reformer. He championed the cause of social work education and criminology as the director of Tata Institute of Social Sciences. This was the first school of Social Work in Asia, and remains India's top school of Social work. 160 pages. 240 x 170 mm (9½ x 6¾ inches).

    . Une collection d'essais sur des questions importantes pour l'aide sociale en temps de guerre. Édité par Kumarappa. Un article rare en soi (il n'y a pas d'exemplaires au moment du catalogage), cet exemplaire porte une inscription de cadeau à Lady Mountbatten. Emballage original en poussière. Quelques marques et usures sur les bords, avec une marque en particulier sur la couverture avant. La couverture est un peu plus foncée. Le livre lui-même est en bon état, propre. Léger assombrissement des pages relatives à l'économie de guerre. Une inscription cadeau a été proprement inscrite sur la première page de garde. (Nb. L'inscription provient du Tata Institute of Social Science - et non de Kumarappa lui-même). Edwina Mountbatten, comtesse de Birmanie, s'est impliquée dans le service social et l'Ambulance Saint-Jean pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et est restée très impliquée jusqu'à la fin de sa vie. Son mari a été le dernier vice-roi des Indes et a orchestré la partition. Ce livre lui a été offert environ un mois après la partition. Jagdisan Mohandas Kumarappa (1886-1957) était un érudit et un réformateur social passionné. Il a défendu la cause de l'enseignement du travail social et de la criminologie en tant que directeur de l'Institut Tata des sciences sociales. Il s'agissait de la première école de travail social en Asie, et elle reste la première école de travail social en Inde. 160 pages. 240 x 170 mm

    Book ID: 4192
    View basket More details Price: £100.00
  • Original sketch showing the first use of the Gatling Gun by the Royal Navy in the Anglo-Egyptian War.
    Naval Brigade clearing streets of Alexandria with the Gatling by Yellow Grub
    Yellow Grub
    Naval Brigade clearing streets of Alexandria with the Gatling

    Alexandria: 1882. An original, hand drawn sketch depicting a naval brigade clearing the streets of Alexandria. Ink on white paper. This would seem to have been an initial sketch, as the foreground (the brigade with the gun) is well worked, whilst the background is less defined. There are a couple of notes on the sheet. A couple of the figures in the sketch are also labelled Royal Marine and Officer. This would appear to be the first draft of a news report - similar to that which appeared as the front page of the Illustrated London News for July 29th 1882. Sketch is 240 x 160 mm. Good clean condition. It is pasted onto a larger sheet of pale brown…


    Alexandria: 1882. An original, hand drawn sketch depicting a naval brigade clearing the streets of Alexandria. Ink on white paper. This would seem to have been an initial sketch, as the foreground (the brigade with the gun) is well worked, whilst the background is less defined. There are a couple of notes on the sheet. A couple of the figures in the sketch are also labelled Royal Marine and Officer. This would appear to be the first draft of a news report - similar to that which appeared as the front page of the Illustrated London News for July 29th 1882. Sketch is 240 x 160 mm. Good clean condition. It is pasted onto a larger sheet of pale brown card. This is 500 x 320 mm and is creased and darkened, and with a few closed tears. A very nice piece of historical visual documentation. Following the cutting of the Suez canal, British interests in Egypt deepened, and in May 1882 there was an uprising by Urabi Pasha. After an initial heavy naval bombardment, Naval Brigades and Marines were sent ashore to restore order. The revolt was quashed, and Egypt came under partial British control until the Second World War. The drawing clearly shows the use of a hopper fed Gatling gun. This weapon, developed in 1865, was used by the British Army from 1873. This conflict was the first use of the Gatling by the Royal Navy.

    Book ID: 4130
    View basket More details Price: £200.00
  • Nouveau Cours de Mathématiques, by BELIDOR (B. Forest de)
    BELIDOR (B. Forest de)
    Nouveau Cours de Mathématiques, a L'Usage de L'Artillerie et du Genie ou l'on applique. Les Parties les plus utiles de cette Science à la Théorie & à la Pratique des differens sujets qui peuvent avoir rapport à la Guerre.

