- Category = Manuscript
A French Pressed Flower Collection
Book ID: 4559More details Price: £175.00
A manuscript letter warning of desertion from Napoleonic ships
Book ID: 4682More details Price: £250.00
A sketchbook containing original pencil, ink and charcoal sketches
Book ID: 3289More details Price: £200.00
Atlas Géographique - Dressé sous la Direction du Conseil Royal de l'Instruction publique. Pour l'usage des Colléges.
1ère partie Géographiqe ancienne.
Book ID: 4054More details Price: £250.00
Autograph Letter Signed by The Duke of Wellington regarding his hearing problem.
London: 1837. Addressed to an unidentified recipient, this signed letter concerns the appointment of an officer with hearing loss, which the Duke relates to his own experience of deafness. Like many exposed to the sound of artillery fire, the Duke of Wellington suffered from noise-related hearing loss. Subsequently he underwent a botched treatment which resulted in permanent deafness in one ear. This ALS is dated London, 16 April 1837. This was the year that Queen Victoria ascended the throne, and was written when the Duke was in his late 60s. Expected fold marks. Whole written in brown ink. 2pp. with integral blank leaf. 185 x 118 mm (7¼ by 4¾ inches)
Book ID: 3589More details Price: £500.00 -
Candidatus rhetoricae seu Aphthonii Progymnasmata in meliorem formam redacta usumque redacta.
Antverpiae: Iuxta Exemplar Lugdūnī editum, 1668. Scarce early Antwerp edition. Full vellum binding. Lack final leaf / leaves. No listing in WORLDCAT or elsewhere, so uncertain how many pages are missing. Boards are rubbed and worn. Contents tight, a few page corners folded in. Manuscript notes to inside and back in Latin - dated 1698. Latin text throughout. Overall good. 398 pages present. 155 x 85 mm (6 x 3¼ inches).
Book ID: 3698More details Price: £120.00 -
Das Waldlied
Ein Gedicht in 11 Versionen mit 6 Scherenschnitten für kleine und große Kinder.
Meiner lieben Mutti am Osterfest 1982Book ID: 4341More details Price: £48.00 -
Essais Poétiques d'un Vieillard
Book ID: 4452More details Price: £125.00
French Album of Monograms and Coats of Arms
Book ID: 4594More details Price: £580.00
Gemaehlde [Gemälde] des Polygnotos in der Lesche zu Delphi.
Nach der Beschreibung des Pausanias gezeichnet von F. u. I. Riepenhausen
Book ID: 3480More details Price: £280.00
Information connected with the Norfolk Family Settlement at the 31st May 1839
Book ID: 2052More details Price: £360.00
La Grande Ombre.
Book ID: 3300More details Price: £250.00
Lincoln Cathedral, nine plates from
Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches, plus manuscript (in Dutch)
1838. First edition. Pages 1 - 24 on Lincoln (from Volume II of Architectural and Picturesque Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches) with coloured frontis plus nine b/w plates depicting Lincoln Cathedral from the same, bound together with 58 pages of handwritten Dutch manuscript about the cathedral. With red leather spine, and gilt titles to same. Marbled brown boards. Blue endpapers. Plates have the original protective tissue. Spine has some wear but is good, scuffing / rubbing to boards. 270 x 190 mm (10¾ x 7½ inches).
Book ID: 2289More details Price: £75.00 -
Manuale Casua Conscientiae - a Manuscript in Latin describing the Roman Catholic Ritual of Mass and The Sacraments.
Book ID: 2260More details Price: £200.00
Milton Abbey Dorsetshire - Architectural Report and photographs.
Book ID: 3090More details Price: £80.00
Mr. Punch's Travels in Foreign Lands
Book ID: 2110More details Price: £480.00
Naval Brigade clearing streets of Alexandria with the Gatling
Book ID: 4130More details Price: £200.00
Original sketch book of this renowned portraitist with four colour original portraits
Book ID: 4384More details Price: £1,350.00
'Perspective'. Portfolio de manuscrits architecturaux français.
Book ID: 3298More details Price: £300.00
Petit Livre Heures
Book ID: 4409More details Price: £1,750.00