- Category = roman catholic
Augusta Concilii Nicaeni II. Censura, Hoc Est, Caroli M. De Impio Iaginum Cultu Libri IV
Edition: First Edition
Book ID: 1757More details Price: £130.00 -
Catalogo General de Imagenes Talleres de Imagineria Religiosa El Sagrado Corazon
With: Tarifa de Precios Olot, Gerona (Espana)
Olot: Aonima Mato, 1954. Illustrated boards with cloth spine, black and white photographs throughout. Boards show signs of wear with water damage to rear board. Slight foxing to end papers else interior good. Trade catalogue from the Anonima Mato workshop in Olot, Gerona, which specializes in religious statues. Includes a loosely inserted price list. Superb trade catalogue. 123 pages. 345 x 245 mm (13½ x 9¾ inches).
Book ID: 2264More details Price: £180.00 -
Catholic Hymns. Original & Translated with Accompanying Tunes.
London: Cary & Co, 1898. Hardback in black buckram, with a gilt-stamped title to the front board. Revised edition. Red page edges. Boards are clean and in a very good condition. Inside there is some light foxing to the first and last few (blank) pages.
xiii, [1], 186, [8], pages. 215 x 140 mm (8½ x 5½ inches).Book ID: 2668More details Price: £24.00 -
Chimes: A Benedictine Quarterly Review
Volume III (3) Number XI. July 1923
Edition: First Edition
Buckfast, Devon: Buckfast Abbey, 1923. First edition. A very nice copy of this Benedictine Quarterly Journal. Full of period Catholic adverts, articles, book reviews and poetry. Front illustration of Buckfast Abbey in 1829. A decent copy. The paper covers are a little darkened and marked. The yapped edges are slightly nicked and have a few small closed tears. Internally clean and tidy throughout. [viii], 141-208., [vi] pp.
Book ID: 1102More details Price: £25.00 -
Chimes: A Benedictine Quarterly Review
Volume III Number 3. New Series July- September 1929
Edition: First Edition
Buckfast, Devon: Buckfast Abbey, 1929. First edition. A very nice copy of this Benedictine Quarterly Journal. Full of period Catholic adverts, articles, book reviews and poetry. Pale blue paper covers with silver decoration to the front cover. Frontis illustration of the Bishop of Plymouth (Bishop Barrett) Articles include a translation of the original document of "The Surrender of Buckfast Abbey". There is also a photograph of detail from the Buckfast choir stalls tipped in. To the rear is an attractive colour illustrated folding advert for a clerical outfitters in Exeter. A decent copy. The paper covers are a little faded to the edges. The yapped edges are slightly bruised. Internally clean and tidy throughout. 111-162., [xi] pp.
Book ID: 1103More details Price: £12.00 -
Chimes: A Benedictine Quarterly Review
Volume III (3) Number XII. October 1923
Edition: First Edition
Buckfast, Devon: Buckfast Abbey, 1923. First edition. A very nice copy of this Benedictine Quarterly Journal. Full of period Catholic adverts, articles, book reviews and poetry. Frontis illustration of Dom Vonier (second Abbot of Buckfast). A decent copy. The paper covers are a little faded. The yapped edges are slightly nicked and have a few small closed tears. Internally clean and tidy throughout. The binding of the paper wrapper is coming away to the top edge, but is still holding. [vii], 209-282., [vi] pp.
Book ID: 1105More details Price: £25.00 -
Collected Poems 1935-1946.
Edition: First Edition
London: Burns, Oates and Washbourne Ltd, 1946. Original cream covered paper covers over cream boards. Titles to both boards and wrapper. There is a frontis photograph of Gilbey at work, and a facsimile of a letter from the Apostolic delegate with a message from the Pope accepting the dedication of the book to him. This book comprised the collected poems from Gilbey's six earlier volumes, and an additional 40 poems included here. frontis photograph Captain Jack (John Newman) Gilbey b.1888 was the older brother of Alfred Newman Gilbey, RC priest and long-time Catholic chaplain of Cambridge University. He was the author of several collections of devotional poetry. 228pp.
Condition: The wrapper has a couple of small closed tears to it, and some foxing / marking, including faint water damage. There is also light water marking to the front board. Internally the book is clean and tidy throughout, with just a touch of foxing to the pages.
Book ID: 1240More details Price: £5.00 -
"Come to Me all ye..." and Other Poems
Edition: First Edition
London: Burns, Oates & Washbourne Ltd: 1941. Original red / orange cloth with titles in gilt to the front board, with cream paper wrapper. Titles to the front cover and spine of the wrapper. The poet has written and additional unrecorded 8 line poem to the front end paper of the book and signed it here. black and white frontis photograph of the author at work 48pp.
Condition: The wrapper is marked and damp stained to the rear panel. The front cover is in good shape with just a little marking. 1 inch closed tear to the top edge has been neatly repaired. There is a small chip to the middle of the wrapper spine. The spine of the book has faded, and there is a little damp staining to the inside boards. The rest of the book is clean and tidy, with a touch of foxing / darkening only. Some intermittent annotations in pencil (probably the date poems were read).
