- Category = Maps & Atlases
Amsterdam met d'uytlegging van 't yaer 1613
Book ID: 4522More details Price: £375.00 -
Asia From Keith Johnston's General Atlas
London: W & A.K. Johnston. A map of Asia, extracted from the General Atlas. This conforms best to the 1879 edition, except the lack of page title to the top edge, and the different page number. Engraved area is 13" x 17" (sheet is 141/2" x 181/2"). Lightly tipped onto mounting board, and now protected by archival protection. A lovely copy of this map from the height of colonial era.
Condition: A clean and tidy copy of this map. No significant damage at all. Clean and tidy, with the lightest of darkening.
Book ID: 1727More details Price: £15.00 -
Atlas Géographique - Dressé sous la Direction du Conseil Royal de l'Instruction publique. Pour l'usage des Colléges. 1ère partie Géographiqe ancienne.
Book ID: 4054More details Price: £250.00 -
Britannia Romana
Book ID: 4582More details Price: £200.00 -
Britannicae Insulae in quibus Albion Seu Britannia Major
Venitiis / Venice: Antonium Zatta, 1785. Hand-coloured map of Great Britain in good condition. Good. Wide margins. Fold as published. Slightly foxed in the margins. Imprint later hand colouring on verso. Verso: blank. 31 x 40 cm. From Zatta's Altante Novissimo, one of the last great decorative atlases of the 18th Century. Carte coloriée à la main de la Grande-Bretagne en bon état. Bon. De larges marges. Plier tel que publié. Légèrement rousseur dans les marges. Imprimez plus tard la coloration à la main au verso. Verso : vierge. 31x40cm. De l'Altante Novissimo de Zatta, l'un des derniers grands atlas décoratifs du XVIIIe siècle.
Book ID: 1783More details Price: £90.00 -
Carte Générale Des Indes en-deca et au-dela du gange
Book ID: 1793More details Price: £60.00 -
De Beurs - Hendrick de Keyser
Book ID: 4318More details Price: £200.00 -
Geographie Moderne: Barbarie/ Desert de Barbarie / Nigritie A hand coloured map of the Sahara desert & North Africa - Also showing Southern Europe
Book ID: 1755More details Price: £85.00 -
Geographie Moderne: De la Guinee / Du Congo / De la Cafrerie / Île de de Madagascar A hand coloured map of the African coast - Upper Guinea, Madagascar, the Gold Coast etc:
Book ID: 1756More details Price: £90.00 -
Geographie Moderne: Empire du Mogol / Siam / Cochin Chine & Camboja A hand coloured map of the Mogul Empire, India & South East Asia (Thailand & Vietnam).
Book ID: 1753More details Price: £90.00 -
[GREAT BRITAIN] – HEDENDAAGSCHE HISTORIE, Of Tegenwoordige Staat Van Groot Brittannie. [Vol. I-II] Vervattende Eene Beschryving van 's Lands Gelegenheid.
Book ID: 3701More details Price: £500.00 -
L'Irlande suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l' Academie Royale des Sciences, etc.
Book ID: 1784More details Price: £180.00 -
La Géographie Françoise contenant les Descriptions, les Cartes, et le Blason des Provinces de France.
Paris: Chez l'auteur, 1677. Scarce. Original full leather binding. Gilt decorations and title to spine. Marbled endpapers. Beautifully illustrated with a double-page engraved title and hand numbered double page table of contents. Contains 34 double-page engraved maps, mounted on tabs. Uncoloured. Boards are a little rubbed at edges, contents in very good condition. 165 x 110 mm (6½ x 4¼ inches).
. Rare. Reliure d'origine plein cuir. Décors dorés et titre au dos. Gardes marbrées. Magnifiquement illustré avec un titre gravé en double page et une table des matières en double page numérotée à la main. Contient 34 cartes gravées en double page, montées sur onglets. Incolore. Plats un peu frottés sur les bords, contenu en très bon état. 165 × 110 mm.
Book ID: 3856More details Price: £850.00 -
Map of England & Wales Divided into Counties Shewing the Principal Roads, Railways, Canals & the Rivers as far as they are Navigable
London: S. Lewis and Co, 1848. Large folding map, now tipped on to card and behind cream passe-partout. From Lewis's "Atlas to the Topographical Dictionaries of England and Wales". In very good condition. Perfect for framing. 480 x 390 mm (19 x 15¼ inches).
Book ID: 3003More details Price: £40.00 -
Map of Middlesex, from Britannia Depicta by Thomas Bowles.
Book ID: 2156More details Price: £50.00 -
Map of Settsu Province (摂津国, Settsu no kuni), taken from Kokugun Zenzu / Atlas of Japan (De luxe version)
Book ID: 1740More details Price: £85.00 -
Montpelier, Tours et Poitier Double page from Theatrum exhibens celebriores Galliae et Helvetiae
Book ID: 4645More details Price: £500.00 -
Neuestes Panorama des Rheins
Book ID: 4848More details Price: £130.00 -
New General Atlas Map of North Africa showing the Routes of Explorers
Edinburgh: 1821. A hand coloured map, taken from Thomson's "New General Atlas". This shows North Africa (including the whole of the Sahara and West Africa). As well as the hand coloured detail, the map shows the routes of Mr Browne, Mr Horneman, Mr Bruce and Mr Parks. Originally this map was paired in a double page, folio atlas with a similar map for South Africa (not present). 280 x 515 mm (11 x 20¼ inches).
Condition: This map is in lovely condition. Clean and tidy with a little edgewear / nicking to the edges only (not affecting detail). The colour is clean and bright.
Book ID: 1533More details Price: £30.00 -
Nitidissimae civitatis mechlineensis, in meditvillio Brabantiae sitae, exactis delineatio. Panoramic view of Mechelen
Köln: G. von Kempen, 1572. Attractive panoramic city view (copper engraving) of the city of Mechelen (Machelen) removed from "Civitates Orbis Terrarum" Volume One. Nice contemporary hand colouring. Image area is 11.7cm x 47.5cm. Sheet is 14cm x 55cm. Two sheets attached to verso. To the rear of one sheet is half a page of text. Slightly dusty but very presentable copy, with bright colouring. Shows the tower and other significant landmarks. Countryside around and figures standing to the foreground.
Book ID: 4120More details Price: £250.00