
  • Category = ephemera
  • A collection of four deeds and legal documents connected with the Paddington Estate, London. by PADDINGTON ESTATE
    A collection of four deeds and legal documents connected with the Paddington Estate, London.

    1903. Four documents concerned with the Paddington Estate in West London. The monks of Westminster had land in Paddington from the 11th Century. After the Reformation, these rested with the Bishop of London. From the late 19th Century, these were gradually sold of through holding companies, the last being sold in the 1980's. These documents comprise: July 1903 - A counterpart licence for 14 Cleveland Square with permissions to renovations and changes to the property. 4 pages. April 1913 - A counterpart licence to add a garage for private motor cars to 7 Chilworth Mews. 3 pages and a large drawn handcoloured architectural plan of the front of the building and ground floor (on glassine). July 1926 - A licence…


    1903. Four documents concerned with the Paddington Estate in West London. The monks of Westminster had land in Paddington from the 11th Century. After the Reformation, these rested with the Bishop of London. From the late 19th Century, these were gradually sold of through holding companies, the last being sold in the 1980's. These documents comprise: July 1903 - A counterpart licence for 14 Cleveland Square with permissions to renovations and changes to the property. 4 pages. April 1913 - A counterpart licence to add a garage for private motor cars to 7 Chilworth Mews. 3 pages and a large drawn handcoloured architectural plan of the front of the building and ground floor (on glassine). July 1926 - A licence and deed of covenant to turn 40 Cleveland Square into 3 maisonettes. 12 pages. plus a large folding architectural plan of the proposed changes, with seals and tagged seal. February 1929 - A lease from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to A. H. Heath for a lease on 110 Westbourne Terrace, Paddington. 6 pages and glassine coloured plan of property. A nice bundle of London related legal documents.

    Book ID: 3011
    View basket More details Price: £60.00
  • Bladwijzer - NV Magazijn De Bijenkorf by VAN DE VECHT, Nicolaas
    VAN DE VECHT, Nicolaas
    Bladwijzer - NV Magazijn De Bijenkorf

    Amsterdam: NV Magazijn De Bijenkorf, 1928. Attractive Art Nouveau (Jugendstil) design. 160 x 50 mm (6¼ x 2 inches). The letters SPG stand for Simon Philip Goudsmit, the founder of the Dutch department store chain 'De Bijenkorf' (The Beehive). Nicolaas Johannes van de Vecht was a Dutch watercolorist, draftsman and lithographer. He was a student at the Arts and Crafts School Quellinus Amsterdam and the State School for Arts and Crafts Amsterdam. In addition to watercolor painting, drawing and lithography, he was a book binding designer.

    Condition: In a very good condition.

    Book ID: 2487
    View basket More details Price: £12.00
  • Calendar of the Seasons 1878 by ANON
    Calendar of the Seasons 1878

    London: Marcus Ward & Co, 1877. First Edition. Small calendar booklet with a delicately sewn binding. (The thread appears to be recent). Comprises four colour and gilt full-page illustrations, depicting the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Many of these calendars were attributed to the illustrator Kate Greenaway, but we are not sure these illustrations are hers. Nonetheless, they are beautiful! On verso of each is information for that coming year. Includes the moon's phases, legal holidays, church days, eclipses, and information about foreign and domestic postage rates. Bottom left of each illustration is the publisher's name: Marcus Ward & Co. Bottom right of each it reads: Ent. Sta. Hall - abbreviated version of Entered at Stationers' Hall.…


    London: Marcus Ward & Co, 1877. First Edition. Small calendar booklet with a delicately sewn binding. (The thread appears to be recent). Comprises four colour and gilt full-page illustrations, depicting the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Many of these calendars were attributed to the illustrator Kate Greenaway, but we are not sure these illustrations are hers. Nonetheless, they are beautiful! On verso of each is information for that coming year. Includes the moon's phases, legal holidays, church days, eclipses, and information about foreign and domestic postage rates. Bottom left of each illustration is the publisher's name: Marcus Ward & Co. Bottom right of each it reads: Ent. Sta. Hall - abbreviated version of Entered at Stationers' Hall. Booklet is in fine condition. 100 x 70 mm (4 x 2¾ inches).