Book ID: 1237More details Price: £12.00 -
Commémoration du Centenaire des Apparitions de Lourdes. 1858.
Book ID: 2943More details Price: £35.00
De Assumptione Mariae Virginis
Oratio Habita XVIII. Kal. Sept. In Templo Liberiano
Edition: First Edition
Romae: Crispini Puccinelli, 1840. First edition. Printed in Rome, it seems to have been printed to be read aloud, as the blessing on the work (the first eight pages) is in a very large type. The rest of the work is in a more normal, although still large, font. Clean and tidy, and ready for binding, in a limp, marbled cover. The essay itself is clean and tidy throughout. There are a few tiny (burn ?) holes to the last couple of pages, but overall a good looking piece. viii., 20.
Book ID: 1112More details Price: £60.00 -
DECRET Porte Par le Conseil de Namur fur Requete du Conseiller Procureur General d'icelui tendante a lassupression de l'imprime aiant pout titre,
Damnation & Probibitio libri germanico idiomate editi, cui titulus, Was ist der Pabst, (Qu'est - ce que le Pape?)
Edition: First Edition
Book ID: 1412More details Price: £75.00 -
Die Deutsche Nationalkirche S. Mariea Dell' Anima in Neapel.
Beitrage zu Ihrer Geschichte.
Freiburg im Breisgau: Herdersche Verlagshandlung, 1909. First edition. Paper / Parchement covered card boards. Leather enclosures / wrap around. The leather ties are present but snapped to spine and edge (doesn't affect binding. Small chip to head of spine and closed tear to the base. Gift inscription from the author to the front end paper. With 3 chromolithographs and a copper engraving. A history of St Maria's - the German Church in Naples. 310 by 240mm (12¼ by 9½ inches).
Book ID: 2192More details Price: £40.00 -
Die heilige Regel fur den Orden der heiligen Birgitta
mit den additionen, der Erlauterung der Ordens-Regel und der Regel des heil Augustin
Edition: First Edition
Book ID: 1754More details Price: £100.00 -
Discours sur l'histoire universelle.
Édition augmentée des nouvelles additions et des variantes de texte.
Paris: Emler Frer̀es, 1829. Two volumes. First Thus, with notes on prior publications. Hardback in half red morocco with red marbled boards. Gilt decoration and title to spines. Corners rubbed. Marbled page edges. Inside both volumes have medium to heavy foxing throughout. In generally good condition. Text in French. Volume I: 321 pages, and Volume II: 377 pages. 233 x 145 mm (9¼ x 5¾ inches). Deux tomes. Première Ainsi, avec des notes sur les publications antérieures. Relié en demi maroquin rouge avec plats marbrés rouges. Décor doré et titre aux dos. Coins frottés. Bords de page marbrés. L'intérieur des deux volumes présente des rousseurs moyennes à fortes. En bon état général. Tome I : 321 pages, et Tome II : 377 pages. 233 × 145 mm
Book ID: 3565More details Price: £100.00 -
Dissertation Préliminaire ou Prolégomènes sur la Bible.
Edition: First Edition
Book ID: 1597More details Price: £150.00 -
Écrits de Mgr. De La Fare - A Collection of Motions on the suppression of religious orders
Écrits de Mgr. De La Fare - Motion sur la suppression des ordres religieux
Book ID: 4418More details Price: £250.00
Enchiridion Historiae Ecclesiasticae Vols I & II (of III)
Tomus I - Aetas Prima Seu Christiana Antiquitas Annis 1-692; Tomus II Aetas Altera Seu Medium Aevum Annis 692-1517.
Edition: First Edition
Book ID: 1204More details Price: £45.00 -
Engraving of St Radegunda [Radegund]
from Heiliges Benedictiner-Jahr
Book ID: 4516More details Price: £50.00
Epistole et Evangeli, Chesi Leggono tutto l'anno alle Messe, secondo l'uso della S.R. Chiesa, & Ord. Messale Riformato. Tradotti in Lingua Toscana
Together With: Coninciano le Lettioni; Epistole, et Evangeli, Del Commune de' Ssanti che non hanno Proprio: & Prima de Gli Apostoli
Edition: Reprint
Book ID: 1749More details Price: £475.00 -
Erinnerung an England. Den Katholiken Deutschlands Gewidmet.
[Memories of England, dedicated to the Catholics of Germany]
Edition: First Edition
Munchen / Munich: 1840. Blue / grey paper covers. Sewn. Heavy rag paper. Printed in Gothic script. Woodcut illustration to the title page. Text in German throughout. An account of a tour of England. It seems mainly to have been visits to Catholics, and much of the text is commenting on religious matters. The book ends with a litany / prayer for England. 48 pp.
Condition: The covers are clean and tidy, with just a touch of marking. Likewise, the text is clean throughout. An attractive copy.
Book ID: 1310More details Price: £6.00