
  • Category = manuscript
  • 55 Original pen and ink book illustrations / 55 Illustrations originales de livres à la plume et à l'encre by LELOIR, Maurice.
    LELOIR, Maurice.
    55 Original pen and ink book illustrations / 55 Illustrations originales de livres à la plume et à l'encre

    Paris: N/A, 1910. A collection of 55 original pen and ink sketches, drafts or early versions of book illustrations. All are initialled M.L. and have been attributed to Maurice Leloir (1857-1940). He was a prolific book illustrator, and his illustration work is certainly in a similar style. Dating is based on when he was most active. The drawings are numbered 1-37 then 42-59 (so presumably missing four from a run). We have been unable to find which book they were intended for, so I suspect they were designs for an unpublished edition. They look almost as if they are for two different works, as one seems to be set in mid 19th Century France, and the second much earlier.…


    Paris: N/A, 1910. A collection of 55 original pen and ink sketches, drafts or early versions of book illustrations. All are initialled M.L. and have been attributed to Maurice Leloir (1857-1940). He was a prolific book illustrator, and his illustration work is certainly in a similar style. Dating is based on when he was most active. The drawings are numbered 1-37 then 42-59 (so presumably missing four from a run). We have been unable to find which book they were intended for, so I suspect they were designs for an unpublished edition. They look almost as if they are for two different works, as one seems to be set in mid 19th Century France, and the second much earlier. The first part involves a young man being cast adrift from a boat, who lands in France and travels slowly to Paris, where there is then fighting (seems to be the 1848 barricades). Victor Hugo is written on the back of one, so perhaps some sketches for Les Miserables, but only the barricades seem to fit with the plot. Towards the end of the sketches are a few of a young man climbing a two with sword in his mouth, rescuing children from burning towers etc. These feel as if they are intended to portray an earlier period. All the sketches are accomplished, and in ink, with some white corrections to the pages. They are all on stiff card which is 32cm x 25cm sized (and somewhat browned with age), and have been drawn to be half page etc. Some small marks and edgewear, but nothing to diminish the overall effect. A few small manuscript notes to indicate chapter / placement. A very attractive collection of original pieces. 320 by 250mm (12½ by 9¾ inches).

    . Une collection de 55 croquis originaux à la plume et à l'encre, ébauches ou premières versions d'illustrations de livres. Tous portent les initiales M.L. et ont été attribués à Maurice Leloir (1857-1940). Ce dernier était un illustrateur de livres prolifique, et son travail d'illustration est certainement dans un style similaire. La datation est basée sur la période où il était le plus actif. Les dessins sont numérotés de 1 à 37 puis de 42 à 59 (il manque donc probablement quatre exemplaires d'un tirage). Nous n'avons pas été en mesure de déterminer à quel livre ils étaient destinés, et je soupçonne donc qu'il s'agit de dessins pour une édition non publiée. On a l'impression qu'il s'agit de deux ouvrages différents, car l'un semble se dérouler au milieu du XIXe siècle en France, et l'autre beaucoup plus tôt. La première partie met en scène un jeune homme jeté à la dérive d'un bateau, qui atterrit en France et voyage lentement jusqu'à Paris, où se déroulent des combats (qui semblent être les barricades de 1848). Victor Hugo est écrit au dos de l'une d'entre elles, ce qui laisse supposer qu'il s'agit d'esquisses pour Les Misérables, mais seules les barricades semblent correspondre à l'intrigue. Vers la fin des esquisses, on trouve quelques dessins d'un jeune homme escaladant une tour avec une épée dans la bouche, sauvant des enfants de tours en flammes, etc. On a l'impression qu'elles sont destinées à dépeindre une période antérieure. Toutes les esquisses sont réalisées à l'encre, avec quelques corrections en blanc sur les pages. Ils sont tous sur une carte rigide de 32 cm x 25 cm (quelque peu brunie par l'âge), et ont été dessinés pour être en demi-page, etc. Quelques petites marques et usures sur les bords, mais rien qui ne diminue l'effet d'ensemble. Quelques petites notes manuscrites pour indiquer le chapitre / l'emplacement. Une collection très attrayante de pièces originales. 320 x 250 mm

    Book ID: 4260
    View basket More details Price: £300.00
  • A French Pressed Flower Collection by [ANON]
    A French Pressed Flower Collection

    France: N/A, 1880. A large folder of pressed flowers and leaves. This begins with wheat / grains, and includes vegetables and flowers. Each has been tipped onto large sheets of heavy paper, and held in place by a hand written label with the french type, and name. The sheets are loose in an original folder. 42cm x 26cm (so each sheet is 46 x 52cm folded). There are 35 pages with at least one plant tipped in. (plus a number of blank leaves). These hold 67 complete plant or flower specimens, and a further six fragments (where the plant is largely lost). Specimens are tipped onto the recto only. The pages are in reasonable condition, but several in the…


    France: N/A, 1880. A large folder of pressed flowers and leaves. This begins with wheat / grains, and includes vegetables and flowers. Each has been tipped onto large sheets of heavy paper, and held in place by a hand written label with the french type, and name. The sheets are loose in an original folder. 42cm x 26cm (so each sheet is 46 x 52cm folded). There are 35 pages with at least one plant tipped in. (plus a number of blank leaves). These hold 67 complete plant or flower specimens, and a further six fragments (where the plant is largely lost). Specimens are tipped onto the recto only. The pages are in reasonable condition, but several in the middle section have been damp stained to the top third). (It would appear that some of the plants were pressed in situ and leaked water). Overal through and attractive and interesting collection.

    . encrypted.png ferrare 4559 4559 In Stock 2 1 [ANON] 1015 A French Pressed Flower Collection 4317 France N/A 1880 1880 175 £ Un grand dossier de fleurs et de feuilles pressées. Cela commence avec le blé / les céréales, et comprend des légumes et des fleurs. Chaque feuille a été collée sur de grandes feuilles de papier épais et maintenue en place par une étiquette écrite à la main avec le type et le nom français. Les feuilles sont rangées dans une chemise d'origine. 42cm x 26cm (chaque feuille fait donc 46 x 52cm pliée). Il y a 35 pages avec au moins une plante collée. (plus un certain nombre de feuilles blanches). Elles contiennent 67 spécimens complets de plantes ou de fleurs, et six autres fragments (où la plante est en grande partie perdue). Les spécimens sont collés sur le recto seulement. Les pages sont en bon état, mais plusieurs d'entre elles, dans la partie centrale, ont été tachées par l'humidité jusqu'au tiers supérieur.) (Il semblerait que certaines des plantes aient été pressées in situ et aient laissé échapper de l'eau). Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'une collection intéressante et attrayante

    Book ID: 4559
    View basket More details Price: £175.00
  • A sketchbook containing original pencil, ink and charcoal sketches by [ANON]
    A sketchbook containing original pencil, ink and charcoal sketches

