
  • Category = Art
  • 30 et quelques attitudes by L'ETANG, Jean [DULAC, Jean]
    L'ETANG, Jean [DULAC, Jean]
    30 et quelques attitudes lithographies originales de Jean de L'etang

    NA, 1952. Limited edition. First edition. One of 200 copies. No publisher details. loose leaves in a folder. Illustrated with 23 erotic lithographs on panels, 28 small Illustrations. in the text as well as erotically illustrated Front and back cover of the folder. (front with a pubic mound and back with a bottom). The soft cover is held in a glassine cover. Held in a plain red clamshell box. The book is in excellent condition. 106 pages. 310 by 240mm (12¼ by 9½ inches). Drawn by Jean Dulac under the "transparent" pseudonym of Jean de l'Etang which he adopted for his erotic works

    . Édition limitée. Première édition. Un des 200 exemplaires. Pas de détails sur l'éditeur. Feuilles volantes…


    NA, 1952. Limited edition. First edition. One of 200 copies. No publisher details. loose leaves in a folder. Illustrated with 23 erotic lithographs on panels, 28 small Illustrations. in the text as well as erotically illustrated Front and back cover of the folder. (front with a pubic mound and back with a bottom). The soft cover is held in a glassine cover. Held in a plain red clamshell box. The book is in excellent condition. 106 pages. 310 by 240mm (12¼ by 9½ inches). Drawn by Jean Dulac under the "transparent" pseudonym of Jean de l'Etang which he adopted for his erotic works

    . Édition limitée. Première édition. Un des 200 exemplaires. Pas de détails sur l'éditeur. Feuilles volantes dans une chemise. Illustré de 23 lithographies érotiques sur panneaux, de 28 petites illustrations dans le texte ainsi que d'illustrations érotiques sur les couvertures avant et arrière de la chemise. (le recto avec un monticule pubien et le verso avec des fesses). La couverture souple est maintenue dans une pochette en glassine. L'ouvrage est présenté dans une boîte à clapet rouge. Le livre est en excellent état. 106 pages. 310 par 240mm (12¼ par 9½ pouces). Dessiné par Jean Dulac sous le pseudonyme "transparent" de Jean de l'Etang qu'il avait adopté pour ses œuvres érotiques.

    Book ID: 3272
    View basket More details Price: £650.00
  • 55 Original pen and ink book illustrations / 55 Illustrations originales de livres à la plume et à l'encre by LELOIR, Maurice.
    LELOIR, Maurice.
    55 Original pen and ink book illustrations / 55 Illustrations originales de livres à la plume et à l'encre

    Paris: N/A, 1910. A collection of 55 original pen and ink sketches, drafts or early versions of book illustrations. All are initialled M.L. and have been attributed to Maurice Leloir (1857-1940). He was a prolific book illustrator, and his illustration work is certainly in a similar style. Dating is based on when he was most active. The drawings are numbered 1-37 then 42-59 (so presumably missing four from a run). We have been unable to find which book they were intended for, so I suspect they were designs for an unpublished edition. They look almost as if they are for two different works, as one seems to be set in mid 19th Century France, and the second much earlier.…


    Paris: N/A, 1910. A collection of 55 original pen and ink sketches, drafts or early versions of book illustrations. All are initialled M.L. and have been attributed to Maurice Leloir (1857-1940). He was a prolific book illustrator, and his illustration work is certainly in a similar style. Dating is based on when he was most active. The drawings are numbered 1-37 then 42-59 (so presumably missing four from a run). We have been unable to find which book they were intended for, so I suspect they were designs for an unpublished edition. They look almost as if they are for two different works, as one seems to be set in mid 19th Century France, and the second much earlier. The first part involves a young man being cast adrift from a boat, who lands in France and travels slowly to Paris, where there is then fighting (seems to be the 1848 barricades). Victor Hugo is written on the back of one, so perhaps some sketches for Les Miserables, but only the barricades seem to fit with the plot. Towards the end of the sketches are a few of a young man climbing a two with sword in his mouth, rescuing children from burning towers etc. These feel as if they are intended to portray an earlier period. All the sketches are accomplished, and in ink, with some white corrections to the pages. They are all on stiff card which is 32cm x 25cm sized (and somewhat browned with age), and have been drawn to be half page etc. Some small marks and edgewear, but nothing to diminish the overall effect. A few small manuscript notes to indicate chapter / placement. A very attractive collection of original pieces. 320 by 250mm (12½ by 9¾ inches).