    . Petit livret-calendrier à la reliure délicatement cousue. Comprend quatre illustrations pleine page en couleurs et dorées, représentant les quatre saisons : Printemps, Été, Automne et Hiver. Beaucoup de ces calendriers ont été attribués à l'illustratrice Kate Greenaway, mais nous ne sommes pas sûrs que ces illustrations soient les siennes. Quoi qu'il en soit, elles sont magnifiques ! Au verso de chaque calendrier figurent des informations sur l'année à venir. Elles comprennent les phases de la lune, les jours fériés, les jours d'église, les éclipses et des informations sur les tarifs postaux étrangers et nationaux. En bas à gauche de chaque illustration figure le nom de l'éditeur : Marcus Ward & Co. En bas à droite de chaque illustration, on peut lire : Ent. Sta. Hall - version abrégée de Entered at Stationers' Hall. Le livret est en bon état. 100 x 70 mm

    Book ID: 4171
    View basket More details Price: £200.00
  • Early Edwardian Loose leaf Advertisement for Lifebuoy Soap by OWEN, Will
    OWEN, Will
    Early Edwardian Loose leaf Advertisement for Lifebuoy Soap

    Port Sunlight: Lever Brothers Limited, c. 1910. Loose leaf, in full colour, that appears to have formerly been tipped into another publication. Illustration of a man in a bath holding a bar of Lifebuoy soap with a box of soaps on the floor and a portrait of the Lifebuoy fisherman on the wall. Text reads "LIFEBUOY SOAP. Specially prepared for HANDS & BATH. Gives you that Healthy Feeling". Verso has the advertising text for Lifebuoy. Very good condition and still bright coloured, as it was kept enclosed in a book or magazine for most of its time. Clean and without creases etc. 160 x 115 mm (6¼ x 4½ inches).

    Lever Brothers and other firms often commissioned many (now…


    Port Sunlight: Lever Brothers Limited, c. 1910. Loose leaf, in full colour, that appears to have formerly been tipped into another publication. Illustration of a man in a bath holding a bar of Lifebuoy soap with a box of soaps on the floor and a portrait of the Lifebuoy fisherman on the wall. Text reads "LIFEBUOY SOAP. Specially prepared for HANDS & BATH. Gives you that Healthy Feeling". Verso has the advertising text for Lifebuoy. Very good condition and still bright coloured, as it was kept enclosed in a book or magazine for most of its time. Clean and without creases etc. 160 x 115 mm (6¼ x 4½ inches).

    Lever Brothers and other firms often commissioned many (now important) artists to produce their advertising for them. Will Owen (1869 – 1957) was an English book illustrator, cartoonist, caricaturist and a commercial and poster artist, possibly best known for his iconic images of the Bisto Kids, Bovril, Lux and Lifebuoy.

    Book ID: 2340
    View basket More details Price: £12.00
  • Institution for the Propogation of the Faith by [ANON]
    Institution for the Propogation of the Faith To aid the Foreign Missions of the Old and the New World

    Paris: E. J. Bailly, 1850. First edition. A lovely clean copy of this prospectus. No flaws. A brief outline to the work of the institution. Although undated, this would seem to have been printed in 1850. 8 pp. 4 leaves (2 sheets) unbound.

    Book ID: 1035
    View basket More details Price: £15.00
  • Paternal Affection by TREGEAR, G.S.
    Paternal Affection Get alang wid ye Mike or by the powers i'll knock yer brains out as i've done wid yer brothers affore ye....

    London: G.S. Tregear, 1835. First Edition. An attractive copy of this print. One of the Flights of Humour series. We are unsure which, as the small cartouche which would number it has been cut away from the corner. Nevertheless, this is typical of the style of this series and was printed at the correct time. (From the address 96 Cheapside we can identify the printing as between 1834 and 1840). As is typical, no artist is credited. Hand coloured illustration mocking an Irish father for his heavy handed care of his son. The sheet is clean and tidy (with just a small foxing spot) and only spoiled by the corner having been clipped. This could be easily hidden by…


    London: G.S. Tregear, 1835. First Edition. An attractive copy of this print. One of the Flights of Humour series. We are unsure which, as the small cartouche which would number it has been cut away from the corner. Nevertheless, this is typical of the style of this series and was printed at the correct time. (From the address 96 Cheapside we can identify the printing as between 1834 and 1840). As is typical, no artist is credited. Hand coloured illustration mocking an Irish father for his heavy handed care of his son. The sheet is clean and tidy (with just a small foxing spot) and only spoiled by the corner having been clipped. This could be easily hidden by passe partout or framing. 31cm x 23.5cm.

    . Première édition. Un bel exemplaire de ce tirage. L'un des ouvrages de la série "Flights of Humour". Nous ne savons pas lequel, car le petit cartouche qui devait le numéroter a été coupé dans l'angle. Néanmoins, cet exemplaire est typique du style de cette série et a été imprimé à la bonne époque. (L'adresse 96 Cheapside nous permet d'identifier l'impression entre 1834 et 1840). Comme c'est souvent le cas, aucun artiste n'est mentionné. Illustration coloriée à la main se moquant d'un père irlandais qui s'occupe beaucoup de son fils. La feuille est propre et soignée (avec juste une petite tache de rousseur) et n'est gâchée que par le coin qui a été coupé. Ceci peut être facilement caché par un passe partout ou un encadrement. 31 cm x 23,5 cm.

