Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations.…

Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros < >
  • Another image of Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros
  • Another image of Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros
  • Another image of Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros
  • Another image of Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros
  • Another image of Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros
  • Another image of Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros
  • Another image of Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros
  • Another image of Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros
  • Another image of Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations. by DALZIEL, Bros

Aunt Mavor's Little Library. The Alphabet of Trades and Occupations.

London: Geor. Routledge & Co. Scarce First edition. Undated, but circa 1858. Colour illustrated softback, the binding of which has been skilfully restrung. The title page has a vignette, and there is one page for each letter of the alphabet with its matching trade or occupation described in a simple rhyme. Lovely wood engravings to suit each profession. For example: D for draper, Q for quarryman, U for upholsterer. Frontispiece to inside of soft cover is signed Dalziel in the plate; remaining woodcuts appear also to be by the Dalziel Brothers, but are unsigned. The back cover has an advertisement for other books in the Aunt Mavor's Little Library series. Covers are age toned, and lightly soiled - but unmarked and tidy inside. One or two signs of tape repair, but carefully done. Overall a good and rare item. [30] uncoloured pages. 175 x 135 mm (7 x 5¼ inches).

. Première édition rare. Non datée, mais vers 1858. Livre souple illustré en couleurs, dont la reliure a été habilement restaurée. La page de titre est ornée d'une vignette et chaque lettre de l'alphabet est accompagnée d'une page décrivant son métier ou sa profession dans une rime simple. De jolies gravures sur bois correspondent à chaque profession. Par exemple : D comme drapier, Q comme carrier, U comme tapissier. Le frontispice à l'intérieur de la couverture souple est signé Dalziel dans la planche ; les autres gravures sur bois semblent également avoir été réalisées par les frères Dalziel, mais ne sont pas signées. La quatrième de couverture comporte une publicité pour d'autres livres de la série Aunt Mavor's Little Library. Les couvertures ont pris un coup de vieux et sont légèrement salies, mais l'intérieur est intact et bien rangé. Un ou deux signes de réparation avec du ruban adhésif, mais réalisée avec soin. Dans l'ensemble, il s'agit d'un ouvrage rare et de bonne qualité. [30] pages non colorées. 175 x 135 mm

Book ID: 3954
Category: Children's, Illustrated
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