    1884. A beautiful sketch book by an unknown French artist. This contains sketches of landscapes of Northern France. Also ships and parts of ships, and ink portraits of gentlemen. The landscapes is often around St. Malo. All skillfully executed in pencil, ink or charcoal. In total there are 13 pages of landscapes, 13 of portraits, 12 of ships and boats and 4 other sketches. There are also a few others not significant. All drawn between 1884 and 1900 - these are created by a skilled hand. There is a poem dedicated to 'Justine', with ends with the author / artist's name Louis de Crèvecoeur. 105 x 170 mm (4¼ x 6¾ inches). Un beau carnet de croquis d'un artiste français…


    1884. A beautiful sketch book by an unknown French artist. This contains sketches of landscapes of Northern France. Also ships and parts of ships, and ink portraits of gentlemen. The landscapes is often around St. Malo. All skillfully executed in pencil, ink or charcoal. In total there are 13 pages of landscapes, 13 of portraits, 12 of ships and boats and 4 other sketches. There are also a few others not significant. All drawn between 1884 and 1900 - these are created by a skilled hand. There is a poem dedicated to 'Justine', with ends with the author / artist's name Louis de Crèvecoeur. 105 x 170 mm (4¼ x 6¾ inches). Un beau carnet de croquis d'un artiste français inconnu. Celui-ci contient des croquis de paysages du Nord de la France. Aussi des navires et des parties de navires, et des portraits à l'encre de gentilshommes. Les paysages sont souvent autour de Saint-Malo. Tous habilement exécutés au crayon, à l'encre ou au fusain. Au total il y a 13 pages de paysages, 13 de portraits, 12 de navires et bateaux et 4 autres croquis. Il y en a aussi quelques autres non significatifs. Tous dessinés entre 1884 et 1900 - ceux-ci sont créés par une main habile. Il y a un poème dédié à "Justine", qui se termine par le nom de l'auteur/artiste Louis de Crèvecoeur. 105 x 170 mm.

    Book ID: 3289
    View basket More details Price: £200.00
  • A hand coloured school atlas with 5 additional manuscript charts.
    Atlas Géographique - Dressé sous la Direction du Conseil Royal de l'Instruction publique. Pour l'usage des Colléges. by SELVES Henry Antoine Auguste / ROMAIN, Belize.
    SELVES Henry Antoine Auguste / ROMAIN, Belize.
    Atlas Géographique - Dressé sous la Direction du Conseil Royal de l'Instruction publique. Pour l'usage des Colléges. 1ère partie Géographiqe ancienne.

    Paris: Imprimerie de Selves fils, 1834. A fascinating collection of papers. A geographic atlas, used as it should be, with a number of student manuscript documents bound in. Contents comprise: The atlas Géographique, complete with the 16 double page hand coloured maps (as called for). These are all in good, clean and bright condition. There are a few ink annotations to the blank reverse of the maps - but the maps themselves are lovely. These are all of the ancient world, and state that they were produced by Libraire Hachette in 1833 or 1834. In addition to these maps, bound into the front of the atlas (between the title and the first map) are several large folding manuscript charts.…


    Paris: Imprimerie de Selves fils, 1834. A fascinating collection of papers. A geographic atlas, used as it should be, with a number of student manuscript documents bound in. Contents comprise: The atlas Géographique, complete with the 16 double page hand coloured maps (as called for). These are all in good, clean and bright condition. There are a few ink annotations to the blank reverse of the maps - but the maps themselves are lovely. These are all of the ancient world, and state that they were produced by Libraire Hachette in 1833 or 1834. In addition to these maps, bound into the front of the atlas (between the title and the first map) are several large folding manuscript charts. Several of these have been signed Belize Romain - as this name is also doodled several times to the inside of the boards, we assume this is the student who made them. The manuscript charts are: (1) "Mesures de solidite" comparing ancient and modern measures. To the front facing leaf of this is a further manuscript text, with measurements and text; (2) "Tableau des mesures decimales" (3) "Mesures de superificie" (surface area). (4) "mesures de longueuer" (5) "mesures de contenouce." The front and rear inside boards show the evidence of a bored student, with doodles and scribbles. The outside boards are cheaply bound in stained paper, with a darkened paper label to the front board. The boards are scruffy and show signs of use. Overall a lovely students manuscript collection from the 1830's. [i], [V], 16 pp. 200 x 135 mm (7¾ x 5¼ inches).

    . Une collection fascinante de documents. Un atlas géographique, utilisé comme il se doit, avec un certain nombre de documents manuscrits d'étudiants reliés. Le contenu comprend : L'atlas géographique, complet avec les 16 cartes double page colorées à la main (comme demandé). Elles sont toutes en bon état, propres et brillantes. Il y a quelques annotations à l'encre au verso des cartes, mais les cartes elles-mêmes sont magnifiques. Elles représentent toutes le monde antique et indiquent qu'elles ont été produites par Libraire Hachette en 1833 ou 1834. En plus de ces cartes, plusieurs grandes cartes manuscrites dépliantes sont reliées au début de l'atlas (entre le titre et la première carte). Plusieurs d'entre elles sont signées Belize Romain - comme ce nom est également griffonné plusieurs fois à l'intérieur des planches, nous supposons qu'il s'agit de l'étudiant qui les a réalisées. Les tableaux manuscrits sont les suivants (1) "Mesures de solidité" comparant les mesures anciennes et modernes. Sur le premier feuillet de ce tableau figure un autre texte manuscrit, avec des mesures et du texte ; (2) "Tableau des mesures decimales" (3) "Mesures de superificie" (surface). (4) "mesures de longuer" (5) "mesures de contenouce". Les planches intérieures avant et arrière portent les traces d'un étudiant qui s'ennuyait, avec des gribouillis et des griffonnages. Les planches extérieures sont reliées de manière bon marché dans un papier taché, avec une étiquette en papier noirci sur la première planche. Les planches sont défraîchies et présentent des signes d'utilisation. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'une belle collection de manuscrits d'étudiants des années 1830. [i], [V], 16 pp. 200 x 135 mm.

    Book ID: 4054
    View basket More details Price: £250.00
  • ALS by twice British prime minister The Duke of Wellington
    Autograph Letter Signed by The Duke of Wellington regarding his hearing problem. by WELLINGTON, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of
    WELLINGTON, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of
    Autograph Letter Signed by The Duke of Wellington regarding his hearing problem.

    London: 1837. Addressed to an unidentified recipient, this signed letter concerns the appointment of an officer with hearing loss, which the Duke relates to his own experience of deafness. Like many exposed to the sound of artillery fire, the Duke of Wellington suffered from noise-related hearing loss. Subsequently he underwent a botched treatment which resulted in permanent deafness in one ear. This ALS is dated London, 16 April 1837. This was the year that Queen Victoria ascended the throne, and was written when the Duke was in his late 60s. Expected fold marks. Whole written in brown ink. 2pp. with integral blank leaf. 185 x 118 mm (7¼ by 4¾ inches)

    Book ID: 3589
    View basket More details Price: £500.00
  • Candidatus rhetoricae seu Aphthonii Progymnasmata in meliorem formam redacta usumque redacta. by POMEY, P. Francisco
    POMEY, P. Francisco
    Candidatus rhetoricae seu Aphthonii Progymnasmata in meliorem formam redacta usumque redacta.