    . Une collection de 55 croquis originaux à la plume et à l'encre, ébauches ou premières versions d'illustrations de livres. Tous portent les initiales M.L. et ont été attribués à Maurice Leloir (1857-1940). Ce dernier était un illustrateur de livres prolifique, et son travail d'illustration est certainement dans un style similaire. La datation est basée sur la période où il était le plus actif. Les dessins sont numérotés de 1 à 37 puis de 42 à 59 (il manque donc probablement quatre exemplaires d'un tirage). Nous n'avons pas été en mesure de déterminer à quel livre ils étaient destinés, et je soupçonne donc qu'il s'agit de dessins pour une édition non publiée. On a l'impression qu'il s'agit de deux ouvrages différents, car l'un semble se dérouler au milieu du XIXe siècle en France, et l'autre beaucoup plus tôt. La première partie met en scène un jeune homme jeté à la dérive d'un bateau, qui atterrit en France et voyage lentement jusqu'à Paris, où se déroulent des combats (qui semblent être les barricades de 1848). Victor Hugo est écrit au dos de l'une d'entre elles, ce qui laisse supposer qu'il s'agit d'esquisses pour Les Misérables, mais seules les barricades semblent correspondre à l'intrigue. Vers la fin des esquisses, on trouve quelques dessins d'un jeune homme escaladant une tour avec une épée dans la bouche, sauvant des enfants de tours en flammes, etc. On a l'impression qu'elles sont destinées à dépeindre une période antérieure. Toutes les esquisses sont réalisées à l'encre, avec quelques corrections en blanc sur les pages. Ils sont tous sur une carte rigide de 32 cm x 25 cm (quelque peu brunie par l'âge), et ont été dessinés pour être en demi-page, etc. Quelques petites marques et usures sur les bords, mais rien qui ne diminue l'effet d'ensemble. Quelques petites notes manuscrites pour indiquer le chapitre / l'emplacement. Une collection très attrayante de pièces originales. 320 x 250 mm

    Book ID: 4260
    View basket More details Price: £300.00
  • 8 Minutes. HIRST & BAILEY. by BAILEY, David.
    BAILEY, David.
    8 Minutes. HIRST & BAILEY.

    Gottinchen: Steidl, 2009. First edition. 130 photographs of British 'bad boy' artist Damien Hirst by the great British fashion photographer David Bailey, taken during a single shoot lasting only eight minutes. As new, still in the original shrink wrap.

    Book ID: 2179
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • A Catalogue raisonné of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters. with a copious description of their principal pictures. a reference to the galleries and private collections. to which is added, a brief notice of the scholars by SMITH, John.
    SMITH, John.
    A Catalogue raisonné of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French painters. with a copious description of their principal pictures. a reference to the galleries and private collections. to which is added, a brief notice of the scholars & imitators of the great masters of the above schools.

    London: 1908. Limited edition (1250 copies) of Smith's seminal work by Sands & Co. 9 volumes (complete) in burgundy buckram with paper labels to spine. Ex library copy with the usual stamps and marks. Fading to the spines of each volume and some marking / nicking to the spine edges (particularly vol. 9). still useful reference guide for the history of the origins and developments of European painting and painters. It provides an extensive listing of the more celebrated Dutch, Flemish and French painters of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Attractive black and white plates with tissue protection. A heavy set (12kg packed) additional shipping will be required at cost, outside of Europe. Text in English. Édition limitée (1250…


    London: 1908. Limited edition (1250 copies) of Smith's seminal work by Sands & Co. 9 volumes (complete) in burgundy buckram with paper labels to spine. Ex library copy with the usual stamps and marks. Fading to the spines of each volume and some marking / nicking to the spine edges (particularly vol. 9). still useful reference guide for the history of the origins and developments of European painting and painters. It provides an extensive listing of the more celebrated Dutch, Flemish and French painters of the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries. Attractive black and white plates with tissue protection. A heavy set (12kg packed) additional shipping will be required at cost, outside of Europe. Text in English. Édition limitée (1250 exemplaires) de l'œuvre phare de Smith par Sands & Co. 9 volumes (complets) en percaline bordeaux avec étiquettes en papier au dos. Ex exemplaire de bibliothèque avec les cachets et marques d'usage. Décoloration sur les dos de chaque volume et quelques marques / entailles sur les bords du dos (en particulier vol. 9). guide de référence toujours utile pour l'histoire des origines et des développements de la peinture et des peintres européens. Il fournit une liste complète des peintres hollandais, flamands et français les plus célèbres des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Jolies assiettes noires et blanches avec protection tissulaire. Un envoi supplémentaire lourd (12 kg emballé) sera nécessaire au prix coûtant, en dehors de l'Europe. Texte en anglais.

    Book ID: 3427
    View basket More details Price: £150.00
  • Over 350 outstanding sculptures
    A Century of American Sculpture. by HYATT MAYOR, A.
    A Century of American Sculpture. Treasures from Brookgreen Gardens.

    New York: Abbeville Press, 1988. First Edition. Blue cloth with gilt spine lettering and blind stamped figure on upper board. Beautiful full colour photos of garden sculptures from the late 19th and 20th centuries. Boards has some sun fading, but the photographic dust jacket is in a very good condition. Neat gift inscription to the inside front. Brookgreen Gardens is in South Carolina, on the site of an old rice plantation. 127 pp.
    340 x 290 mm (13½ x 11½ inches).