    Edition: First Edition

    Paris: Chez Nyon, Fils, Quay del Augustins, 1725. Contemporary full leather binding, with six raised bands to the spine. Five panels decorated with gilt devices, and the 6th with a burgundy and gilt label. Marbled end papers. Complete with 34 folding plates. There is a curious vandalism to the title page and dedication page. An early owner has crossed out the name of Le Duc du Maine, who the book was dedicated to, and has coloured in portions of the Duc's crest. In the same ink is written "La livre ma coute 15 denier" (my book which cost 15 denier). To the following page (the dedication) again the Duc's crest has been defaced, along with his name, and several…


    Paris: Chez Nyon, Fils, Quay del Augustins, 1725. Contemporary full leather binding, with six raised bands to the spine. Five panels decorated with gilt devices, and the 6th with a burgundy and gilt label. Marbled end papers. Complete with 34 folding plates. There is a curious vandalism to the title page and dedication page. An early owner has crossed out the name of Le Duc du Maine, who the book was dedicated to, and has coloured in portions of the Duc's crest. In the same ink is written "La livre ma coute 15 denier" (my book which cost 15 denier). To the following page (the dedication) again the Duc's crest has been defaced, along with his name, and several of the titles which pertained to him. The Duc was the legitimised son of Louis XIV, but despite this, was disliked by many who still considered him a bastard. The boards and spine are clean, A little bumping to the head and tail of the spine, with a touch of the cover rubbed. Inside, the book and plates are clean and tidy other than the sabotage to the Duc! Belidor (1698 - 1761) was a Frenchman born in Catalonia, an artillery professor at La Fère, whose work on artillery, engineering and hydraulics was widely disseminated in the 18th century. (24),560,(32) pp. 250 x 200 mm (9¾ x 7¾ inches). Reliure plein cuir de l'époque, avec six nerfs au dos. Cinq panneaux décorés d'appareils dorés, et le 6ème d'une étiquette bordeaux et dorée. Feuilles de garde marbrées. Complet avec 34 assiettes pliantes. Il y a un curieux vandalisme sur la page de titre et la page de dédicace. Un ancien propriétaire a barré le nom du Duc du Maine, auquel le livre était dédié, et a colorié certaines parties de l'écusson du Duc. Dans la même encre est écrit « La livre ma coute 15 deniers » (mon livre qui coûtait 15 deniers). À la page suivante (la dédicace), l'écusson du duc a encore été effacé, ainsi que son nom et plusieurs des titres qui le concernaient. Le duc était le fils légitimé de Louis XIV, mais malgré cela, il était détesté par beaucoup qui le considéraient encore comme un bâtard. Les plats et le dos sont propres, Un petit choc en tête et en queue du dos, avec une touche de la couverture frottée. A l'intérieur, le livre et les planches sont propres et bien rangés à part le sabotage du Duc ! Belidor (1698 - 1761) était un Français né en Catalogne, professeur d'artillerie à La Fère, dont les travaux sur l'artillerie, l'ingénierie et l'hydraulique ont été largement diffusés au XVIIIe siècle. (24) 560, (32) pages. 250 x 200 mm (9¾ x 7¾ inches).

    Book ID: 1897
    View basket More details Price: £525.00
  • On Swallowing the Anchor. by DUFF, Douglas V.
    DUFF, Douglas V.
    On Swallowing the Anchor.

    London: John Long Limited, 1954. First Edition in original dust jacket. A memoir written by Douglas Valder Duff, once a British merchant seaman, Royal Navy officer, police officer, and author of over 100 books, including memoirs and books for children. Red cloth hardback book, with a photographic b/w frontis and several other b/w plates throughout. Dust jacket is lightly rubbed and soiled, but in good shape. Book in very good shape, with some light foxing inside, and to page edges. Also includes a loosely inserted letter from a couple called Mac and Phyllis gifting the book to their friends for Xmas 1954. The letter reveals that Mac was going with his friend Fatty Duff - as the letter calls…