    Antverpiae: Iuxta Exemplar Lugdūnī editum, 1668. Scarce early Antwerp edition. Full vellum binding. Lack final leaf / leaves. No listing in WORLDCAT or elsewhere, so uncertain how many pages are missing. Boards are rubbed and worn. Contents tight, a few page corners folded in. Manuscript notes to inside and back in Latin - dated 1698. Latin text throughout. Overall good. 398 pages present. 155 x 85 mm (6 x 3¼ inches).

    Book ID: 3698
    View basket More details Price: £120.00
  • Das Waldlied by [ANON]
    Das Waldlied Ein Gedicht in 11 Versionen mit 6 Scherenschnitten für kleine und große Kinder.
    Meiner lieben Mutti am Osterfest 1982

    Germany: NA, 1982. An original manuscript. Text in German. Half pink silk Hardback with black leaves. Home made label to the front board. In addition to the blank end paper and illustrated title page, there are 8 further leaves, inked to one side only. The foreword explains how this is a tale picked up from Elves dancing in the round in the forest. There are then six leaves which contain verses in manuscript, and a silhouette drawing to each leaf. Finally, there is a naive end paper with the moon and sheep. The boards are in sound but slightly rubbed and bumped condition. Internally, the pages are in good, clean condition with no significant marks. An attractive piece of…


    Germany: NA, 1982. An original manuscript. Text in German. Half pink silk Hardback with black leaves. Home made label to the front board. In addition to the blank end paper and illustrated title page, there are 8 further leaves, inked to one side only. The foreword explains how this is a tale picked up from Elves dancing in the round in the forest. There are then six leaves which contain verses in manuscript, and a silhouette drawing to each leaf. Finally, there is a naive end paper with the moon and sheep. The boards are in sound but slightly rubbed and bumped condition. Internally, the pages are in good, clean condition with no significant marks. An attractive piece of home production. First Edition. 23cm x 31cm

    . Manuscrit original. Texte en allemand. Demi-reliure en soie rose avec des feuilles noires. Une étiquette maison est apposée sur la première planche. En plus de la page de garde blanche et de la page de titre illustrée, il y a 8 feuilles supplémentaires, encrées d'un seul côté. L'avant-propos explique qu'il s'agit d'un conte recueilli auprès d'elfes qui dansent en rond dans la forêt. Six feuillets contiennent des vers manuscrits et chaque feuillet est orné d'un dessin de silhouette. Enfin, un papier de fin naïf représente la lune et les moutons. Les planches sont en bon état, mais légèrement frottées et bosselées. A l'intérieur, les pages sont en bon état, propres et sans marques significatives. Il s'agit d'une production domestique attrayante. Première édition. 23cm x 31cm

    Book ID: 4341
    View basket More details Price: £48.00
  • Essais Poétiques d'un Vieillard by Ménard, Augustin
    Ménard, Augustin
    Essais Poétiques d'un Vieillard

    Poitiers: Typographie de A. Dupré, 1877. A lovely copy of this scarce first edition, with a tipped in manuscript letter by the author. half leather binding with marbled boards. gilt titles to the spine. In excellent, clean condition. Tipped in, after the title page, is a single page manuscript letter from Ménard to Gustave Saurin in a neat hand, dated 1856. The pages of the book are clean and neat throughout. 283 pages. 230 by 150mm (9 by 6 inches).

    . Un bel exemplaire de cette première édition rare, avec une lettre manuscrite de l'auteur. Reliure en demi-cuir avec des planches marbrées, titres dorés au dos. En excellent état. Une lettre manuscrite d'une page de Ménard à Gustave Saurin,…


    Poitiers: Typographie de A. Dupré, 1877. A lovely copy of this scarce first edition, with a tipped in manuscript letter by the author. half leather binding with marbled boards. gilt titles to the spine. In excellent, clean condition. Tipped in, after the title page, is a single page manuscript letter from Ménard to Gustave Saurin in a neat hand, dated 1856. The pages of the book are clean and neat throughout. 283 pages. 230 by 150mm (9 by 6 inches).

    . Un bel exemplaire de cette première édition rare, avec une lettre manuscrite de l'auteur. Reliure en demi-cuir avec des planches marbrées, titres dorés au dos. En excellent état. Une lettre manuscrite d'une page de Ménard à Gustave Saurin, datée de 1856 et écrite d'une main soignée, est jointe à l'ouvrage après la page de titre. Les pages du livre sont propres et nettes. 283 pages. 230 x 150 mm (9 x 6 pouces).

    Book ID: 4452
    View basket More details Price: £125.00
  • Gemaehlde [Gemälde] des Polygnotos in der Lesche zu Delphi. by RIEPENHAUSEN, Franz & Johannes
    RIEPENHAUSEN, Franz & Johannes
    Gemaehlde [Gemälde] des Polygnotos in der Lesche zu Delphi. Nach der Beschreibung des Pausanias gezeichnet von F. u. I. Riepenhausen

    Göttingen: Bei H. Dieterich, 1805. A collection of 15 prints numbered 1 to 15, etched in outline style by Franz and Johannes Riepenhausen after Pausanias's descriptions of the paintings by Polygnotos in the Lesche at Delphi. Scarce, with library holdings. First Edition. This home made collection has some unusual features. The plates are bound in a soft card cover. A hand written label to the front cover states "Tableau Perdu, de Polygnote" and further information about the work. To the inside cover is a manuscript leaf tipped in, with notes in French on each of the plates. Engraved title page, a plate with all 15 engraved plates shown in order in miniature (plate 1). (Unfortunately numbered 1-15 in early…


    Göttingen: Bei H. Dieterich, 1805. A collection of 15 prints numbered 1 to 15, etched in outline style by Franz and Johannes Riepenhausen after Pausanias's descriptions of the paintings by Polygnotos in the Lesche at Delphi. Scarce, with library holdings. First Edition. This home made collection has some unusual features. The plates are bound in a soft card cover. A hand written label to the front cover states "Tableau Perdu, de Polygnote" and further information about the work. To the inside cover is a manuscript leaf tipped in, with notes in French on each of the plates. Engraved title page, a plate with all 15 engraved plates shown in order in miniature (plate 1). (Unfortunately numbered 1-15 in early red ink). The plates have been bound back to front, and each has 2 numbers - the printed number (here 15 down to 1) and a manuscript number in black (here 1-15). Slight weakness to the top edge of the binding and very slight darkening to the pages. 16 pages. See British Museum 1875,0814.677-692 size: 330 x 490 mm (13 x 19¼ inches). Une collection de 15 estampes numérotées de 1 à 15, gravées à l'eau-forte par Franz et Johannes Riepenhausen d'après les descriptions de Pausanias des peintures de Polygnotos dans la Lesche de Delphes. Rare, avec des fonds de bibliothèque. Première édition. Cette collection artisanale présente des caractéristiques inhabituelles. Les planches sont reliées dans une couverture en carton souple. Une étiquette manuscrite sur la couverture indique "Tableau Perdu, de Polygnote" et d'autres informations sur l'œuvre. À l'intérieur de la couverture, une feuille manuscrite est collée, avec des notes en français sur chacune des planches. Page de titre gravée, une planche avec les 15 planches gravées montrées dans l'ordre en miniature (planche 1). (Malheureusement numérotées de 1 à 15 à l'encre rouge). Les planches ont été reliées dos à dos, et chacune porte deux numéros - le numéro imprimé (ici 15 jusqu'à 1) et un numéro manuscrit en noir (ici 1-15). Légère faiblesse au bord supérieur de la reliure et très léger noircissement des pages. 16 pages. Voir British Museum 1875,0814.677-692 taille : 330 x 490 mm

