Gallery to Shakspeare's Dramatic Works in outlines. Complete in One Volume. Erlaeuterungen der umrisse von Moritz Retzsch von C.A. Boettiger & Carl Borromaeus von Miltitz.
Leipzig: Ernst Fleischer, 1847. A lovely copy of this work, complete with 101 engraved plates, including Frontis. (Complete). Lovely contemporary half leather binding with green leather to spine and gilt decoration. A little rubbing and edgewear to the spine. Black cloth to boards. There is light to moderate foxing throughout the book. The work contains: Frontis. Title page (In English - dated 1849 and stating that this issue is for the American Market); (1) Hamlet decorated title & plates (16); Macbeth (12); Romeo & Juliet (12); King Lear (12); The Tempest (12); Othello (12); The Merry Wives of Windsor (12); Henry IV part I & II (12). There is then a title page in German and a Title in English (both dated 1847). Then XCV pages in two columns giving the explanation of the plates in both English and German. The preface to the explanation, states that this Complete edition, has used the plate "Shakspeare's Apotheosis" as a Frontis. This was previously Plate one to each of the separate parts. As a result, the plates are numbered starting with plate 2 for each work. This copy is clearly the 1847 first complete edition, with an additional English title for the American market.
240 x 315 mm (9½ x 12½ inches).