    London: John Long Limited, 1954. First Edition in original dust jacket. A memoir written by Douglas Valder Duff, once a British merchant seaman, Royal Navy officer, police officer, and author of over 100 books, including memoirs and books for children. Red cloth hardback book, with a photographic b/w frontis and several other b/w plates throughout. Dust jacket is lightly rubbed and soiled, but in good shape. Book in very good shape, with some light foxing inside, and to page edges. Also includes a loosely inserted letter from a couple called Mac and Phyllis gifting the book to their friends for Xmas 1954. The letter reveals that Mac was going with his friend Fatty Duff - as the letter calls him - to Palestine in the following February at the request of the Israeli government. 224 pages 220 x 145 mm (8¾ x 5¾ inches)

    Book ID: 3190
    View basket More details Price: £32.00
  • Our Veterans of 1854: In Camp, and Before the Enemy. by [WILSON, Charles T.] A Regimental Officer
    [WILSON, Charles T.] A Regimental Officer
    Our Veterans of 1854: In Camp, and Before the Enemy.

    London: Charles J. Skeet, 1859. First edition. A rare personal account of the Crimean War, written soon after the events described. Orange red buckram, with gilt titles to the spine. Darkened to the spine and with some marks to the boards. Binding is a little shaken, with a slight lean. Pages are a little darkened, with some foxing spots. Errata. Adverts for recent publications to rear. [vi], 351 [i], [4]. pp The author (anonymous here but Charles Townshend Wilson) was with the Coldstream Guards. He purchased his commission in 1839, was an Ensign by 1842, a captain in 1846 and Lt Colonel in 1854. He served at Alma, Balaclava and Inkemann, as well as at the Siege of Sebastapol.…


    London: Charles J. Skeet, 1859. First edition. A rare personal account of the Crimean War, written soon after the events described. Orange red buckram, with gilt titles to the spine. Darkened to the spine and with some marks to the boards. Binding is a little shaken, with a slight lean. Pages are a little darkened, with some foxing spots. Errata. Adverts for recent publications to rear. [vi], 351 [i], [4]. pp The author (anonymous here but Charles Townshend Wilson) was with the Coldstream Guards. He purchased his commission in 1839, was an Ensign by 1842, a captain in 1846 and Lt Colonel in 1854. He served at Alma, Balaclava and Inkemann, as well as at the Siege of Sebastapol. He received the Crimea Medal with 4 bars, and retired by sale in 1855. Died in 1887. 200 by 130mm (7¾ by 5 inches).

    Book ID: 3430
    View basket More details Price: £300.00
  • Polska Karykatura Polityczna - La Caricature politique polonaise - Polish political caricature by LENICA (Jan); MARIANOWICZ (Antoni); SZELAG (Maria) [Editors]
    LENICA (Jan); MARIANOWICZ (Antoni); SZELAG (Maria) [Editors]
    Polska Karykatura Polityczna - La Caricature politique polonaise - Polish political caricature

    Warsaw: Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza "Czytelnik". A very nice set of these Polish political caricatures from 1951. Four language edition, with text in Polish, Russian, French and English. This is the Second Edition of this work, first published the previous year. The whole contains a stiff (and anonymous) hardback portfolio folder, which holds a 24 page introductory booklet, a stiff card title page and 71 colour or black and white card caricature leaves. Believed fully complete. Conforms to OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 829888778. All the elements are in good, clean condition, with a touch of darkening to the pages only. A little edge wear to the folder. The cartoons are mainly attacking the west, and the introduction acknowledges that they…


    Warsaw: Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza "Czytelnik". A very nice set of these Polish political caricatures from 1951. Four language edition, with text in Polish, Russian, French and English. This is the Second Edition of this work, first published the previous year. The whole contains a stiff (and anonymous) hardback portfolio folder, which holds a 24 page introductory booklet, a stiff card title page and 71 colour or black and white card caricature leaves. Believed fully complete. Conforms to OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 829888778. All the elements are in good, clean condition, with a touch of darkening to the pages only. A little edge wear to the folder. The cartoons are mainly attacking the west, and the introduction acknowledges that they follow a "Common advancing front with Soviet Caricature." where the enemy is "The enemy of Peace" mainly identified with the USA. 21, [3] pp., [1], [71] pp. 295 x 210 mm (11½ x 8¼ inches).