    Book ID: 3480
    View basket More details Price: £280.00
  • An original volume relating to inheritance provisions for his children
    Information connected with the Norfolk Family Settlement at the 31st May 1839 by HOWARD, Henry, Charles
    HOWARD, Henry, Charles
    Information connected with the Norfolk Family Settlement at the 31st May 1839

    NA, 1839. HOWARD, Henry Charles, 13th Duke of Norfolk (1791-1856). An original volume relating to inheritance provisions for his children, 1841. Sixteen pages, with the remainder of the volume unused. It is headed: "Information connected with the Norfolk Family Settlement at the 31st May 1839." It notes annuities to the Earl of Surrey £10,000, Countess of Surrey £1,000 and detailed provisions for other members of the Duke's family, includingthe Earl and Countess of Arundel & Surrey, and their younger children Lord Edward (Fitzalan) Howard, Lord Bernard Fitzalan Howard, Lady Mary Howard and Lady Adeliza Howard, born in the early 19th century. There are also references to The Glossop Estate, and settlements in 1841. An annuity to Dr Sandon and…


    NA, 1839. HOWARD, Henry Charles, 13th Duke of Norfolk (1791-1856). An original volume relating to inheritance provisions for his children, 1841. Sixteen pages, with the remainder of the volume unused. It is headed: "Information connected with the Norfolk Family Settlement at the 31st May 1839." It notes annuities to the Earl of Surrey £10,000, Countess of Surrey £1,000 and detailed provisions for other members of the Duke's family, includingthe Earl and Countess of Arundel & Surrey, and their younger children Lord Edward (Fitzalan) Howard, Lord Bernard Fitzalan Howard, Lady Mary Howard and Lady Adeliza Howard, born in the early 19th century. There are also references to The Glossop Estate, and settlements in 1841. An annuity to Dr Sandon and his wife is mentioned, as is a re-settlement agreed on the date of the Duke of Surrey's marriage. Full contemporary straight grain dark red morocco, gilt lettered 'Miscellaneous' on the upper cover. Slight wear to the head of the spine, and lacks the clasp. It bears the engraved stationers' label of Bebbington's Bath Paper Warehouse, 426, Strand. 120 mm x 190 mm. Henry Charles Howard and his father were Roman Catholics, although his mother Lady Elizabeth Belasyse was Anglican. It is not clear if Howard was formally and nominally raised Anglican, or if he was already Catholic when he married into a prominent Whig (and therefore anti-Catholic) family in 1814. In 1829, after Catholic emancipation, the Earl of Surrey (as he now was) was elected a Member of Parliament. In 1839
    his son, Henry Granville Fitzalan, Fourteenth Duke of Norfolk, married Augusta Lyons, the daughter of Admiral
    Sir Edmund (afterwards Lord) Lyons, the ambassador at Athens. This necessitated a revision of his father's inheritance provisions.

    Book ID: 2052
    View basket More details Price: £360.00
  • signed first edition with an unrecorded manuscript poem and author's corrections
    La Grande Ombre. by LEGRAND, Andre
    LEGRAND, Andre
    La Grande Ombre.

    Paris: Vaugirard, 1907. A lovely copy of this first edition, with lengthy gift inscription and unrecorded poem. Attractive red half leather binding with marbled boards. Attractive gilt decoration to the spine. There is cracking / splitting to the top edge of the front board, and it is in danger of becoming detached. Marbled endpapers and ex libris of Yves Refoule. Legrand has inscribed a 12 line poem and gift inscription to his friend Refoule. In addition, there are a few handwritten annotations and corrections to the text of the poems. It would appear that these were corrections made by Legrand. 30 pages. Music hall administrator, critic and historian, a specialist in circus and music-hall performances between the wars, Legrand…


    Paris: Vaugirard, 1907. A lovely copy of this first edition, with lengthy gift inscription and unrecorded poem. Attractive red half leather binding with marbled boards. Attractive gilt decoration to the spine. There is cracking / splitting to the top edge of the front board, and it is in danger of becoming detached. Marbled endpapers and ex libris of Yves Refoule. Legrand has inscribed a 12 line poem and gift inscription to his friend Refoule. In addition, there are a few handwritten annotations and corrections to the text of the poems. It would appear that these were corrections made by Legrand. 30 pages. Music hall administrator, critic and historian, a specialist in circus and music-hall performances between the wars, Legrand collaborated closely with Jean-Marcel Chabrier and they produced many works as Andre Legrand Chabrier. Bel exemplaire de cette première édition, avec une longue inscription de cadeau et un poème non enregistré. Jolie reliure demi-cuir rouge à plats marbrés. Jolie décoration dorée au dos. Il y a des fissures / fissures sur le bord supérieur du panneau avant, et il risque de se détacher. Gardes marbrées et ex libris d'Yves Refoulé. Legrand a inscrit un poème de 12 vers et une inscription cadeau à son ami Refoule. De plus, il y a quelques annotations et corrections manuscrites au texte des poèmes. Il semblerait qu'il s'agisse de corrections faites par Legrand. 30 pages. Administrateur de music-hall, critique et historien, spécialiste des spectacles de cirque et de music-hall de l'entre-deux-guerres, Legrand collabora étroitement avec Jean-Marcel Chabrier et ils produisirent de nombreuses œuvres comme André Legrand Chabrier.

    Book ID: 3300
    View basket More details Price: £250.00
  • Unique item - Architectural text plus Ms
    Lincoln Cathedral, nine plates from by WINKLES, Benjamin
    WINKLES, Benjamin
    Lincoln Cathedral, nine plates from Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches, plus manuscript (in Dutch)

    1838. First edition. Pages 1 - 24 on Lincoln (from Volume II of Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches) with coloured frontis plus nine b/w plates depicting Lincoln Cathedral from the same, bound together with 58 pages of handwritten Dutch manuscript about the cathedral. With red leather spine, and gilt titles to same. Marbled brown boards. Blue endpapers. Plates have the original protective tissue. Spine has some wear but is good, scuffing / rubbing to boards. 270 x 190 mm (10¾ x 7½ inches).