    Book ID: 2189
    View basket More details Price: £35.00
  • A Complete, Scientific, and Popular Treatise upon Perspective, with the Theories of Reflection and Shadows. Illustrated with Twenty-Four Plates by A Pupil of Monsieur J.P. Thenot (HAKEWELL, A. W).
    A Pupil of Monsieur J.P. Thenot (HAKEWELL, A. W).
    A Complete, Scientific, and Popular Treatise upon Perspective, with the Theories of Reflection and Shadows. Illustrated with Twenty-Four Plates

    London: Simpkin & Marshall, 1836. First English Edition. Attractive contemporary full leather green binding with profuse gilt decoration to the spine and boards. A little rubbing but still in good condition. Marbled end papers. There is a prize inscription from Spitalfield School of Design from May 1843 to the end paper. On the second end paper is a large gift inscription giving the book to a young boy on his 12th birthday. The rest of the work is in good, clean condition, with a light darkening / foxing only. Attractive engraved frontis of a perspective view of Greenwich Hospital from across the Thames. A Further 24 folding plates showing a total of 168 different figures demonstrating aspects of Perspective.…


    London: Simpkin & Marshall, 1836. First English Edition. Attractive contemporary full leather green binding with profuse gilt decoration to the spine and boards. A little rubbing but still in good condition. Marbled end papers. There is a prize inscription from Spitalfield School of Design from May 1843 to the end paper. On the second end paper is a large gift inscription giving the book to a young boy on his 12th birthday. The rest of the work is in good, clean condition, with a light darkening / foxing only. Attractive engraved frontis of a perspective view of Greenwich Hospital from across the Thames. A Further 24 folding plates showing a total of 168 different figures demonstrating aspects of Perspective. 210 by 140mm (8¼ by 5½ inches). xiv, 152, XXIV. pp.

    English edition of "Essai de perspective pratique pour rectifier les compositions et dessiner d'après nature" (Paris 1828). - The French Painter JP Thénot (1803-1857) was the most famous drawing teacher in Paris at the beginning of the 19th century. His textbook "Les regles de la perspective " was also highly valued by Paul Cezanne, as evidenced by his recently discovered copy with numerous handwritten annotations by Cezanne.

    . Première édition anglaise. Jolie reliure pleine cuir verte de l'époque avec abondante décoration dorée sur le dos et les plats. Un peu frotté mais encore en bon état. Gardes marbrées. Il y a une inscription au prix de la Spitalfield School of Design de mai 1843 au papier final. Sur le deuxième papier de fin se trouve une grande inscription cadeau offrant le livre à un jeune garçon à l'occasion de son 12e anniversaire. Le reste du travail est en bon état, propre, avec un léger assombrissement / rousseur uniquement. Joli frontis gravé d'une vue en perspective de l'hôpital de Greenwich de l'autre côté de la Tamise. A 24 autres planches dépliantes montrant un total de 168 figures différentes démontrant des aspects de la perspective. 210 par 140 mm (8¼ par 5½ pouces). XIV, 152, XXIV. pp.

    Édition anglaise de "Essai de perspective pratique pour rectifier les compositions et dessiner d'après nature" (Paris 1828). - Le peintre français JP Thénot (1803-1857) était le plus célèbre professeur de dessin à Paris au début du 19e siècle. Son manuel « Les règles de la perspective » était également très apprécié par Paul Cézanne, comme en témoigne son exemplaire récemment découvert avec de nombreuses annotations manuscrites de Cézanne.

    Book ID: 3822
    View basket More details Price: £500.00
  • A Cross-Bow Man and his Paviser. by MEYRICK, Samuel
    MEYRICK, Samuel
    A Cross-Bow Man and his Paviser. A plate from A CRITICAL INQUIRY INTO ANCIENT ARMOUR, As it Existed in Europe, But Particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reign of King Charles II.

    London: 1830. A lovely hand coloured military plate from Meyrick's critical inquiry. This is plate 46 XLVI. We are unsure whether this is from the 1824 first edition or the 1842 second. Hence the approximate date of 1830. The hand coloured image is clean and bright, with a little foxing only. It is held under a hand made passe partout, showing the English Red Rose to each corner. Plate dimensions 30.5cm x 25cm to a sheet of 36.5cm x 26.5cm. Passe partout is slightly darkened but in a good state. 44.5cm x 38cm. An attractive example of this plate.

    . Une belle plaque militaire colorée à la main, tirée de l'enquête critique de Meyrick. Il s'agit de la planche…


    London: 1830. A lovely hand coloured military plate from Meyrick's critical inquiry. This is plate 46 XLVI. We are unsure whether this is from the 1824 first edition or the 1842 second. Hence the approximate date of 1830. The hand coloured image is clean and bright, with a little foxing only. It is held under a hand made passe partout, showing the English Red Rose to each corner. Plate dimensions 30.5cm x 25cm to a sheet of 36.5cm x 26.5cm. Passe partout is slightly darkened but in a good state. 44.5cm x 38cm. An attractive example of this plate.

    . Une belle plaque militaire colorée à la main, tirée de l'enquête critique de Meyrick. Il s'agit de la planche 46 XLVI. Nous ne savons pas si elle provient de la première édition de 1824 ou de la seconde de 1842. D'où la date approximative de 1830. L'image colorée à la main est propre et brillante, avec seulement quelques rousseurs. Elle est maintenue sous un passe partout fait à la main, montrant la rose rouge anglaise à chaque coin. Les dimensions de la plaque sont de 30,5 cm x 25 cm pour une feuille de 36,5 cm x 26,5 cm. Le passe partout est légèrement assombri mais en bon état. 44.5cm x 38cm. Un bel exemple de cette plaque.