    . Un très bel ensemble de ces caricatures politiques polonaises de 1951. Édition en quatre langues, avec un texte en polonais, russe, français et anglais. Il s'agit de la deuxième édition de cet ouvrage, publié pour la première fois l'année précédente. L'ensemble contient une chemise cartonnée rigide (et anonyme), qui contient un livret d'introduction de 24 pages, une page de titre cartonnée rigide et 71 feuilles de caricatures cartonnées en couleur ou en noir et blanc. On pense que l'ouvrage est complet. Conforme au numéro OCLC / identificateur unique : 829888778. Tous les éléments sont en bon état, propres, avec un peu de noircissement sur les pages seulement. Un peu d'usure sur les bords de la chemise. Les caricatures attaquent principalement l'Occident et l'introduction reconnaît qu'elles suivent un "front commun avec la caricature soviétique" où l'ennemi est "l'ennemi de la paix" identifié principalement aux États-Unis. 21, [3] pp, [1], [71] pp. 295 x 210 mm

    Book ID: 4158
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Re-enactors. by NAUGHTEN, Jim

    London: Hotshoe International, 2009. First Edition. Hardback cream cloth, with colour photo portrait to front board, as issued. Full colourphoto book, with portraits of models / every day people wearing uniforms and clothes from WW2. Re-enactors heralded a return to documentary portraiture for Naughten, using post-production techniques to create a powerful collusion with its subjects and composite images that blend landscapes with action scenes. Boards have slight handling as light coloured, but inside is spotless and appears unread. Unpaginated. 285 x 235 mm (11¼ x 9¼ inches).

    Book ID: 3532
    View basket More details Price: £40.00
  • Secret Despatches from Arabia. by [LAWRENCE, T.E.]
    [LAWRENCE, T.E.]
    Secret Despatches from Arabia. Published by Permission of the Foreign Office.

    London: 1939. Nice copy of this numbered limited first edition from The Golden Cockerel Press. Cream boards with quarter Niger leather spine and gilt titles by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. The black leather is in excellent condition, but the cream boards are a little rubbed on the corners, and slightly soiled. Still attractive though. The end papers have stains where tape has been used (it seems to hold a previous cover). Otherwise the book is in very good clean condition. #458 / 1000 copies. Printed on Arnold's mould made paper. Top edge gilt. Frontis photograph of Lawrence. 173, [2], pp. 255 x 195 mm (10 x 7¾ inches).

    Book ID: 3311
    View basket More details Price: £300.00
  • Sino-Japanese Disturbances Souvenir Album. by TANAKA, Ryozo. (Ed.)
    TANAKA, Ryozo. (Ed.)
    Sino-Japanese Disturbances Souvenir Album.

    Shanghai: Huahe, 1932. First edition. This appears to be a deluxe edition for the home market as captions are written in both Japanese and English. The binding is in snakeskin, (probably faux snakeskin), with purple ribbon binding intact. Japanese titles to the outside and image of soldiers helmet and straw hat. 2 red & black maps, (one of Cha-Pei & one entitled "map of Sino-Japanese distuarbances (sic), Shanghai") + 48 pp. of black and white photographs depicting the Japanese invasion of Shanghai. Captions are in Japanese and English. Overall in excellent condition. There is a tiny loss to the top and bottom edge of the spine. Very small split to the binding edge. A couple of marks to the…


    Shanghai: Huahe, 1932. First edition. This appears to be a deluxe edition for the home market as captions are written in both Japanese and English. The binding is in snakeskin, (probably faux snakeskin), with purple ribbon binding intact. Japanese titles to the outside and image of soldiers helmet and straw hat. 2 red & black maps, (one of Cha-Pei & one entitled "map of Sino-Japanese distuarbances (sic), Shanghai") + 48 pp. of black and white photographs depicting the Japanese invasion of Shanghai. Captions are in Japanese and English. Overall in excellent condition. There is a tiny loss to the top and bottom edge of the spine. Very small split to the binding edge. A couple of marks to the cover - but overall in excellent condition. Unpaginated but title, 2 maps, 47 leaves of photographs (printed on one side & 1 leaf colophon. 265 x 190 mm (10½ x 7½ inches). unpaginated but title, 2 maps, 47 leaves of photographs (printed on one side & 1 leaf colophon