    Book ID: 2289
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • Attractive and lengthy Manuscript
    Manuale Casua Conscientiae - a Manuscript in Latin describing the Roman Catholic Ritual of Mass and The Sacraments. by [ANON]
    Manuale Casua Conscientiae - a Manuscript in Latin describing the Roman Catholic Ritual of Mass and The Sacraments.

    France: N/A, 1700. Contemporary panelled calf. A 386 page manuscript, outlining Roman Catholic faith concerning the Mass. With contents to rear. Probably French. Undated but Circa 1700. Completed in a neat cursive script, entirely in Latin. The binding has chips with considerable loss to the spine. However the boards are firm and holding. Internally clean and tidy throughout, with minimal darkening to the pages. Still perfectly legible. 190 by 120mm (7½ by 4¾ inches). Veau lambrissé contemporain. Un manuscrit de 386 pages, décrivant la foi catholique romaine concernant la messe. Avec le contenu à l'arrière. Probablement français. Sans date mais vers 1700. Terminé dans une écriture cursive soignée, entièrement en latin. La reliure a des éclats avec une perte…


    France: N/A, 1700. Contemporary panelled calf. A 386 page manuscript, outlining Roman Catholic faith concerning the Mass. With contents to rear. Probably French. Undated but Circa 1700. Completed in a neat cursive script, entirely in Latin. The binding has chips with considerable loss to the spine. However the boards are firm and holding. Internally clean and tidy throughout, with minimal darkening to the pages. Still perfectly legible. 190 by 120mm (7½ by 4¾ inches). Veau lambrissé contemporain. Un manuscrit de 386 pages, décrivant la foi catholique romaine concernant la messe. Avec le contenu à l'arrière. Probablement français. Sans date mais vers 1700. Terminé dans une écriture cursive soignée, entièrement en latin. La reliure a des éclats avec une perte considérable au dos. Cependant les planches sont fermes et tiennent. Intérieurement propre et bien rangé, avec un assombrissement minimal des pages. Toujours parfaitement lisible. 190 par 120 mm

    Book ID: 2260
    View basket More details Price: £200.00
    STICHEL, C.A. van

    La Cambre: N/A, 1783. First edition. Small 4to, vellum, almost illegible ink inscription on the first cover, laces for closure (contemporary binding). 94 ff., some paginated, others blank, the last written on the reverse of the volume. Manuscript (written entirely in French) in black ink on laid paper, by several hands. The first 14 ff. (29 pages) contain accounts and receipts for sums received for the preparation of dishes or the purchase of food and ingredients. These memoirs are dated (Brussels) 1790 to 1793, comments were added in 1859 and 1861. The last 15 ff. (written backwards at the end of the work) contain copies of correspondence dated La Cambre (possibly the school in Brussels, Belgium?), 1783, signed "Your…


    La Cambre: N/A, 1783. First edition. Small 4to, vellum, almost illegible ink inscription on the first cover, laces for closure (contemporary binding). 94 ff., some paginated, others blank, the last written on the reverse of the volume. Manuscript (written entirely in French) in black ink on laid paper, by several hands. The first 14 ff. (29 pages) contain accounts and receipts for sums received for the preparation of dishes or the purchase of food and ingredients. These memoirs are dated (Brussels) 1790 to 1793, comments were added in 1859 and 1861. The last 15 ff. (written backwards at the end of the work) contain copies of correspondence dated La Cambre (possibly the school in Brussels, Belgium?), 1783, signed "Your very humble and very obedient servant C.A. van Stichel" and addressed to a "Mademoiselle" who is not better identified. This is followed by a prayer, other accounts (1789-1797), laundress's notes, remedies for worms and gout, etc. The gastronomic part occupies the largest part of the manuscript and holds 114 hand written pages: sunny-side-up eggs, how to cook potatoes, veal chops with shallot sauce, blueberry tart, stuffed pig's ears, mutton chops, beef tongue, veal kidney soufflé, sauce for boiled shoulder of mutton, stuffed salads, pigeons à la crapaudière?], chicken with celery, tartar sauce, how to put beef in vinegar, beef à la mode, how to cook sturgeon in broth, recipe for pickles, cherries in vinegar, veal sweetbreads, chicken with chestnuts, boiled shoulder of mutton, bisque, mutton chops with macaroni, hare pâté, wild rabbit, meat juice. hare stew, eel tartare, dandelions, croquettes, mutton chops with chestnuts, Corinthian bread buns, potato bread, beef stew, puffed macaroni, rice bread, semolina bread, eggs with mustard, cream ice cream, tarts, pancakes, cooking lobsters, quince jelly, nun's farts. puffed omelette, wine cream, cherries on skewers, cauliflower sauce, broccoli [sic], chopped turnips, cod in sticks, turtle's head, etc., etc... There are also a couple of loose pages inserted. Soiled vellum. Binding to the front is cracked, but holding firmly. There are also a number of blank pages in the middle of the work. An attractive predominately cookery based manuscript containing a total of 164 written pages. 190 by 160mm (7½ by 6¼ inches).

    . Première édition. Petit 4to, vélin, inscription à l'encre presque illisible sur le premier plat, lacets de fermeture (reliure de l'époque). 94 ff. certains paginés, d'autres vierges, le dernier écrit au verso du volume. Manuscrit (entièrement rédigé en français) à l'encre noire sur papier vergé, par plusieurs mains. Les 14 premiers ff. (29 pages) contiennent des comptes et des reçus de sommes perçues pour la préparation de plats ou l'achat de denrées et d'ingrédients. Ces mémoires sont datés (Bruxelles) de 1790 à 1793, des commentaires ont été ajoutés en 1859 et 1861. Les 15 derniers ff. (écrits à l'envers à la fin de l'ouvrage) contiennent des copies d'une correspondance datée de La Cambre (peut-être l'école de Bruxelles, Belgique ?), 1783, signée "Votre très humble et très obéissant serviteur C.A. van Stichel" et adressée à une "Mademoiselle" qui n'est pas mieux identifiée. Suivent une prière, d'autres comptes (1789-1797), des notes de blanchisseuse, des remèdes contre les vers et la goutte, etc. La partie gastronomique occupe la plus grande partie du manuscrit et compte 114 pages manuscrites : œufs au plat, cuisson des pommes de terre, côtelettes de veau à l'échalote, tarte aux myrtilles, oreilles de porc farcies, côtelettes de mouton, langue de bœuf, soufflé aux rognons de veau, sauce pour l'épaule de mouton bouillie, salades farcies, pigeons à la crapaudière ?Le poulet au céleri, la sauce tartare, comment mettre le bœuf au vinaigre, le bœuf à la mode, comment cuire l'esturgeon au bouillon, la recette des cornichons, les cerises au vinaigre, les ris de veau, le poulet aux marrons, l'épaule de mouton bouillie, la bisque, les côtelettes de mouton aux macaronis, le pâté de lièvre, le lapin de garenne, le jus de viande. ragoût de lièvre, tartare d'anguille, pissenlits, croquettes, côtelettes de mouton aux marrons, petits pains de Corinthe, pain de pommes de terre, ragoût de bœuf, macaronis soufflés, pain de riz, pain de semoule, œufs à la moutarde, glace à la crème, tartes, crêpes, cuisson de homards, gelée de coings, pets de nonne. omelette soufflée, crème au vin, cerises en brochettes, sauce au chou-fleur, brocolis, navets hachés, morue en bâtonnets, tête de tortue, etc, etc. Quelques feuilles volantes sont également insérées. Vélin sali. La reliure au recto est fendue, mais tient bien. Il y a également un certain nombre de pages blanches au milieu de l'ouvrage. Un manuscrit attrayant, principalement basé sur la cuisine, contenant un total de 164 pages écrites. 190 x 160 mm.