    Book ID: 4456
    View basket More details Price: £75.00
  • A French peasant woman in clogs holding a basket / Paysanne français en sabots tenant un panier by J.D.
    A French peasant woman in clogs holding a basket / Paysanne français en sabots tenant un panier

    na, 1870. First edition. A beautifully executed water colour of a peasant wearing a bonnet and clogs. The colours are vibrant, and the artist demonstrates an obvious skill. The peasant reminds me of how my grandfather would have looked in a dress and bonnet. Held in a green and gold passe partout behind class, and in a contemporary frame with attractive leaf motif around the black frame. There is some chipping and handling to the edges of the frame. The clothes are typical of a mid to late Nineteenth century peasants clothing. The clogs in particular, are the distinctive French style with the leather strap across. Image size 135 x 90 mm. Passe partout size 190 x 140 mm.…


    na, 1870. First edition. A beautifully executed water colour of a peasant wearing a bonnet and clogs. The colours are vibrant, and the artist demonstrates an obvious skill. The peasant reminds me of how my grandfather would have looked in a dress and bonnet. Held in a green and gold passe partout behind class, and in a contemporary frame with attractive leaf motif around the black frame. There is some chipping and handling to the edges of the frame. The clothes are typical of a mid to late Nineteenth century peasants clothing. The clogs in particular, are the distinctive French style with the leather strap across. Image size 135 x 90 mm. Passe partout size 190 x 140 mm. Frame size 240 x 190 mm.

    . Première édition. Une aquarelle magnifiquement exécutée représentant un paysan portant un bonnet et des sabots. Les couleurs sont éclatantes et l'artiste fait preuve d'un talent évident. Le paysan me rappelle l'allure qu'aurait eue mon grand-père en robe et bonnet. Le tableau est présenté dans un passe partout vert et or derrière la classe, et dans un cadre contemporain avec un joli motif de feuilles autour du cadre noir. Les bords du cadre sont un peu écaillés et manipulés. Les vêtements sont typiques d'une tenue de paysan du milieu ou de la fin du XIXe siècle. Les sabots, en particulier, sont de style français, avec une lanière de cuir. Taille de l'image 135 x 90 mm. Passe partout de 190 x 140 mm. Taille du cadre 240 x 190 mm.

    Book ID: 4229
    View basket More details Price: £80.00
  • A Ghost Story of Christmas. Being a Christmas Carol by DICKENS, Charles
    DICKENS, Charles
    A Ghost Story of Christmas. Being a Christmas Carol

    New York / London: Caliban Press / Mark McMurray, 2017. A new edition of A Christmas Carol. The complete text from the first edition of 1843 with minor corrections. Contains: Marley's ghost; The first of the three spirits; The second of the three spirits; The last of the spirits; The end of it. Textual advisor: Robert DeGraaff. Images: Guy Berard, Greg Lago, Melissa Schulenberg and Gregory McMurray. Type: 12 point monotype Bell cast: Michael & Winifred Bixler in Skaneateles, New York. Plus numerous 19th century foundry and wood types. Printed entirely from metal and wood. Printed on a variety of handmade and mould-made papers, including Zekral Ingres and the ever ghostly handmade papers from La Papeterie St-Armand on the…


    New York / London: Caliban Press / Mark McMurray, 2017. A new edition of A Christmas Carol. The complete text from the first edition of 1843 with minor corrections. Contains: Marley's ghost; The first of the three spirits; The second of the three spirits; The last of the spirits; The end of it. Textual advisor: Robert DeGraaff. Images: Guy Berard, Greg Lago, Melissa Schulenberg and Gregory McMurray. Type: 12 point monotype Bell cast: Michael & Winifred Bixler in Skaneateles, New York. Plus numerous 19th century foundry and wood types. Printed entirely from metal and wood. Printed on a variety of handmade and mould-made papers, including Zekral Ingres and the ever ghostly handmade papers from La Papeterie St-Armand on the banks of the Lachine Canal in Montreal. Sewn by Anastasia Osolin, Saranac Lake, New York. Red morocco leather spine, black ribbed flexible covers and slipcase. McMurray & Marley, printers. Colophon reads: Somewhere around 110 copies have been printed by your faithful friend & servant Mark McMurray, Canton, New York, Christmas, 2017. It seems there were actually 104 numbered and signed copies. Signed to colophon by Mark McMurray, this is copy 36 of 104. Errata slip laid in. All in fine condition. 107 pages: illustrations include collages, wood engravings and pochoirs. 270 x 200 mm (10¾ x 7¾ inches).

    In the detailed prospectus McMurray writes: We know the story, we know the characters, but the language of the text offers new rewards with each reading. This edition of Dickens' classic returns to the dark, sleep-deprived angst of the original complete text. Who among us has not experienced sleepless nights, peopled with regrets about past choices made and unmade; unwillingly recalling a thousand hurts bestowed and incurred: a lifetime of karmic wheels sent spinning off through Time.