    Book ID: 2001
    View basket More details Price: £350.00
  • Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose by CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Cas on prevu par la loi - #5

    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch /…


    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat states that it was printed in 1845. Image is 18cm x 22cm. Sheet is 25cm x 33.5cm.

    . Première édition. Très belle lithographie de Cham, coloriée à la main. Elle provient de l'album "Souvenirs de Garnison", des vues comiques de la vie militaire française. Produit en 1845. Cet album a été produit sous deux formes, la plus courante étant celle avec des illustrations en noir et blanc. La version de luxe, qui est manifestement beaucoup plus rare, bien que nous n'ayons trouvé aucune limitation, comporte des lithographies coloriées à la main. Cet exemplaire est magnifiquement propre, avec d'excellentes couleurs et juste un peu de noircissement sur les bords des pages. Le seul défaut est que l'impression (ou le massicotage) est légèrement inclinée par rapport à la page. (Voir la photographie). Un bel exemplaire. Bien que certains tirages de cet album mentionnent l'année 1850 comme année de publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat indique qu'il a été imprimé en 1845. L'image mesure 18 cm x 22 cm. La feuille mesure 25 cm x 33,5 cm.

    Book ID: 4488
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose by CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Le Pansage - #9

    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch /…


    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat states that it was printed in 1845. Image is 18cm x 22cm. Sheet is 25cm x 33.5cm.

    . Première édition. Très belle lithographie de Cham, coloriée à la main. Elle provient de l'album "Souvenirs de Garnison", des vues comiques de la vie militaire française. Produit en 1845. Cet album a été produit sous deux formes, la plus courante étant celle avec des illustrations en noir et blanc. La version de luxe, qui est manifestement beaucoup plus rare, bien que nous n'ayons trouvé aucune limitation, comporte des lithographies coloriées à la main. Cet exemplaire est magnifiquement propre, avec d'excellentes couleurs et juste un peu de noircissement sur les bords des pages. Le seul défaut est que l'impression (ou le massicotage) est légèrement inclinée par rapport à la page. (Voir la photographie). Un bel exemplaire. Bien que certains tirages de cet album mentionnent l'année 1850 comme année de publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat indique qu'il a été imprimé en 1845. L'image mesure 18 cm x 22 cm. La feuille mesure 25 cm x 33,5 cm.

    Book ID: 4489
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose by CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Monsieur Le Vicomte - #13

    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch /…


    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat states that it was printed in 1845. Image is 18cm x 22cm. Sheet is 25cm x 33.5cm.

    . Première édition. Très belle lithographie de Cham, coloriée à la main. Elle provient de l'album "Souvenirs de Garnison", des vues comiques de la vie militaire française. Produit en 1845. Cet album a été produit sous deux formes, la plus courante étant celle avec des illustrations en noir et blanc. La version de luxe, qui est manifestement beaucoup plus rare, bien que nous n'ayons trouvé aucune limitation, comporte des lithographies coloriées à la main. Cet exemplaire est magnifiquement propre, avec d'excellentes couleurs et juste un peu de noircissement sur les bords des pages. Le seul défaut est que l'impression (ou le massicotage) est légèrement inclinée par rapport à la page. (Voir la photographie). Un bel exemplaire. Bien que certains tirages de cet album mentionnent l'année 1850 comme année de publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat indique qu'il a été imprimé en 1845. L'image mesure 18 cm x 22 cm. La feuille mesure 25 cm x 33,5 cm.

    Book ID: 4490
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose by CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Qué Bétise!.. - #14

    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. A couple of small foxing spots to the margins. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this…


    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. A couple of small foxing spots to the margins. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat states that it was printed in 1845. Image is 18cm x 22cm. Sheet is 25cm x 33.5cm.

