GOEVERNEUR, J. J. A. Gedichten en Rijmen [ANON] De Weegschaal 1823 PELLERIN Tirages anciens imagerie Pellerin à Épinal. N°4-11 EVANS, Edmund Mother Goose, [ANON] De Weegschaal 1821 PETIT, Alfred le. [Zut] La Charge (Supplément No 14). CERVANTES, Miguel de L'ingénieux Hidalgo Don Quichotte de la Manche. [ANON] Sketches in Connemara GILKIN, Iwan Oeuvres. Egmont, drame. Savonarole, drame. [ANON] Der Grosse Kornhaus Keller Bern - The Great Cellar at Berne - La Grande Cave a Berne SPENSER, Edmund & CRANE, Walter. The Faerie Queene WICKS, Rev. Charles C. The Liberal Catholic Church and some facets of its Doctrine CARRANCE, Raymond A homoerotic dreamscape poster OUVRAY, L'Abbé Les Maladies et L'hygiéne des Vins MOFFATT, Rev. J. M. The History of the Town of Malmesbury, and of its Ancient Abbey, STEIN, Aaron Marc Chill Factor MACLEAN, Fitzroy Eastern Approaches COLLING-PYPER, Robert Schicklgrüber BOBBIN,Tom. [COLLIER, John] Two Politicians (A Whig and a Tory) each holding a copy of the magna carta DU MAURIER, George Trilby. A Novel GERBAULT, Henri Leurs Péchés capitaux HOWELL, Francis. The Characters of Theophrastus; translated from the Greek and illustrated by Physiognomical Sketches. DUGDALE, William. The Baronage of England or An Historical Account of the Lives and most Memorable Actions of Our English Nobility. TREGEAR, G.S. Paternal Affection IROLLA, Roland G.H. Martel Champagne. C'est La Fête STURDEVANT, John U. [Editor] New World News. BURNEY Eugène after GAILLARD Ferdinand. PIUS X Pontifex Maximus HALE, Edward Everett Silhouettes and Songs. Illustrative of the Months. CHANEL BOUTIQUE Collection automne / hiver 1998-1999 FESCH, Abbé Paul Jeanne d'Arc racontée aux petits enfants BOBBIN,Tom. [COLLIER, John] Plato with botanists Charles Daniel Solander and Joseph Banks MENZIES, William. Forest Trees and Woodland Scenery as described in Ancient and Modern Poets. JACANO [HANOT, Jacques]. Limbas - dessiné et aquarellé d'après des aquarelles originales faites au Congo belge CHERONNET, Louis. Algerie. GUYOT, Dr. Jules Sur la viticulture du sud-ouest de la France COLLECTIF La Grande Guerre par les Artistes OCHS, Jacques. Industrial Engineers from Liège P. D. L. D. R. [ Sr. P. Deleau de Rouvray] Chants et Xénies de Vienne, pour l'an 1806 RINGEL Le Statue de Cire Salon 1879 MAKOS, Christopher Andy Warhol China 1982.