    Book ID: 4790
    View basket More details Price: £100.00
  • Share certificate 005682 by ISLAS DEL GUADALQUIVIR S.A.
    Share certificate 005682 An original signed share certificate with 40 accompanying numbered shares

    Seville: Islas del Guadalquivir, 1926. An original share certificate for this Spanish company. Signed in ink by the administrator to the certificate, and stamped with the validation / tax stamp. Now lightly mounted on mounting board, and covered in protective cellophane. Certificate measures 14" x 161/2" Mount is 171/2" x 201/2"

    Condition: A little darkening to the paper, and the stamp / signature have faded a touch. light creasing, but nothing significant. A nice example of this certificate.

    Book ID: 1704
    View basket More details Price: £12.00
  • Silk Menu 1905 by MAISON MICHEL-TURCAUD
    Silk Menu 1905

    Nantes: Maison Turcaud, 1905. A pink silk menu, with an attractive stitched design to the top third, and a menu printed in brown to the bottom two thirds. The stitched design shows an art nouveau image with a woman with a headpiece surrounded by bunches of flowers. The menu is in a poor condition, with a little fraying to the left edge, but more importantly, has a split to the middle where the item has been folded. A few small marks and stains. Still attractive. 290 by 90mm (11½ by 3½ inches).

    . Un menu en soie rose, avec un joli motif cousu sur le tiers supérieur, et un menu imprimé en marron sur les deux tiers inférieurs. Le…


    Nantes: Maison Turcaud, 1905. A pink silk menu, with an attractive stitched design to the top third, and a menu printed in brown to the bottom two thirds. The stitched design shows an art nouveau image with a woman with a headpiece surrounded by bunches of flowers. The menu is in a poor condition, with a little fraying to the left edge, but more importantly, has a split to the middle where the item has been folded. A few small marks and stains. Still attractive. 290 by 90mm (11½ by 3½ inches).

    . Un menu en soie rose, avec un joli motif cousu sur le tiers supérieur, et un menu imprimé en marron sur les deux tiers inférieurs. Le motif cousu représente une image art nouveau avec une femme portant une coiffe entourée de bouquets de fleurs. Le menu est en mauvais état, avec un léger effilochage sur le bord gauche, mais surtout une fente au milieu où l'article a été plié. Quelques petites marques et taches. L'ensemble reste attrayant. 290 x 90 mm (11½ x 3½ pouces).

    Book ID: 4386
    View basket More details Price: £40.00
  • The Advantages of Saccharin in the Manufacture of Aerated Waters, Cordials, &c by [ANON]
    The Advantages of Saccharin in the Manufacture of Aerated Waters, Cordials, &c

    London: Wilson, Salamon, & Co., Ltd, 1894. Scarce reprint (improved and revised 10th edition) of the original business pamphlet had become necessary as, within three years of the original, the contents were viewed more as a practical text book than a promotional item. At the time, saccharin was considered be a good inclusion, as - to quote this booklet - it never creates acidity or heartburn, and is, in these respects, far healthier than sugar! Blue soft covers are a little creased at edges, and inside the staples holding the booklet together are somewhat rusted. Overall good. 48 pages. 210 x 135 mm (8¼ x 5¼ inches).

    Book ID: 3115
    View basket More details Price: £28.00
  • The Selector or Say's Sunday Reporter by VINT, Mary
    VINT, Mary
    The Selector or Say's Sunday Reporter

    London: Mary Vint, 1810. First Edition. Say's Sunday Reporter was a weekly newspaper published from 1799 until at least 1810. By this issue, it was published by Mary Vint - formerly Mary Say of London. The newspaper includes summaries of military news from the London Gazette, other London news. There was also an account of the capture of Guadaloupe from the London Gazette Extraordinary of March 15th. (this is a lengthy account of two full pages). The Sunday news, included an account of a flag of Truce being delivered from General Buonaparté of France. News of European conflicts was also summarised. News of fires in London, movement of ships etc. An account of Parliamentary Intelligence give summaries of proceedings…