    Book ID: 4144
    View basket More details Price: £750.00
  • An attractive original pastel work
    A Nude Study in Pastel by SCHEPP, E.
    SCHEPP, E.
    A Nude Study in Pastel

    Netherlands: 1960. An original study, in pastels with three nude images. Perhaps a basis for sculpture, as the work shows torsos, and is more sculptural than erotic. The signature is difficult to decipher, but appears to be E Schepp or similar.  The work shows clear skill, and is in very good condition. Appears to have been drawn in the 1960's or 1970's Mounted in passe partout.  The work is held in a glazed wooden frame. The price shown here is for the pastel itself, in the passe partout, but unframed. If you wish the frame, then this is also possible for a small additional cost. (Most of the additional cost is the difficult shipping!) Image 56.6cm x 44.5cm. Frame 77cm x 66cm…


    Netherlands: 1960. An original study, in pastels with three nude images. Perhaps a basis for sculpture, as the work shows torsos, and is more sculptural than erotic. The signature is difficult to decipher, but appears to be E Schepp or similar.  The work shows clear skill, and is in very good condition. Appears to have been drawn in the 1960's or 1970's Mounted in passe partout.  The work is held in a glazed wooden frame. The price shown here is for the pastel itself, in the passe partout, but unframed. If you wish the frame, then this is also possible for a small additional cost. (Most of the additional cost is the difficult shipping!) Image 56.6cm x 44.5cm. Frame 77cm x 66cm Une étude originale, aux pastels secs avec trois images de nus. Peut-être une base pour la sculpture, car l'œuvre montre des torses, et est plus sculpturale qu'érotique. La signature est difficile à déchiffrer, mais semble être E Schepp ou similaire. Le travail montre une habileté évidente, et est en très bon état. Semble avoir été dessiné dans les années 60 ou 70 Monté dans passe-partout. L'œuvre est conservée dans un cadre en bois vernissé. Le prix indiqué ici est pour le pastel lui-même, dans le passe-partout, mais non encadré. Si vous souhaitez le cadre, cela est également possible pour un petit coût supplémentaire. (La majeure partie du coût supplémentaire est l'expédition difficile !) Image 56,6 cm x 44,5 cm. Cadre 77cm x 66cm

    Book ID: 2751
    View basket More details Price: £275.00
  • A pair of Victorian miniatures of Pixies by LAWSON, John.
    LAWSON, John.
    A pair of Victorian miniatures of Pixies

    Edinburgh: 1870. Two beautiful watercolours of pixies playing together. Watercolour over pencil heightened with body white. Glaze and mounted under later gold passe partout with gilt frame Images and frames are in excellent condition. images size 115 mm x 70 mm Frame size 245 x 200 mm (9¾ x 7¾ inches).

    Born in 1838 in Dunfermline, Scotland, he moved to Edinburgh, beginning to exhibit works at the Royal Scottish Academy in 1857, and then to London. Though he worked variously as a painter, sculptor and stained glass designer, John Lawson is best remembered as an illustrator of books and periodicals. His early work relates to those by his fellow Scotsman, Joseph Noel Paton, who is likely to have been…


    Edinburgh: 1870. Two beautiful watercolours of pixies playing together. Watercolour over pencil heightened with body white. Glaze and mounted under later gold passe partout with gilt frame Images and frames are in excellent condition. images size 115 mm x 70 mm Frame size 245 x 200 mm (9¾ x 7¾ inches).

    Born in 1838 in Dunfermline, Scotland, he moved to Edinburgh, beginning to exhibit works at the Royal Scottish Academy in 1857, and then to London. Though he worked variously as a painter, sculptor and stained glass designer, John Lawson is best remembered as an illustrator of books and periodicals. His early work relates to those by his fellow Scotsman, Joseph Noel Paton, who is likely to have been a close friend. However, his later colour plates reveal his ability to adapt to a new market for popular children's books and annuals, and so work alongside his eldest daughter, Lizzie Mack.
    His known contributions include: Stories Told to a Child by the author of 'Studies for Stories' (illus. with others, London, Alexander Strahan, 1865), Nursery Times; or, Stories about the Little Ones by An Old Nurse (London, Griffith & Farran, 1867), The Daisy and her Friends. Simple tales and stories for children by Frances Freeling Broderip (illus. with others, London, Frederick Warne & Co., 1869), The Children's Garland from the Best Poets selected by Coventry Patmore (London, Macmillan & Co., 1873), Little Talks with Little People (illus. with others, London, Cassell, Petter & Galpin, 1877?), The Little Folks' Picture Album (illus. with others, London, Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co., 1877), Little Rosebud's Picture Book (illus. with others, London, George Routledge & Sons, 1879), Clever Hans by the Brothers Grimm (London, Thos. de la Rue & Co., 188?), God is Love. Bible stories and pictures for the young by Mrs Haskell (London, Ernest Nister, 1895), There Was Once: Grandma's Stories by Mrs. Oscar Wilde (London, Ernest Nister, 190?) and Bible Stories and Pictures (London, Ernest Nister, 1908).