    Book ID: 4504
    View basket More details Price: £600.00
  • Unique and unpublished
    Milton Abbey Dorsetshire - Architectural Report and photographs. by SHORE, Lt Col B. C. G.
    SHORE, Lt Col B. C. G.
    Milton Abbey Dorsetshire - Architectural Report and photographs.

    London: Unpublished, 1960. A hardback bound typescript of a report by Lt-Col Shore, on faults and problems with the architecture of Milton Abbey in Dorset. Bound in blue cloth with gilt titles. The typescript itself is unpaginated, but is 11 pages long. Printed to one side in red and black. Also bound in are 8 large (305 mm x 240 mm) black and white silver gelatin photographs of details of the Abbey architecture, including one with the members of the Abbey team showing some Saxon stone work. There are two further loose photographs, one of which is a little tatty to the edges. The report is signed in fountain pen by the author. There is also a compliments letter…


    London: Unpublished, 1960. A hardback bound typescript of a report by Lt-Col Shore, on faults and problems with the architecture of Milton Abbey in Dorset. Bound in blue cloth with gilt titles. The typescript itself is unpaginated, but is 11 pages long. Printed to one side in red and black. Also bound in are 8 large (305 mm x 240 mm) black and white silver gelatin photographs of details of the Abbey architecture, including one with the members of the Abbey team showing some Saxon stone work. There are two further loose photographs, one of which is a little tatty to the edges. The report is signed in fountain pen by the author. There is also a compliments letter loosely enclosed. In good clean condition, with a touch of darkening to the edges only. 355 by 255mm (14 by 10 inches).

    Book ID: 3090
    View basket More details Price: £80.00
  • Mr. Punch's Travels in Foreign Lands by ABBOTT, H
    Mr. Punch's Travels in Foreign Lands

    London: NA, 1865. 32 original ink drawings in the style of Punch and Judy by one H. Abbot. There are 15 numbered illustrations, with a title to each. These feature Mr Punch on his visits to Pompei, on his arab steed etc. They are finely drawn on card and tipped into the album. They are reminiscent of Callot's work. These are followed by a further 7 illustrations on diverse subjects. These are very good copies of works by other artists. A couple by Thomas Hood (from the Comic Annual of 1836), and a copy of John Tenniel's "Erin's little difficulty" a Punch cartoon from 1865 about the raiding of a Fenian newspaper. Then comes "Attitudes for Exits from the…


    London: NA, 1865. 32 original ink drawings in the style of Punch and Judy by one H. Abbot. There are 15 numbered illustrations, with a title to each. These feature Mr Punch on his visits to Pompei, on his arab steed etc. They are finely drawn on card and tipped into the album. They are reminiscent of Callot's work. These are followed by a further 7 illustrations on diverse subjects. These are very good copies of works by other artists. A couple by Thomas Hood (from the Comic Annual of 1836), and a copy of John Tenniel's "Erin's little difficulty" a Punch cartoon from 1865 about the raiding of a Fenian newspaper. Then comes "Attitudes for Exits from the Stage" with 8 small illustrations with quotations(seemingly from Shakespeare). We have not been able to identify any originals for these. Finally are three further illustrations. A number of the illustrations show the tale of Bobby taking tea with a servant girl, and a jealous maid telling Mr Brigg's (her master) of this, to the inevitable eviction of Bobby! We have been unable to identify this series, and we believe them to be an original sequence. To the end is a page with a title for Aesop's fables, and evidence of three tipped in images being removed - but these are not present. A nice collection of original illustrations. 70 by 120mm (2¾ by 4¾ inches). The small pocket book is clean and tidy, with a little rubbing to the edges. The binding is a little tired, the front end paper has been reinforced, and some other pages would benefit from reinforcement. Overall a nice item. Slight darkening / foxing throughout.

    . 32 dessins originaux à l'encre dans le style de Punch and Judy par H. Abbot. Il y a 15 illustrations numérotées, avec un titre pour chacune d'entre elles. Elles représentent M. Punch lors de ses visites à Pompéi, sur son cheval arabe, etc. Elles sont finement dessinées sur carte et insérées dans l'album. Elles rappellent le travail de Callot. Elles sont suivies de 7 autres illustrations sur des sujets divers. Il s'agit de très bonnes copies d'œuvres d'autres artistes. Deux illustrations de Thomas Hood (tirées du Comic Annual de 1836) et une copie de "Erin's little difficulty" de John Tenniel, une caricature de Punch datant de 1865 sur le pillage d'un journal fenian. Vient ensuite "Attitudes for Exits from the Stage", avec 8 petites illustrations accompagnées de citations (apparemment de Shakespeare). Nous n'avons pas pu identifier d'originaux pour ces illustrations. Enfin, il y a trois autres illustrations. Un certain nombre d'entre elles illustrent l'histoire de Bobby prenant le thé avec une servante, et d'une servante jalouse qui en parle à M. Brigg's (son maître), jusqu'à l'inévitable expulsion de Bobby ! Nous n'avons pas été en mesure d'identifier cette série et nous pensons qu'il s'agit d'une séquence originale. A la fin de l'ouvrage se trouve une page avec un titre pour les fables d'Esope, et la preuve que trois images collées ont été enlevées - mais elles ne sont pas présentes. Une belle collection d'illustrations originales. 70 x 120 mm (2¾ x 4¾ pouces). Le petit livre de poche est propre et bien rangé, avec un peu de frottement sur les bords. La reliure est un peu fatiguée, la première page de garde a été renforcée, et quelques autres pages bénéficieraient d'un renforcement. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'un bel objet. Légères rousseurs sur l'ensemble de l'ouvrage.