    London: Mary Vint, 1810. First Edition. Say's Sunday Reporter was a weekly newspaper published from 1799 until at least 1810. By this issue, it was published by Mary Vint - formerly Mary Say of London. The newspaper includes summaries of military news from the London Gazette, other London news. There was also an account of the capture of Guadaloupe from the London Gazette Extraordinary of March 15th. (this is a lengthy account of two full pages). The Sunday news, included an account of a flag of Truce being delivered from General Buonaparté of France. News of European conflicts was also summarised. News of fires in London, movement of ships etc. An account of Parliamentary Intelligence give summaries of proceedings in the House of Lords and the House of Commons. This includes and account of the conduct of ministers. There is also an account of a mutiny in India (which had happened in September 1809). The paper ends with lists of officers to be cour martialled, and lists of deaths and marriages. And of course, an advert for Doctor Harvery's anti venereal pills! A fascinating summary of life in England in 1810. 8 pages. Clean and tidy, with just a tiny amount of nicking to the page edges, and a couple of light foxing spots. Small tax paid stamp to the front cover - not affecting text. In excellent condition for age. Mary Vint / Say is a fascinating character. She married the publisher Charles Green Say, who produced three regular newspapers. When he died in 1775 she continued to publish alone. She later remarried becoming Mary Vint, but continued as a female newspaper proprietor! She was prosecuted for libel several times and in 1781 sentenced to six months in prison for libelling the Russian ambassador. Following libels of William Pitt in 1788, there were debates in parliament and she was prosecuted once more. Despite this, she continued publishing, eventually dying in 1832. 355 by 240mm (14 by 9½ inches).

    . Première édition. Le Say's sunday Reporter était un journal hebdomadaire publié de 1799 à au moins 1810. Dans ce numéro, il était publié par Mary Vint - anciennement Mary Say de Londres. Le journal comprend des résumés des nouvelles militaires de la London Gazette, d'autres nouvelles londoniennes. On y trouve également un compte rendu de la prise de la Guadeloupe, tiré de la London Gazette Extraordinary du 15 mars. (il s'agit d'un long compte rendu de deux pages entières). Les nouvelles du dimanche comprenaient un compte rendu de la remise d'un drapeau de trêve par le général français Buonaparté. Les nouvelles des conflits européens sont également résumées. Des nouvelles des incendies à Londres, des mouvements de navires, etc. Un compte rendu des renseignements parlementaires résume les délibérations de la Chambre des lords et de la Chambre des communes. Cela inclut un compte-rendu de la conduite des ministres. Il y a également un compte rendu d'une mutinerie en Inde (qui s'est produite en septembre 1809). Le journal se termine par des listes d'officiers devant être traduits devant la cour martiale et des listes de décès et de mariages. Et bien sûr, une publicité pour les pilules anti-vénériennes du docteur Harvery ! Un résumé fascinant de la vie en Angleterre en 1810. 8 pages. Propre et bien rangé, avec juste quelques petites entailles sur les bords des pages, et quelques légères rousseurs. Petit timbre fiscal sur la couverture avant - n'affecte pas le texte. En excellent état pour son âge. Mary Vint / Say est un personnage fascinant. Elle a épousé l'éditeur Charles Green Say, qui produisait trois journaux réguliers. Lorsqu'il mourut en 1775, elle continua à publier seule. Elle s'est ensuite remariée, devenant Mary Vint, mais a continué à être une femme propriétaire de journal ! Elle a été poursuivie plusieurs fois pour diffamation et, en 1781, condamnée à six mois de prison pour avoir diffamé l'ambassadeur de Russie. À la suite de diffamations de William Pitt en 1788, des débats ont eu lieu au parlement et elle a été à nouveau poursuivie. Malgré cela, elle continue à publier et meurt en 1832. 355 x 240 mm

    Book ID: 4288
    View basket More details Price: £50.00
  • Wonderful British vintage postcard
    Vintage Comic Postcard - Old Man on Tricycle with Charabanc full of daytrippers behind by Dennis Mallet
    Dennis Mallet
    Vintage Comic Postcard - Old Man on Tricycle with Charabanc full of daytrippers behind

    London: Raphael Tuck & Sons, c. 1940. Tuck's Postcard No. 58. In an excellent condition. Shows an elderly gentleman on a country road, slowly riding his tricycle in front a charabanc full of people eager to be on their way either to or from a seaside day out. One is holding a 'Kiss Me Quick' sign, some are shouting to get his attention, one has a horn and others have rattles. He seems oblivious to their eagerness to get past. Simply saying to himself (presumably in response to a vague level of noise) "'Ello! Sounds like they danged old pedals be wantin' another drop of oil". 80 x 135 mm (3¼ x 5¼ inches). AS THIS IS EPHEMERAL - PLEASE CONSULT US ABOUT THE POSTAGE COSTS.

    Condition: In an excellent condition. Has not been written on or ever posted. Blank to verso.

    Book ID: 2339
    View basket More details Price: £12.00