    Book ID: 3439
    View basket More details Price: £480.00
  • An attractive original watercolour
    A sad clerk by SEM [Georges Goursat]
    SEM [Georges Goursat]
    A sad clerk / Un greffier triste

    1900. An attractive signed original watercolour of a hard working clerk at his desk, with piles of paper awaiting his attention. No date. On heavy paper, and beneath cream passepartout. Slight crease to the paper (not visible under the caricature), otherwise the illustration is in excellent condition. Signed by SEM to the lower right corner. Passepartout is neat, but with a touch of foxing to the edges. Artwork 22 x 17 cm. Page / Passepartout 33.5 x 25.5 cm. Georges Goursat (1863-1934), known as SEM, was a French caricaturist famous during the Belle Époque. Born in Périgueux, he published his caricatures in 1888. He designed posters, and began to produce illustrations for L'Illustration and Le Rire. After a while as…


    1900. An attractive signed original watercolour of a hard working clerk at his desk, with piles of paper awaiting his attention. No date. On heavy paper, and beneath cream passepartout. Slight crease to the paper (not visible under the caricature), otherwise the illustration is in excellent condition. Signed by SEM to the lower right corner. Passepartout is neat, but with a touch of foxing to the edges. Artwork 22 x 17 cm. Page / Passepartout 33.5 x 25.5 cm. Georges Goursat (1863-1934), known as SEM, was a French caricaturist famous during the Belle Époque. Born in Périgueux, he published his caricatures in 1888. He designed posters, and began to produce illustrations for L'Illustration and Le Rire. After a while as a war correspondent, he returned to his caricatures. In 1923, he was made an officer of the Legion of Honour. He died in 1934.

    . Une jolie aquarelle originale signée représentant un employé travaillant dur à son bureau, avec des piles de papier attendant son attention. Sur papier épais, et sous le passe-partout crème. Léger pli au papier (non visible sous la caricature), sinon l'illustration est en excellent état. Signée par SEM dans le coin inférieur droit. Le passe-partout est soigné, mais les bords sont un peu roussis. Œuvre d'art 22cm x 17 cm. Page / Passe partout 33.5 x 25.5 cm. Georges Goursat (1863-1934), connu sous le nom de SEM, est un caricaturiste français célèbre à la Belle Époque. Né à Périgueux, il publie ses caricatures en 1888. Il dessine des affiches et commence à produire des illustrations pour L'Illustration et Le Rire. Après avoir été correspondant de guerre, il revient à ses caricatures. En 1923, il est fait officier de la Légion d'honneur. Il meurt en 1934. 1

    Book ID: 4413
    View basket More details Price: £275.00
  • A sketchbook containing original pencil, ink and charcoal sketches by [ANON]
    A sketchbook containing original pencil, ink and charcoal sketches

    1884. A beautiful sketch book by an unknown French artist. This contains sketches of landscapes of Northern France. Also ships and parts of ships, and ink portraits of gentlemen. The landscapes is often around St. Malo. All skillfully executed in pencil, ink or charcoal. In total there are 13 pages of landscapes, 13 of portraits, 12 of ships and boats and 4 other sketches. There are also a few others not significant. All drawn between 1884 and 1900 - these are created by a skilled hand. There is a poem dedicated to 'Justine', with ends with the author / artist's name Louis de Crèvecoeur. 105 x 170 mm (4¼ x 6¾ inches). Un beau carnet de croquis d'un artiste français…


    1884. A beautiful sketch book by an unknown French artist. This contains sketches of landscapes of Northern France. Also ships and parts of ships, and ink portraits of gentlemen. The landscapes is often around St. Malo. All skillfully executed in pencil, ink or charcoal. In total there are 13 pages of landscapes, 13 of portraits, 12 of ships and boats and 4 other sketches. There are also a few others not significant. All drawn between 1884 and 1900 - these are created by a skilled hand. There is a poem dedicated to 'Justine', with ends with the author / artist's name Louis de Crèvecoeur. 105 x 170 mm (4¼ x 6¾ inches). Un beau carnet de croquis d'un artiste français inconnu. Celui-ci contient des croquis de paysages du Nord de la France. Aussi des navires et des parties de navires, et des portraits à l'encre de gentilshommes. Les paysages sont souvent autour de Saint-Malo. Tous habilement exécutés au crayon, à l'encre ou au fusain. Au total il y a 13 pages de paysages, 13 de portraits, 12 de navires et bateaux et 4 autres croquis. Il y en a aussi quelques autres non significatifs. Tous dessinés entre 1884 et 1900 - ceux-ci sont créés par une main habile. Il y a un poème dédié à "Justine", qui se termine par le nom de l'auteur/artiste Louis de Crèvecoeur. 105 x 170 mm.

    Book ID: 3289
    View basket More details Price: £200.00
  • A Water Colour of Mary in the Style of Raphaël. by SCHENKER, Nicolas
    SCHENKER, Nicolas
    A Water Colour of Mary in the Style of Raphaël. Une aquarelle de Marie dans le style de Raphaël.

    Geneva / Geneve: N/A, 1820. Undated, but likely from 1818-1822, this fine watercolour of Mary in the style of Raphaël, although unsigned has a contemporary paper attribution / provenance lightly tipped to it. This states that it was painted by Schenker and came from a collection. It was given by Ferdinand Dupon (?) as a souvenir of his two little brothers. Edged in gilt, the painting is in very good condition, with just a couple of tiny marks to it. 110 by 80mm (4¼ by 3¼ inches).

