- Category = Military
Ink & Blood: A Book of Drawings.
Book ID: 3925More details Price: £500.00 -
Khwab O Khayal or "Visions of the Past". Official Text-Book for the Examination of Civil and Military Officers by the Higher Standard Hindustani
Calcutta: The Baptist Mission Press, 1911. First Edition. Hardback. Colonial British officers and civil servants who lived in India during this period were expected to learn to speak the Indian languages in order to communicate directly with their staff and men. Hindustani was the considered 'lingua franca', spoken as it was over much of the area which, at that time, constituted British India. Higher Standard Hindustani examinations remained, virtually unchanged, until 1947.
Binding is tight and square. The paper covering the spine is split at the bottom. Boards are soiled but somewhat stained. The book has definitely been used as there are small / light pencil annotations to some pages. 220 x 135 mm (8¾ x 5¼ inches).
Book ID: 2337More details Price: £80.00 -
La bataille de l'Yser, 16-30 octobre 1914. Les Grandes Batailles 1914-1916.
Book ID: 4862More details Price: £150.00 -
Les Cuirassiers de Lyon en 1914.
Lyon: Librairie H. Lardanchet, 1926. First edition. Soft covers. Some pages uncut. Book covers and contents clean. 370 pages - 7 b/w plates. 200 x 150 mm (7¾ x 6 inches). Première édition. Couvertures souples. Certaines pages non coupées. Couvertures et contenu du livre propres. 370 pages - 7 planches. 200 x 150 mm
Book ID: 3692More details Price: £30.00 -
Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène ou Journal, avec Suite au Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène.
Book ID: 2729More details Price: £280.00 -
Mobilizing Social Services in Wartime. A Symposium.
Book ID: 4192More details Price: £100.00 -
Naval Brigade clearing streets of Alexandria with the Gatling
Book ID: 4130More details Price: £200.00 -
Nouveau Cours de Mathématiques, a L'Usage de L'Artillerie et du Genie ou l'on applique. Les Parties les plus utiles de cette Science à la Théorie & à la Pratique des differens sujets qui peuvent avoir rapport à la Guerre.
Edition: First Edition
Book ID: 1897More details Price: £525.00 -
On Swallowing the Anchor.
Book ID: 3190More details Price: £32.00 -
Our Veterans of 1854: In Camp, and Before the Enemy.
Book ID: 3430More details Price: £300.00 -
Polska Karykatura Polityczna - La Caricature politique polonaise - Polish political caricature
Book ID: 4158More details Price: £75.00 -
London: Hotshoe International, 2009. First Edition. Hardback cream cloth, with colour photo portrait to front board, as issued. Full colourphoto book, with portraits of models / every day people wearing uniforms and clothes from WW2. Re-enactors heralded a return to documentary portraiture for Naughten, using post-production techniques to create a powerful collusion with its subjects and composite images that blend landscapes with action scenes. Boards have slight handling as light coloured, but inside is spotless and appears unread. Unpaginated. 285 x 235 mm (11¼ x 9¼ inches).
Book ID: 3532More details Price: £40.00 -
Secret Despatches from Arabia. Published by Permission of the Foreign Office.
London: 1939. Nice copy of this numbered limited first edition from The Golden Cockerel Press. Cream boards with quarter Niger leather spine and gilt titles by Sangorski & Sutcliffe. The black leather is in excellent condition, but the cream boards are a little rubbed on the corners, and slightly soiled. Still attractive though. The end papers have stains where tape has been used (it seems to hold a previous cover). Otherwise the book is in very good clean condition. #458 / 1000 copies. Printed on Arnold's mould made paper. Top edge gilt. Frontis photograph of Lawrence. 173, [2], pp. 255 x 195 mm (10 x 7¾ inches).
Book ID: 3311More details Price: £300.00 -
Sino-Japanese Disturbances Souvenir Album.
Book ID: 2001More details Price: £350.00 -
Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Cas on prevu par la loi - #5
Book ID: 4488More details Price: £75.00 -
Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Le Pansage - #9
Book ID: 4489More details Price: £75.00 -
Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Monsieur Le Vicomte - #13
Book ID: 4490More details Price: £75.00 -
Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Qué Bétise!.. - #14
Book ID: 4491More details Price: £75.00 -
Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Ce qui prouve la nécessité de L'étude - #18
Book ID: 4492More details Price: £75.00 -
Souvenirs de Garnison et des plaisirs attachés a la chose Il faut Consoler les malades - #22
Book ID: 4493More details Price: £75.00