    Book ID: 2110
    View basket More details Price: £480.00
  • Original sketch showing the first use of the Gatling Gun by the Royal Navy in the Anglo-Egyptian War.
    Naval Brigade clearing streets of Alexandria with the Gatling by Yellow Grub
    Yellow Grub
    Naval Brigade clearing streets of Alexandria with the Gatling

    Alexandria: 1882. An original, hand drawn sketch depicting a naval brigade clearing the streets of Alexandria. Ink on white paper. This would seem to have been an initial sketch, as the foreground (the brigade with the gun) is well worked, whilst the background is less defined. There are a couple of notes on the sheet. A couple of the figures in the sketch are also labelled Royal Marine and Officer. This would appear to be the first draft of a news report - similar to that which appeared as the front page of the Illustrated London News for July 29th 1882. Sketch is 240 x 160 mm. Good clean condition. It is pasted onto a larger sheet of pale brown…


    Alexandria: 1882. An original, hand drawn sketch depicting a naval brigade clearing the streets of Alexandria. Ink on white paper. This would seem to have been an initial sketch, as the foreground (the brigade with the gun) is well worked, whilst the background is less defined. There are a couple of notes on the sheet. A couple of the figures in the sketch are also labelled Royal Marine and Officer. This would appear to be the first draft of a news report - similar to that which appeared as the front page of the Illustrated London News for July 29th 1882. Sketch is 240 x 160 mm. Good clean condition. It is pasted onto a larger sheet of pale brown card. This is 500 x 320 mm and is creased and darkened, and with a few closed tears. A very nice piece of historical visual documentation. Following the cutting of the Suez canal, British interests in Egypt deepened, and in May 1882 there was an uprising by Urabi Pasha. After an initial heavy naval bombardment, Naval Brigades and Marines were sent ashore to restore order. The revolt was quashed, and Egypt came under partial British control until the Second World War. The drawing clearly shows the use of a hopper fed Gatling gun. This weapon, developed in 1865, was used by the British Army from 1873. This conflict was the first use of the Gatling by the Royal Navy.

    Book ID: 4130
    View basket More details Price: £200.00
  • Nederlands vergeet me niet - album met herinneringen / souvenirs. by [ANON]
    Nederlands vergeet me niet - album met herinneringen / souvenirs. Victorian Dutch Album Amicorum with loose beautiful 'forget me not' sketches and souvenirs.

    Haarlem & Rotterdam: 1847. Delightful album in the form of a small cloth covered box. Inside a folded decorative inner envelope, containing a selection of original artwork and keepsakes. In total there are 21 original miniature artworks. Comprising: one double size folded original pencil drawing with tissue guard, and eight other lovely pencil drawings. Also six colour original watercolours - all but one of exquisite flowers. One sepia scene of two hunters. And two watercolours done on rice paper. Also two delightful examples of cross stitch and one decoupage, all in flower designs. There is also one pinprick flower design, which is very intricate and skillfully done. There are three handwritten ink notes inside - all in Dutch. One of…


    Haarlem & Rotterdam: 1847. Delightful album in the form of a small cloth covered box. Inside a folded decorative inner envelope, containing a selection of original artwork and keepsakes. In total there are 21 original miniature artworks. Comprising: one double size folded original pencil drawing with tissue guard, and eight other lovely pencil drawings. Also six colour original watercolours - all but one of exquisite flowers. One sepia scene of two hunters. And two watercolours done on rice paper. Also two delightful examples of cross stitch and one decoupage, all in flower designs. There is also one pinprick flower design, which is very intricate and skillfully done. There are three handwritten ink notes inside - all in Dutch. One of the notes signed C. Gleichman, talks approximately: "when you are in Haarlem, you will certainly get other girlfriends, but I hope that you will not forget the Rotterdamische". The other two notes are signed J. Doeleman (Jacobus Doeleman) sent to to his pupil Cornelia (presumably Cornelia Gleichman) from Haarlem. All pages have edges in gilt. Most of the art is dated with personal messages and signatures. 90 x 155 mm (3½ x 6 inches).


    Book ID: 3835
    View basket More details Price: £350.00
  • 4 original illustrations and an extensive sketch book
    Original sketch book of this renowned portraitist with four colour original portraits by NOLHAC, Henri de; NOLHAC, Pierre
    NOLHAC, Henri de; NOLHAC, Pierre
    Original sketch book of this renowned portraitist with four colour original portraits

    Versaille: 1900. A fascinating sketchbook and four drawings by the artist and portraitist Henri de Nolhac (1884-1948). He was the son of Pierre de Nolhac, the curator of the Palace of Versailles Museum during his youth. From a young age, he was a painter, and particularly skilled in pencil portraits, which he used to make his living. The four portraits, each on stiff card are approximately 34 x 22 cm. Three of the four are signed by Nolhac. Two are gentlemen, (Raymond Laurent* and another anonymous man). Two are portraits of anonymous young women. Each are skillfully executed and in excellent condition. The sketchbook, with a cloth spine and plain blue boards, seems to have begun life as an itinerary…


    Versaille: 1900. A fascinating sketchbook and four drawings by the artist and portraitist Henri de Nolhac (1884-1948). He was the son of Pierre de Nolhac, the curator of the Palace of Versailles Museum during his youth. From a young age, he was a painter, and particularly skilled in pencil portraits, which he used to make his living. The four portraits, each on stiff card are approximately 34 x 22 cm. Three of the four are signed by Nolhac. Two are gentlemen, (Raymond Laurent* and another anonymous man). Two are portraits of anonymous young women. Each are skillfully executed and in excellent condition. The sketchbook, with a cloth spine and plain blue boards, seems to have begun life as an itinerary book / plan for his father. A note on the front end paper "2e Division 1er Brigade" and to the final page "Cours special d'instruction 3e Brigade (1890-91)" is followed by seven pages in ink, dated 1890-1891 in an adult hand. This seems to be largely assigning projects (or elements of the instruction course). As the text ends, the pencil sketches immediately begin. It is unlikely that Henri took up this book immediately, as in 1890 he was only 7 years old and these are mature sketches. Most of the entries are of 19th century scenes, and some portraits of eminent men from the time. There are also American civil war notables and a couple of cowboys. (Nolhac travelled to the United States in the 1930s so perhaps he drew these after that visit). Studies include sketches after Daumier, characters in Chinese dress, fashionable ladies, a lovely ink and pencil sketch of Lamartine, military uniforms, a full page colour sketch of a couple promenading, Generals Grant and Lee from the USA, horses running, Gladstone, Thackeray and two of Disraeli. There are 55 pages, each drawn to the recto only, and mostly holding 4-6 sketches. Curiously these are all dated 1863-1871 but this is before Henri was born (and his father was only born in 1859). It seems far more likely that these were pencil studies and practice pieces. Nolhac was known for improving his skills throughout his life. There are then a number of blank leaves. The sketch book is obviously picked up again towards the end of Nolhac's life. It is begun afresh from the rear page (upside down to the front) and there are nine pages of sketches. There is a pencil title "1e anniversaire a XXXX" (illegible, but from the contents this is clearly the liberation). The nine pages are full of studies of American troops and vehicles. There is also a full page, colour highlighted sketch entitled "Le libération á Sens 25.8.44 la grande rue." Sens was liberated by American troops on the 20th August 1944. In total, this sketch book contains 64 pages of sketches, including three in colour and one in ink. A total of 238 studies. Nolhac died in 1948. 305 x 200 mm (12 x 7¾ inches). A very similar sketch book (209 studies but with the subject entirely focused on World War I) was sold at auction in 2014 for 2875 euros (including fees). * The Politician Raymond Laurent was one of the founders of the People's Democratic Movement (a Christian Democratic Pary). This portrait was taken just after the party was founded. He was later a deputy in the French parliament and member of the Resistance during the Second World War.