    . Première édition. Très belle lithographie de Cham, coloriée à la main. Elle provient de l'album "Souvenirs de Garnison", vues comiques de la vie militaire française. Produit en 1845. Cet album a été produit sous deux formes, la plus courante étant celle avec des illustrations en noir et blanc. La version de luxe, qui est manifestement beaucoup plus rare, bien que nous n'ayons trouvé aucune limitation, comporte des lithographies coloriées à la main. Un exemplaire magnifiquement propre, avec d'excellentes couleurs et juste un peu de noircissement sur les bords des pages. Quelques petites rousseurs dans les marges. Le seul défaut est que l'impression (ou le massicotage) est légèrement inclinée par rapport à la page. (Voir la photographie). Un bel exemplaire. Bien que certains tirages de cet album mentionnent l'année 1850 comme année de publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat indique qu'il a été imprimé en 1845. L'image mesure 18 cm x 22 cm. La feuille mesure 25 cm x 33,5 cm.

    Book ID: 4491
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose by CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Ce qui prouve la nécessité de L'étude - #18

    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch /…


    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat states that it was printed in 1845. Image is 18cm x 22cm. Sheet is 25cm x 33.5cm.

    . Première édition. Très belle lithographie de Cham, coloriée à la main. Elle provient de l'album "Souvenirs de Garnison", des vues comiques de la vie militaire française. Produit en 1845. Cet album a été produit sous deux formes, la plus courante étant celle avec des illustrations en noir et blanc. La version de luxe, qui est manifestement beaucoup plus rare, bien que nous n'ayons trouvé aucune limitation, comporte des lithographies coloriées à la main. Cet exemplaire est magnifiquement propre, avec d'excellentes couleurs et juste un peu de noircissement sur les bords des pages. Le seul défaut est que l'impression (ou le massicotage) est légèrement inclinée par rapport à la page. (Voir la photographie). Un bel exemplaire. Bien que certains tirages de cet album mentionnent l'année 1850 comme année de publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat indique qu'il a été imprimé en 1845. L'image mesure 18 cm x 22 cm. La feuille mesure 25 cm x 33,5 cm.

    Book ID: 4492
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose by CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    CHAM (Amédée de Noé)
    Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Il faut Consoler les malades - #22

    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch /…


    Paris: Chez Aubert & cie, 1845. First edition. A beautifully produced, hand coloured lithograph by Cham. This came from the album "Souvenirs de Garnison," Comic views of French military life. Produced in 1845. This was produced in two forms, the more common is with black and white illustrations. The deluxe version, which is clearly much scarcer, although we can find no limitation, has hand coloured lithographs. A beautifully clean example, with excellent colouring and just a touch of darkening to the page edges. The only flaw is that the printing (or trimming) is at a slight angle to the page. (See photograph). A lovely copy. Although some prints from this album claim the year 1850 as publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat states that it was printed in 1845. Image is 18cm x 22cm. Sheet is 25cm x 33.5cm.

    . Première édition. Très belle lithographie de Cham, coloriée à la main. Elle provient de l'album "Souvenirs de Garnison", des vues comiques de la vie militaire française. Produit en 1845. Cet album a été produit sous deux formes, la plus courante étant celle avec des illustrations en noir et blanc. La version de luxe, qui est manifestement beaucoup plus rare, bien que nous n'ayons trouvé aucune limitation, comporte des lithographies coloriées à la main. Cet exemplaire est magnifiquement propre, avec d'excellentes couleurs et juste un peu de noircissement sur les bords des pages. Le seul défaut est que l'impression (ou le massicotage) est légèrement inclinée par rapport à la page. (Voir la photographie). Un bel exemplaire. Bien que certains tirages de cet album mentionnent l'année 1850 comme année de publication, FirstSearch / Worldcat indique qu'il a été imprimé en 1845. L'image mesure 18 cm x 22 cm. La feuille mesure 25 cm x 33,5 cm.

    Book ID: 4493
    View basket More details Price: £75.00