Atlas van LXIII platen behoorende bij de handleiding tot de kennis der Burgerlijke en Militaire Bouwkunst. Bouwkundige Leercursus, ten gebruike der Koninklijke Mlitaire Akademie. 3de herziene druk.
Breda: Broese & Comp, 1863. Hardback marbled boards with buckram spine. [2] + 13 text pp. 63 double page lithographed plates - with more than 852 illustrations by Franciscus Josephus Ensinck (1806 - 1883). This is the plate volume only, showing military and civil architecture. Library stamp of Koninklijk Instituut Van Ingenieurs (KIVI) to title page, and location label to spine. Overall in very good condition. Heavy book. Small folio: 390 x 270 mm (15¼ x10¾ inches).
Book ID: 3848
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