    . Un fascinant carnet de croquis et quatre dessins de l'artiste et portraitiste Henri de Nolhac (1884-1948). Il est le fils de Pierre de Nolhac, conservateur du musée du château de Versailles dans sa jeunesse. Peintre dès son plus jeune âge, il est particulièrement doué pour les portraits au crayon, qui lui permettent de gagner sa vie. Les quatre portraits, chacun sur carton rigide, mesurent environ 34 x 22 cm. Trois d'entre eux sont signés par Nolhac. Deux sont des messieurs (Raymond Laurent* et un autre homme anonyme). Deux sont des portraits de jeunes femmes anonymes. Tous sont habilement exécutés et en excellent état. Le carnet de croquis, avec un dos en tissu et des planches bleues unies, semble avoir commencé sa vie comme un carnet d'itinéraire / plan pour son père. Une note sur la page de garde "2e Division 1ère Brigade" et sur la dernière page "Cours spécial d'instruction 3e Brigade (1890-91)" est suivie de sept pages à l'encre, datées de 1890-1891 de la main d'un adulte. Il semble qu'il s'agisse en grande partie de l'attribution de projets (ou d'éléments du cours d'instruction). À la fin du texte, les esquisses au crayon commencent immédiatement. Il est peu probable qu'Henri ait pris ce livre immédiatement, car en 1890 il n'avait que 7 ans et il s'agit d'esquisses de maturité. La plupart des dessins représentent des scènes du XIXe siècle et quelques portraits d'hommes éminents de l'époque. Il y a également des notables de la guerre civile américaine et quelques cow-boys (Nolhac s'est rendu aux États-Unis dans les années 1930 et a peut-être dessiné ces croquis après cette visite). Les études comprennent des croquis d'après Daumier, des personnages en costume chinois, des dames à la mode, une belle esquisse à l'encre et au crayon de Lamartine, des uniformes militaires, une esquisse en couleur pleine page d'un couple en train de se promener, les généraux Grant et Lee des États-Unis, des chevaux en train de courir, Gladstone, Thackeray et deux portraits de Disraeli. Il y a 55 pages, chacune dessinée au recto seulement, et contenant pour la plupart 4 à 6 esquisses. Curieusement, elles sont toutes datées de 1863-1871, mais c'est avant la naissance d'Henri (et son père n'est né qu'en 1859). Il semble beaucoup plus probable qu'il s'agisse d'études au crayon et d'exercices. Nolhac était connu pour se perfectionner tout au long de sa vie. Il y a ensuite un certain nombre de feuilles blanches. Le carnet de croquis est manifestement repris vers la fin de la vie de Nolhac. Il est recommencé à partir de la dernière page (à l'envers par rapport au recto) et comporte neuf pages d'esquisses. Le titre est écrit au crayon "1e anniversaire a XXXX" (illisible, mais d'après le contenu, il s'agit clairement de la libération). Les neuf pages sont remplies d'études de troupes et de véhicules américains. Il y a également un croquis pleine page en couleur intitulé "Le libération á Sens 25.8.44 la grande rue". Sens a été libéré par les troupes américaines le 20 août 1944. Au total, ce carnet de croquis contient 64 pages de croquis, dont trois en couleur et une à l'encre. Soit un total de 238 études. Nolhac est décédé en 1948. 305 x 200 mm (12 x 7¾ inches). Un carnet de croquis très similaire (209 études mais dont le sujet est entièrement centré sur la Première Guerre mondiale) a été vendu aux enchères en 2014 pour 2875 euros (frais compris). * L'homme politique Raymond Laurent a été l'un des fondateurs du Mouvement démocratique populaire (parti démocrate-chrétien). Ce portrait a été réalisé juste après la création du parti. Il a ensuite été député et résistant pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

    Book ID: 4384
    View basket More details Price: £1,350.00
  • 'Perspective'. Portfolio de manuscrits architecturaux français. by [ANON]
    'Perspective'. Portfolio de manuscrits architecturaux français.

    France: n/a, 1900. Wonderful French architectural manuscript portfolio on 'Perspective'. This appears to be a student's own manuscript and sketches from an architectural or art course. All of the contents are dealing with perspective in different forms. Some are purely mathematical (such as the design and sketches of cones and other shapes.) Others are examples of sketches drawn in proper perspective. The portfolio contains a large number of loose leaves. Each aspect (text in French) has one or more illustrations following. Many (but not all) of the pages have pencilled numbers to the top edge. In total there are 48 pages of text and 64 pages of illustrations / diagrams. In fact, there are a few more, but we…


    France: n/a, 1900. Wonderful French architectural manuscript portfolio on 'Perspective'. This appears to be a student's own manuscript and sketches from an architectural or art course. All of the contents are dealing with perspective in different forms. Some are purely mathematical (such as the design and sketches of cones and other shapes.) Others are examples of sketches drawn in proper perspective. The portfolio contains a large number of loose leaves. Each aspect (text in French) has one or more illustrations following. Many (but not all) of the pages have pencilled numbers to the top edge. In total there are 48 pages of text and 64 pages of illustrations / diagrams. In fact, there are a few more, but we have only counted "significant" pages. The paper is a little darkened, and there are a few very minor closed tears to the page edge. The folder has cracking to the spine edge, and is darkened, and at least one of the ties is still functioning. The front has a tipped on printed illustration with the title. An attractive and fascinating piece. 330 x 255 mm (13 x 10 inches). Magnifique portfolio de manuscrits architecturaux français sur 'Perspective'. Cela semble être le manuscrit d'un étudiant et des croquis d'un cours d'architecture ou d'art. Tous les contenus traitent de la perspective sous différentes formes. Certains sont purement mathématiques (comme la conception et les croquis de cônes et d'autres formes.) D'autres sont des exemples de croquis dessinés dans une perspective appropriée. Le portefeuille contient un grand nombre de feuilles volantes. Chaque aspect (texte en français) est suivi d'une ou plusieurs illustrations. De nombreuses pages (mais pas toutes) ont des numéros au crayon sur le bord supérieur. Au total il y a 48 pages de texte et 64 pages d'illustrations/schémas. En fait, il y en a quelques autres, mais nous n'avons compté que les pages "significatives". Le papier est un peu noirci et il y a quelques petites déchirures fermées sur le bord de la page. Le dossier présente des fissures sur le bord de la colonne vertébrale et est assombri, et au moins une des attaches fonctionne toujours. L'avant a une pointe sur l'illustration imprimée avec le titre. Une pièce attrayante et fascinante. 330 x 255 mm (13 x 10 pouces).

    Book ID: 3298
    View basket More details Price: £300.00