    Schenker (1760-1848) was primarily an engraver, born in Geneva, worked Paris. Pupil of Saint-Ours and Macret, he studied intaglio printing. Worked for Bartolozzi in England and France. Director of the 'Ecole de…


    Geneva / Geneve: N/A, 1820. Undated, but likely from 1818-1822, this fine watercolour of Mary in the style of Raphaël, although unsigned has a contemporary paper attribution / provenance lightly tipped to it. This states that it was painted by Schenker and came from a collection. It was given by Ferdinand Dupon (?) as a souvenir of his two little brothers. Edged in gilt, the painting is in very good condition, with just a couple of tiny marks to it. 110 by 80mm (4¼ by 3¼ inches).

    Schenker (1760-1848) was primarily an engraver, born in Geneva, worked Paris. Pupil of Saint-Ours and Macret, he studied intaglio printing. Worked for Bartolozzi in England and France. Director of the 'Ecole de gravure de Genève' (1817-1822). He engraved with Gâtine the illustrations for the series 'Le Bon Genre' published by La Mésangère. He was also clearly a skilled water colourist.

    . Non datée, mais probablement de 1818-1822, cette belle aquarelle de Marie dans le style de Raphaël, bien que non signée a une attribution/provenance sur papier de l'époque légèrement inclinée. Cela indique qu'il a été peint par Schenker et provient d'une collection. Il fut offert par Ferdinand Dupon (?) en souvenir de ses deux petits frères. Bordée de dorure, la peinture est en très bon état, avec seulement quelques petites marques. 110 par 80 mm.

    Schenker (1760-1848) était avant tout un graveur, né à Genève, a travaillé à Paris. Elève de Saint-Ours et de Macret, il étudie la taille-douce. A travaillé pour Bartolozzi en Angleterre et en France. Directeur de l'Ecole de gravure de Genève (1817-1822). Il grave avec Gâtine les illustrations de la série 'Le Bon Genre' éditée par La Mésangère. Il était aussi manifestement un aquarelliste de talent.

    Book ID: 3821
    View basket More details Price: £275.00
  • A watercolour of a 1920's couple dancing by M.M.
    A watercolour of a 1920's couple dancing

    France: NA. An attractive original sketch showing a dancing couple, in circa 1920's clothing and hair style. Neatly drawn and coloured. In fact, on closer investigation, the woman's breasts are exposed so a mildly erotic sketch. Signed M.M. to the bottom right of the sketch. The sheet is a little darkened, but still in very good condition Slight marking to the back of the sheet. 17cm x 11cm.

    Book ID: 4484
    View basket More details Price: £60.00
  • A Wonderful Likeness by FINI, Leonor
    FINI, Leonor
    A Wonderful Likeness

    New York: Arianne Lancell / Alsparck, 1983. Original lithograph of a bearded man in a Winter hat. Part of a suite of work based on Carmilla, the gothic novel by the Irish writer Sheridan Le Fanu. Signed in pencil. Numbered 29 / 297 copies. Authenticated by the artist's own dry stamp (a cat's head). On vellum. Very good condition as the work has never been framed. Sold unframed. 555 x 455 mm (21¾ x 18 inches).
    The description for this character in the novel reads: This evening there arrived from Gratz the grave, dark-faced son of the picture-cleaner, with a horse and cart laden with two large packing cases, having many pictures in each. Lithographie originale d'un homme barbu…


    New York: Arianne Lancell / Alsparck, 1983. Original lithograph of a bearded man in a Winter hat. Part of a suite of work based on Carmilla, the gothic novel by the Irish writer Sheridan Le Fanu. Signed in pencil. Numbered 29 / 297 copies. Authenticated by the artist's own dry stamp (a cat's head). On vellum. Very good condition as the work has never been framed. Sold unframed. 555 x 455 mm (21¾ x 18 inches).
    The description for this character in the novel reads: This evening there arrived from Gratz the grave, dark-faced son of the picture-cleaner, with a horse and cart laden with two large packing cases, having many pictures in each. Lithographie originale d'un homme barbu dans un chapeau d'hiver. Fait partie d'une série d'œuvres basées sur Carmilla, le roman gothique de l'écrivain irlandais Sheridan Le Fanu. Signé au crayon. Numéroté 29 / 297 exemplaires. Authentifié par le propre tampon sec de l'artiste (une tête de chat). Sur vélin. Très bon état car l'oeuvre n'a jamais été encadrée. Vendu sans cadre. 555 x 455 mm (21¾ x 18 pouces).
    La description de ce personnage dans le roman se lit comme suit : Ce soir arriva de Gratz le fils grave et sombre du nettoyeur de tableaux, avec un cheval et une charrette chargés de deux grandes caisses d'emballage, contenant chacune de nombreuses images.

    Book ID: 2987
    View basket More details Price: £150.00
  • Achille et Eugène Devéria by Gauthier, Maximilien
    Gauthier, Maximilien
    Achille et Eugène Devéria La Vie et l'Art Romantiques

    Paris: Henri Floury, 1925. Rebound in three quarter morocco binding, with attractive marbled boards, 4-raised bands to spine, gilt titles to spine. Top of page edge is mustard coloured. Boards very slightly rubbed to spine, otherwise in very good condition, and clean. Internally near fine. Original soft covers bound inside. B/w frontis and illustrated title page. Profusely illustrated in both b/w and full colour. Limitation to the final page. 170 pages. 26 x 20.5 cm.

    . Reliure à trois quarts en maroquin, avec de jolies planches marbrées, dos à 4 nerfs, titres dorés au dos. Le haut des pages est de couleur moutarde. Les plats sont très légèrement frottés au dos, sinon ils sont en très bon état et…


    Paris: Henri Floury, 1925. Rebound in three quarter morocco binding, with attractive marbled boards, 4-raised bands to spine, gilt titles to spine. Top of page edge is mustard coloured. Boards very slightly rubbed to spine, otherwise in very good condition, and clean. Internally near fine. Original soft covers bound inside. B/w frontis and illustrated title page. Profusely illustrated in both b/w and full colour. Limitation to the final page. 170 pages. 26 x 20.5 cm.

    . Reliure à trois quarts en maroquin, avec de jolies planches marbrées, dos à 4 nerfs, titres dorés au dos. Le haut des pages est de couleur moutarde. Les plats sont très légèrement frottés au dos, sinon ils sont en très bon état et propres. L'intérieur est presque parfait. Les couvertures souples originales sont reliées à l'intérieur. Frontis noir et blanc et page de titre illustrée. Abondamment illustré en noir et blanc et en couleurs. Limite à la dernière page. 170 pages. 26 x 20,5 cm.

    Book ID: 4497
    View basket More details Price: £70.00
  • Age of Surrealism. by FOWLIE, Wallace
    FOWLIE, Wallace
    Age of Surrealism.

    London: Dennis Dobson, 1953. First British edition. Published in hardback in original dust jacket. Russet cloth boards under jacket are clean. Dust jacket is light coloured so has some age toning and grubbiness. The first popularly written history of surrealism in art and literature which has appeared in Great Britain when it was published. Professor Fowlie deals in this book with the artists: Rimbaud, Lautréamont, Breton, Apollinaire, Cocteau, Eluard, Mallarmé, and Picasso. Previous owner's name and stamp to FFEP. Overall good copy. 203 pages. 220 x 150 mm (8¾ x 6 inches).

    Book ID: 3547
    View basket More details Price: £30.00
  • Ai Weiwei: On The Table. by PERA, Rosa
    PERA, Rosa
    Ai Weiwei: On The Table.

    Barcelona: La Virreina / La Fábrica, 2014. First edition, in its original clothbound format. Includes photographs from his early years in New York, a selection of his 'altered objects', such as 'Suitcase for Bachelor', and 'One Man-Shoe', plus much more. This book served as both a retrospective of Weiwei's career, and as a companion publication to the exhibition of the same name. With photographs of many of his best-known items, an essay by the exhibition's curator Rosa Pera, and an artist interview conducted by Llucià Homs. Text in Catalan, English and Spanish. As new. Unpaginated [280 pages]. 310 x 230 mm (12¼ x 9 inches).

    Book ID: 2689
    View basket More details Price: £35.00
  • Aigle et Palombe au Survol de la Mer. by CHOURAQUI, André
    CHOURAQUI, André
    Aigle et Palombe au Survol de la Mer.

    Reynès: Éditions de l'Eau, 1989. First Edition. Oblong small quarto. Folded gatherings and plates laid in to printed wrappers. In a silk covered slipcase. Six original etchings engraved in black and burins et maniér noires by Albert Woda, and 6 full-page calligraphic interleaves by Franck Lalou. Limited edition of 70 numbered copies on Rives vélin paper for text and natural Arakaji japon for calligraphy, signed by both Woda and Lalou. One of 50 copies numbered from 8 to 57, this is number 24. Silk covering the book has become detached in some areas, and has some stains. Internally the book very good, except for one plate which has stains to it. Each plate is additionally signed in the margin…


    Reynès: Éditions de l'Eau, 1989. First Edition. Oblong small quarto. Folded gatherings and plates laid in to printed wrappers. In a silk covered slipcase. Six original etchings engraved in black and burins et maniér noires by Albert Woda, and 6 full-page calligraphic interleaves by Franck Lalou. Limited edition of 70 numbered copies on Rives vélin paper for text and natural Arakaji japon for calligraphy, signed by both Woda and Lalou. One of 50 copies numbered from 8 to 57, this is number 24. Silk covering the book has become detached in some areas, and has some stains. Internally the book very good, except for one plate which has stains to it. Each plate is additionally signed in the margin by Woda. Première édition. Petit quarto oblong. Les recueils pliés et les planches sont insérés dans des enveloppes imprimées. Dans un étui recouvert de soie. Six eaux-fortes originales gravées en noir et burins et maniér noires par Albert Woda, et 6 intercalaires calligraphiés à pleine page par Franck Lalou. Tirage limité à 70 exemplaires numérotés sur papier Rives vélin pour le texte et Arakaji japon naturel pour la calligraphie, signés par Woda et Lalou. Un des 50 exemplaires numérotés de 8 à 57, celui-ci est le numéro 24. La soie recouvrant le livre s'est détachée à certains endroits et présente quelques taches. L'intérieur du livre est en très bon état, à l'exception d'une planche qui présente des taches. Chaque planche est signée dans la marge par Woda.

    Book ID: 2153
    View basket More details Price: £400.00